LP, Stats, FEP, etc etc

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

LP, Stats, FEP, etc etc

Postby Scilly_guy » Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:17 pm

Once upon a time we had a world where forests were raised and turned into buckets, boulders were turned into querns, all for the sake of exp. Then came curiosities, and the timers with them to "level the playing field". For the Hearthlings that crossed the atlantic (and passed through some kind of time-warp) they found they could now study things instantly but were limited by their rate of inspiration, and these inspirationals gave them proficiency in different skills, not all skills equally.

I have to say there are things I like about every system, of course that goes to say that there are things I don't like too, but we don't need to go into that. I have had ideas for Hafen going around in my head for a while, the time has come to consider sharing them.

I like the complexity that Jorb and Loftar try to put into their systems, sure it doesn't make their games easy for people to pick up, but thats part of the fun, you have to actually apply yourself to get the hang of it. I'm wondering what is planned for Hafen and if they would consider all the methods for levelling up that are mentioned above:
FEPs would stay the same
Curiosities would still exist for raising one set of skills
Inspirationals would be added and a new bar (concentration) to go with health and stamina, studying these would be instant but would consume concentration, they would raise a different skill set and work... asymmetrically... if thats the right word (like they do in salem).
You would also gain experience from doing things, but not in such a way that bots are the best solution, I may be wrong but what if marksmanship, unarmed and melee all required experience, would that work in the PvP world?

ANyway, just an idea thats kicking around my head, thought I would see what the community had to say.
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Re: LP, Stats, FEP, etc etc

Postby LadyV » Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:50 am

You already learn experience from making things. It just happens the first time you discover things. From there you refine and raise your skills. It becomes your choice what you focus on. I see no need to add any further grind of doing something just to get experience. Experience form combat skills being used in Haven would only serve to unbalance the game even more toward combat and create even more outlandish raider stats.
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Re: LP, Stats, FEP, etc etc

Postby dagrimreefah » Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:46 pm

There's already "experience" (LP) gained from combat in haven; namely studying skulls/making curios from dead shit.
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Re: LP, Stats, FEP, etc etc

Postby Scilly_guy » Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:58 pm

Well I figured it would make it harder to have a character with mega high combat stats as you couldn't just log an alt on, feed them curios, and log off again, you would have to actually take the character hunting to build up their melee. It would be a hell of a lot of punching rabbits and chickens for a bot, but the more challenging animals would give you much more combat exp.

Discovery LP is a TINY proportion of overall LP, so much so I didn't even bother mentioning it. Sure its nice for a brand new character, essential even, but after that it only serves as a mechanic to give exploring the game more meaning.

As far as refining and raising your skills I was suggesting splitting the skills into two distinct sets, one group that is raised by LP like Haven is at the minute, and another group that is raised like in Salem.

Curios to raise:

Inspirationals to raise:

Experience to raise:
Unarmed Combat

I've split the skills into production, crafting/refining and combat, each with their own way of raising them. The additional grind for the combat group would make it harder to mass produce combat alts. It would become a case of the strong get stronger, but I don't see how that is any different from now. I don't see how you think it would mean higher combat stats, if anything I was aiming to lower them but with the same potential for someone to push them. Perhaps the combat change would be a step too far...

dagrimreefah wrote:This is how it currently works

Yes, but those curios can be used to feed alts and raise stats unrelated to combat. I am suggesting you can only raise your combat stats by using that character for combat.
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