Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

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Re: Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

Postby Prowny » Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:38 pm

My main concern is that it would have to be separated from any claimed land, otherwise it could be used as a "beach head" of sorts to attack other people's villages. Or like the user above me mentioned, to turn our own villages into safe havens.
Also, what if it was something that required multiple villages to take part in? Say, x lawspeakers donating x authority each to build the thing?
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Re: Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

Postby LadyV » Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:54 am

I have thought of this for a bit and I do not support special areas where skills don't work. I think the solution lies more in new society and government options. Selective permissions, new trade options, even security options.

We cant obviously defend things all the time in a game and there is no mechanic to represent true towns and people beyond actual players. However we can implement security systems that can represent guards and such. Guard dog would be an obvious and easy one. BUt we can go beyond this with say authority drain options.

Say we are a merchant center and we need to protect our stands. We create a guard option under our village options for a certain zone. Maybe it's a constructable idol, banner, or crest. That then deals damage or prevents thieves from doing their work without a person actually being there. And make more powerful the greater the influence of the trade or village idol.

So if your stealth is not up to snuff you get caught and thrown out of the area or maybe even hurt/killed in the attempt. This represents the abstract of people other than just players.

It's not perfect but it counters the out of control options now available.
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Re: Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

Postby mvgulik » Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:50 pm

Prowny wrote:Also, what if it was something that required multiple villages to take part in? Say, x lawspeakers donating x authority each to build the thing?

The multiple village part sounds even better I think.

More brain storming:
- A minimal of 3 villages seems a nice start.
- With a minimal of at least 3 or 4 characters from, or per, village.
- Villages taking part need to be in a given radius. (probably also with a minimum distance between villages)
- Can't be build inside village claim. (at least not for the shared-village Public-Market type)

Although for really big villages, I don't see a problem with them having one to. As long as they can keep up the needed points. (Fixed in center of village.?) ... And ... considering its intended for market activities.
- Public zone can't be build/initiated on top of existing general buildings.
- No general building can be build in a Public zone.
- As such the Market stand would be the only none movable object allowed in a Public zone. (and perhaps other market-zone specific buildings)

- Instead of a forced character exit. The protection a Public zone gives to a character against criminal acts could also slowly diminish (while inside the zone). And at a more rapid rate for those with criminal scents.
- Also, to not make it a complete save haven for stuff. Anyone wondering around the Public zone could slooowly raise his ability to steal from market stands.
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Re: Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

Postby Kaios » Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:06 pm

I'd rather see repercussions over complete prevention. Whether the result of a hasty action is intended to be positive or negative, there should be still be consequences. These consequences need to be enough that it proves an effective deterrent for a blatant murder spree but not so much to the point that it totally inhibits criminal behaviour.

Perhaps the addition of a neutral attribute related to your mental state? Example, all hearthlings could start as relatively calm and peaceful individuals but based on the actions they perform it begins to have an effect on their mental well-being. Punching a hearthling makes you feel a little bad, murdering a few dozen might make you a little crazy.

A positive mental state would give bonuses to stuff maybe? Increased working speed? Food bonuses? And obviously a negative mental state would have adverse effects, dunno what those would be though. Don't mean to hijack the thread with a different idea, just attempting to show a different method of crime "prevention."
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Re: Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

Postby borka » Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:48 pm

Lots of good thoughts here :)

My main intention was mainly to have this places usable for everyone without the troubles of maintaing and securing by having simple automatic game mechanics.

It isn't meant as an extension to villages, villages surrounding and cooperating where just an idea to have a reason for those to be created. They also could be created right away with map generationg too - and people build roads passing them later themselves. They shouldn't be big, just to have a spot for a mansion (Inn) and a bit for dropping boats and crates/chest for trading - without the ability of CA there wouldn't even be a need for barterstands and their owner rights governing. (While the rules about who is running the Inn is another discussable question ;) )

If villages want to have their own marketplaces they should be like they are - vclaim and pclaim with permissions, and the village has it's own responsibility for maintaining and securing still.
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Re: Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

Postby Amanda44 » Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:00 pm

Kaios wrote:I'd rather see repercussions over complete prevention. Whether the result of a hasty action is intended to be positive or negative, there should be still be consequences. These consequences need to be enough that it proves an effective deterrent for a blatant murder spree but not so much to the point that it totally inhibits criminal behaviour.

