[Tutorial] Linux / MacOS client editing

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[Tutorial] Linux / MacOS client editing

Postby kmarad » Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:50 am


No bullshit here, we are between linuxians, so let's get started :

First you'll need a few packages :
- git to clone the repository with the client source code.
- ant to build the project

On Fedora / CentOS / Redhat, the command would be :
Code: Select all
sudo dnf install -y git ant

On Debian / Ubuntu and stuff you should probably just replace "dnf" by "apt-get".

And on MacOS, you should probably remove your shitty OS ! ¦]
No, really, use https://brew.sh/ and the command should be :
Code: Select all
brew install git ant
- what kind of OS doesn't come with its own package manager though ? honestly.

Now everyone, simply clone hafen repository and enter the folder :
Code: Select all
git clone -v git://sh.seatribe.se/hafen-client

Code: Select all
cd hafen-client

From now, to build, just run
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in that same folder.

And then to run the built jar :
Code: Select all
java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar build/hafen.jar -U https://game.havenandhearth.com/hres/ game.havenandhearth.com

You'd probably like to make a .sh file with that command :
Code: Select all
ant && java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar build/hafen.jar -U https://game.havenandhearth.com/hres/ game.havenandhearth.com

So then after each modification you can just run :
Code: Select all
bash run.sh

Now let's try :

Edit : src/haven/LoginScreen.java
About line 64, you have :
Code: Select all
add(new Label("User name", textf), Coord.z);

Replace by :
Code: Select all
add(new Label("Hacker name", textf), Coord.z);

Save, compile using ant in your terminal, run again, and you should get this :


That's it, have fun breaking hafen.
Posts: 132
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:46 pm

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