Getting Started with Custom Clients

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Getting Started with Custom Clients

Postby InvaderDoom » Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:37 pm

Hey guys, I've been finding myself getting more and more interested in Java lately, and I wanted to mess around trying to do a custom client for myself to learn, experiment, and try to see if I could get an actual custom client to load.

But my question is, where do you start with H&H? There's tons of information about Java, but where do you actually begin with the source code? Do I download Java SDK? Just basically anything to start learning and experimenting would help.

Honestly, all I'm looking for is where exactly to start, then maybe some links to information and I can take everything from there.

Thanks guys!
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Re: Getting Started with Custom Clients

Postby shubla » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:34 pm

Don't in earth start with HnH client.
You just don't start with something as complicated as game client.
Especially if it's coded by loftar. You will get bad influence if you try to learn java by HnH's source code. No offense
To learn java there's plenty of resources on internet. I've heard that this is brilliant tool to search for them.
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Re: Getting Started with Custom Clients

Postby sMartins » Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:41 pm

shubla wrote:Especially if it's coded by loftar.

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Re: Getting Started with Custom Clients

Postby InvaderDoom » Sun Sep 25, 2016 10:22 pm

Ok so let me shed a little light here. I don't have an interest in becoming fluent in Java and making games, I have an interest in learning what I can to play with a client for my own personal interest and learning with Haven. Nothing more, no other games.

Everyone learns differently, and strangely enough I'm the black sheep when it comes to learning. I would rather start with something difficult, and piece all the information together and reverse engineer and play trial and error with code to see what it does.

When I began with Blender, I quit super early on because I couldn't figure out how to get a cube to do what I wanted. I came back to it later, found the most complicated thing I felt comfortable with, and made it. Since then I've made plenty of 3D Models that I've implemented into Ark: Survival Evolved as Mods. Same thing with UE4, most people can't figure it out. I start with the hardest thing and work down. Adobe After Effects? Couldn't seem to make a simple intro for YouTube. Found some information and tutorials for a super intricate, flying planet design and made that, and worked down from there. I learn differently, and if I didn't think I could do it, I wouldn't be asking.

All I'm simply asking for, is which platform to start with. I'll do the research and figure things out from there. I've seen tutorials for not using JDK, Tutorials with it, and I've seen tutorials using Notepad. All I need is the first step, and I'll figure the rest out, research and do what I want. That's all. If you're only going to say things like "don't start there" & "you can't do it if you've never done X before" then don't bother commenting, because people have been telling me that constantly, and I've proven them wrong time and time again through the above listed examples. Comments like that are senseless.

Edit: And I don't plan on releasing it to the public as the next big thing. I merely want to do it for the fun and experience.
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Re: Getting Started with Custom Clients

Postby APXEOLOG » Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:02 am

1. Download and install JDK 8
2. Download and install any IDE (i prefer IntelliJ IDEA)
3. Get source code ( Use git, or just download archive from the site
4. Create project and compile client

For the IntelliJ IDEA:
4.1. Import project into the IDE (for IntelliJ just Import Project -> Select Folder -> Create project from existing source)
4.2. Set SDK (File -> Project Settings -> SDKs -> Add new and select jdk1.8 folder - usually C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8_xxx)
4.3. Find the build.xml in the Project Explorer, right click on it and select "Add as Ant build file"
4.3. Using the ant window (View -> Tools -> Ant Build) run "jars" target, this will start the client build process, and will create build folder with all required files inside

5. Go to the build folder and run client via "java -jar hafen.jar -U"

Now you can build a play with your client, and you can start to modify it. I will not cover modification part because i'm not in the right mood to write papers about client architecture
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Re: Getting Started with Custom Clients

Postby Glorthan » Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:19 am

What apx said but tbh, I would start with an existing client, not the default. It's missing so much stuff that literally every other client has, and you can see how they improved bits of the client through the push history.
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Re: Getting Started with Custom Clients

Postby APXEOLOG » Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:37 am

Glorthan wrote:What apx said but tbh, I would start with an existing client, not the default. It's missing so much stuff that literally every other client has, and you can see how they improved bits of the client through the push history.

Only if he want just add few changes. If he want to add smth big he should understand how the client works, and in this case he don't want additional hacks and crutches from custom clients
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