Inventory-based speed

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby LadyV » Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:30 pm

I'm sorry but no. Your plan does not take into account weight, personal speed, encumbrance of items carried... and quite simply adding those is an awful lot of work I think would be better suited on other things. You can never compare people who may be sprinters, or marathons runners. Let alone the greatest warrior in Haven may be one that is winded running a a short distance. There are so many factors to consider if you even go down this path because then all it does is open up the floodgates of people saying no its not fair and you should change this and that. Frankly we have to much of that as it is. Haven should be abstract in this regard unless Jorb & Loftar add a full fledged character creation system that takes all such things into consideration. and that would have to include positive and negative traits.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby Denkar » Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:07 am

I don't agree at all with the speed being based on equipment slots, that'd just make people not wear anything and outrun everyone.

HOWEVER, if your speed was reduced the more slots you have filled in your backpack inventory, now that I would like. Perhaps after a certain threshold, so people can carry a bit of water and stuff without being slowed down. A dude carrying a backpack containing 5 buckets brimming with water is obviously going to be heavier and therefore slower than someone carrying a flask of water on his belt. You could perhaps give certain special heavy armour pieces or weapons a movement speed penalty, but making it slot-based I don't think is a good idea at all.

I can already imagine people shouting "we're being followed dude, drop your shit and run!". I think it would be realistic and fun.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby the_portals » Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:01 pm

One issue I could see from this is if walking speed is affected, it would make manual labor even more inconvenient than it already is. For large projects, where you're dragging forests back and forth such as storage houses filled with cabinets, if you were moving at 2 pixels/second, you would never want to build anything.

The better way I could see this being done is where the amount the speed is slowed is exponential with the level of movement, starting past walking. Say running has a base speed of 10, and sprint has a base speed of 20. If a player's carrying all the pieces of a bear in his backpack, his running speed would become let's say 7, but his sprinting speed would become 12, so there's a greater penalty when trying to run at higher speeds while encumbered, but he could still stroll at the same speed as the local crazy naked men.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby Kathdys » Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:45 am

In Dungeons and Dragons, carrying up to 1/3rd your capacity has no consequence, up to 2/3rds reduces your speed by one third, and up to maximum still decreases your speed by only 1/3rd normally, but additionally decreases it by a 1/4 on top of that while running (which means you run at half speed compared to someone with no load, or 3/4ths the speed of one with a medium load.)

Of course, it doesn't have to be that easy to understand when a computer is doing the calculations, but it is a nice system for reducing the amount a player has to worry about trivialities. ...But in D&D it's based on strength and weight, not slots and bags. It's obviously not a good idea for someone to move faster by carrying more just by having bags slung over them every which way.

I'm glad I don't have to worry about this right now. Last time my character had to run for her life, she just had to run down a road to get to a river to log out for a few minutes while standing in the shallows, which makes no sense whatsoever.
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