Inventory-based speed

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Inventory-based speed

Postby venatorvenator » Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:35 pm

Jorbtar, would it be feasible to implement inventory-based speed to characters? I mean something simple, like this: the more equipment slots one has free, the faster one runs.

One reason I believe that would be neat is realism: someone carrying a b12, four water buckets, and a full armor clearly walks slower than someone with only pants and a shirt. But that would make combat strategies interesting as well, and I think it would minimize a few issues people have been complaining about.

For example, when aggroed, people would have to decide whether they drop all their gear for the attacker (so that they run faster than him) or if they will fight back. This would be good for raiders, who would get free stuff much easier, and it would probably make chases much shorter as well. The attacker could also decide to drop some of his gear to run faster than the target, thus leaving himself more vulnerable. Maybe that could lead to bands of naked people fighting each other so that they have the best speed possible, but that would leave them weaker against a fully armored third-party. I think it's an interesting thing to consider.

Another important consequence is that noobs, who can't fight, would have better chances of running away, so fights would happen more often between people who want to fight. More loot, quicker combat, less noob deaths - in my opinion that would be good for everyone.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby jumping1 » Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:37 pm

Seems good.
People would rage because they can't run as fast with their botted quality gear.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby venatorvenator » Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:20 pm

People rage for everything. The question is what makes the game funnier for the majority and how the system can accommodate different playstyles without giving preference to any in particular.
I have no idea how that would work programming-wise, but the concept is simple.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby loftar » Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:32 pm

venatorvenator wrote:Maybe that could lead to bands of naked people fighting each other so that they have the best speed possible, but that would leave them weaker against a fully armored third-party.

What's boring about this, right here, is that a naked person would never ever have to fight a fully armoured opponent since he could always, tautologically, outrun him. I believe that purely character-based speed determination is fairly retarded in this way, without other more contextual speed mechanics.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby DDDsDD999 » Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:00 pm

As much as I fantasize about doing battle with multiple nude men while myself is nude, I would say I don't really like the idea.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby Jesus_Smith_Nandez » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:50 pm

But the thing is maybe naked alts would run out of stamina faster because they have no water

Maybe making the system purely based off of inventory space rather than gear would be a good idea: it would make it a tactical choice to drop a bucket to run faster or keep it to run farther.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby venatorvenator » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:58 pm

loftar wrote:
venatorvenator wrote:Maybe that could lead to bands of naked people fighting each other so that they have the best speed possible, but that would leave them weaker against a fully armored third-party.

What's boring about this, right here, is that a naked person would never ever have to fight a fully armoured opponent since he could always, tautologically, outrun him. I believe that purely character-based speed determination is fairly retarded in this way, without other more contextual speed mechanics.

Is it boring? The naked char would have dropped all his gear in order to be left alive, to the profit of the attacker. Besides, dedicated marksmen would likely be able to kill the target since he wouldn't be wearing any armor. We would actually have a reason to use bows, without even changing the archery system. And, of course, carrying arrows and a bow wouldn't leave much space for water and melee gear, so the attacking party would be forced to have different roles (which is pretty interesting - a party seriously bent on killing could have an archer, a lightly armed guy for the speed chase, and a heavy one for the actual fight). Meh, one can dream.

Being naked doesn't even guarantee one would escape, it just gives the player a much better chance of doing so than the one we have right now. People still die to boars, for example, even being able to run faster than them.

Jesus_Smith_Nandez wrote:Maybe making the system purely based off of inventory space rather than gear would be a good idea

I figured that would be complicated because people have different inventory spaces based on what gear they are wearing. We are all equal on equipment slots though.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby FatFruit » Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:55 pm

I really like the idea :D

so nabs dont die to stupid(yes stupid)b12 pll with buckets and stuff.

Edit:although how about no shoes or boots makes you run slower in the forest?because the forest is full of sticks and stuff that would hurt your feet.
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby Jesus_Smith_Nandez » Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:04 am

I was thinking percentage of inventory free, so size would not matter (lel)
After this, more items could be added to add to inventory space but sacrifice AC, and a replacement for things like merc robes that would add AC instead of inventory. These times would indirectly make you faster or allow you to hold more water at the cost of AC, making people will more AC slower and with less stamina, and players with all inventory build will run faster/have more stamina, and you could then mix and match as you see fit.

This is just a brainstorm and I realize it's flawed
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Re: Inventory-based speed

Postby Ninijutsu » Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:14 am

Implementing your idea as posted might not be a great idea, but god dammit you're onto something for sure.
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