Perhaps the addition of a neutral attribute related to your mental state? Example, all hearthlings could start as relatively calm and peaceful individuals but based on the actions they perform it begins to have an effect on their mental well-being. Punching a hearthling makes you feel a little bad, murdering a few dozen might make you a little crazy.

A positive mental state would give bonuses to stuff maybe? Increased working speed? Food bonuses? And obviously a negative mental state would have adverse effects, dunno what those would be though. Don't mean to hijack the thread with a different idea, just attempting to show a different method of crime "prevention."

You should post a version of this in the Christmas thread in relation to the walls discussion, I thought about this with maybe giving a use to the happiness bar in the same way as you describe, with good actions resulting in some kind of bonuses and bad actions resulting in some form of hindrance.

Not that I agree at all with the removal of walls as the game stands atm but with more repercussions for criminal behaviour you could then safely add things such as wall scaling or lock-picking.
Koru wrote:
It is like in Lord of the Flies, nobody controlls what is going on in the hearthlands, those weaker and with conscience are just fucked.
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Re: Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

Postby jtpitner » Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:22 pm

Just stop its not happening..... Do it without the special claim bs.....Defend it.... or get over it....
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Re: Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

Postby simimi » Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:57 pm

Well, if positive actions were reward, you'll use alt to do them, and other alts to kill noobs.
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Re: Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

Postby Kaios » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:37 pm

simimi wrote:Well, if positive actions were reward, you'll use alt to do them, and other alts to kill noobs.

I did devise somewhat of way to keep abuse of such a system to a minimal but as far as alts go we can only really rely on Jorb and Loftar to help mitigate that issue. With regards to minimizing the potential abuse of such a system or rather rendering it ineffective goes, I have thought about it a bit. Your mental state could appear similar to the happiness bar, however it starts in the middle which I will deem the "Neutral Zone."

When the bar is in the neutral zone, you have no positive or negative effects in relation to your mental state and at this point the bar could either go up or down due to the actions you perform. Trespass, the bar goes down slightly. Pet a cuddly bunny, the bar goes up slightly. However, once you reach a certain threshold in either direction a timer begins. This timer essentially ticks back down to the neutral zone from either side. The further up or down the bar you go, the longer it takes to return to the neutral zone.

When you pass the threshold on the negative side, you cannot raise it back to the neutral zone through any positive actions. You must merely wait the allotted time it takes for it to tick back up. This amount of time varies based on the severity of the action you perform and how greatly it effects your mental state and can increase the amount of time it takes to return to neutral if you continue to perform negative actions. (Perhaps eventually leading to an all-out psychosis).

Positive side would be much simpler. When you pass the threshold of neutral in to positive, it begins to tick back down to neutral just the same as negative does, however can still be lowered through negative actions as well. Performing positive actions while in the positive zone should give diminishing returns the further up you go. A severely negative action could diminish a positive bar completely depending on what it was and how high up the bar you are. (Meaning lesser negative actions have a larger impact as you go further in to positive).

It isn't meant to be something you build up and gain amazing bonuses for after a long period of time, it's something all players are meant to keep an eye on at all times. Using an alt doesn't really matter for this in my opinion since the effects are never permanent, just a temporary (when I say temporary though, it should last a good long while) hindrance or bonus.

If any of this is confusing I will try to elaborate as best I can.

Amanda44 wrote:You should post a version of this in the Christmas thread in relation to the walls discussion, I thought about this with maybe giving a use to the happiness bar in the same way as you describe, with good actions resulting in some kind of bonuses and bad actions resulting in some form of hindrance.

I was just going to quote my post (and now this one too) in to the thread but I don't know I'd like to get a few opinions on it before I move up to a more noticed section of the forum.
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Re: Public Places with disabled Criminal Acts for hafen

Postby CTheRain » Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:51 pm

You lay down and sleep in your bed. Your character then goes into a dream network of sorts for trading. You can now trade items from your "stockpiles". Buying/Selling items won't automatically transport them. They're delivered by the nimbus. It takes the distance you'd normally walk to trade (their village) and multiplies it by 2. So if it took you 10 hours to reach his village and trade, it'd take the nimbus 20 hours. But without the danger. Not sure on the idea though. Destroy it please.
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