Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

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Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

Postby Woot » Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:37 am

I've said it many times, and now I'd like to post it officially.
I think combat stats, UA and melee should be capped at 1000, Or some other end goal that is suitably high for the new haven, A point where you are the best you can be, excluding attributes and equipment.
The system as it is, Combat is a test of endurance, from the start of the world to the moment combat officially starts, and it makes it damn near impossible for latecomers, or people who have been killed to ever catch up. which leads to people burning out, and rage quitting. Putting in place an end goal might also alleviate the great disparity between your villages and their resources.

It would make combat alting more common, but in faction fights, there would still be the limit of asses in seats ready to play those alts.
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Re: Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

Postby Woot » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:01 am

Woot wrote:
Re: Combat Caps

Postby Woot » Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:30 pm
I've devoted all ALL my time last world to combat, and I'm on the path to doing it for another world
And I was doing pretty well, I had enough to deal with the common thug, But I always found it extremely disheartening that the only thing I could do to catch up was keep at it for a long long long time, so the gap between my UA and the UA of some of W4s more insane fighters, was less significant , and that could only be attained if I kept an equal pace with them, I'd be very happy if a cap were implemented so UA was not open ended. Though equipment caps, in my opinion, will lead to a 'the rich get richer' scenario for the same reasons already stated, So, I would like to suggest a NUMBER cap, perhaps 500? (i'm sure that number will be contested, it is just a starting point) and at 500 UA, you are the result of the unholy union between chuck norris, batman, and bruce lee.

A few minor suggestions as well

-Perhaps the the chief could reach 550 UA and a hirdsmen could reach 525?
-Perhaps the armor/weapons could provide a very very minor increase to this cap, as well as the martial personal belief
though the increase to the cap should not be determined by quality, q10 steelplate gives 5 on the UA cap, q90 also gives 5
-Perhaps a trinket of some sort that will activate from time to time to grant a 10% weight increase to attacks, or to your defense weight in response to an enemies attack, again this should not be based on quality, just blind luck, and the increase should be pretty low maybe 3%? I really can't say, it would have to be tested, and again it should rarely activate
-bronze shield/steel shield these should have a bit of extra defense/deflection though, oftentimes you might prefer to use a wooden one for the same reason that early on bunny slippers are prefered to clogs, even though clogs give minor defense

I dunno if my 500 suggestion should be higher or lower, the merits of lower would be interesting times as no ONE man could kill a troll without insane luck, and the benefit of higher, would be the difficulty to attain this goal

but either way I +1 the idea to make a cap, whether my idea is taken or not, I'd like number values, to take a back seat to the ability to keep a cool head in combat, the numbers of allies you have, and the strategy you employ, and of course, the luck you have!

Oh and of course for the "beat the game" school of though, where there is no point in increasing anything anymore...
I almost cringe to say it.... there would still be the stealth race.... and of course ranging to beat that, scary.

Waaaaay back in 2011 I said pretty much the same thing, in someone elses cap combat thread, I even used similar lingo as I do now.
From: NaoWhut
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Re: Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

Postby loftar » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:09 am

Woot wrote:Waaaaay back in 2011 I said pretty much the same thing, in someone elses cap combat thread, I even used similar lingo as I do now.

Indeed, and it was just as bad an idea back then. I'm not saying balance shouldn't be adjusted in various ways, but caps is not one of them.
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Re: Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

Postby overtyped » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:10 am

Woot wrote:I've said it many times, and now I'd like to post it officially.
I think combat stats, UA and melee should be capped at 1000, Or some other end goal that is suitably high for the new haven, A point where you are the best you can be, excluding attributes and equipment.
The system as it is, Combat is a test of endurance, from the start of the world to the moment combat officially starts, and it makes it damn near impossible for latecomers, or people who have been killed to ever catch up. which leads to people burning out, and rage quitting. Putting in place an end goal might also alleviate the great disparity between your villages and their resources.

It would make combat alting more common, but in faction fights, there would still be the limit of asses in seats ready to play those alts.

It would need a level cap if the world was neverending, games like world of warcraft come to mind, but I don't think haven will be following that path. If the world resets every so often, then it's fine as it is. I know of course that late joiners will be fucked, but that's how it is :(. The world isn't fair, that is the essence of permadeath though isn't it?
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Re: Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

Postby Woot » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:17 am

I honestly can't think of another Good way to resolve the issues wherein it's nearly impossible to catch up with the hardasses in the game unless you've been competing since day one and haven't died.

Or at least a method that wouldn't be employed to much greater affect by the hardasses mentioned previously.
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Re: Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

Postby overtyped » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:22 am

Woot wrote:I honestly can't think of another Good way to resolve the issues wherein it's nearly impossible to catch up with the hardasses in the game unless you've been competing since day one and haven't died.

There is a way. You would make lp gain based off the average of all players.
So like lets say the world is a year old and the average lp is 100 million. New people would gain lp at like 5x and then 4x 3x 2x, until you are on par with the average, then it slowing down as you start catching up, then when you reach the average you will be at 1x LP. This way new people joining could catch up with everyone else, the few elite with ultra high lp would be at a advantage of course, but they'll never go out of reach.

This would work easy and would be true "equalization" like you've always wanted.
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Re: Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

Postby Woot » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:30 am

That would require far far to much adjusting, and it seems cheap and silly by the end of it.
People who work hard to be good should receive a mechanical benefit for it.

I'm just saying that it seems silly and sad when one man can burn out an entire village.
Even one that's moderately prepared.

And there is just no way to catch up or do any significant damage to them whatsoever because the power gap is huge.
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Re: Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

Postby overtyped » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:33 am

Woot wrote:That would require far far to much adjusting, and it seems cheap and silly by the end of it.
People who work hard to be good should receive a mechanical benefit for it.

I'm just saying that it seems silly and sad when one man can burn out an entire village.
Even one that's moderately prepared.

And there is just no way to catch up or do any significant damage to them whatsoever because the power gap is huge.

Let's say it can be adjusted easily. I just gave a system to fix the power gap. The people that work hard would still be higher than everyone else, but not out of reach. Do you dismiss it because it's Bob Doles idea?
People who work hard to be good should receive a mechanical benefit for it.

You just said you wanted a skill cap, that is the exact opposite of what you are saying now.
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Re: Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

Postby Woot » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:40 am

It's bad because it's bad, not because it's not my idea, The people who played since the beginning making that average higher would be laying the tracks for the next generation, and there is some merit to that, but by the end of it, the elites would go on purging slaughtering death raids to lower the average after they achieved greatness ensuring no one could rise to meet them.

Everything you suggest widens these gaps, and does nothing to challenge the fact that while the best, should be the best, there is no sense in having world killers playing this game alongside your average villages, when they can retaliate in no way, even grouping up doesn't present a challenge, just feuls the delta and allows them to kill even faster with maneuvers.

But that's this system, perhaps even moderate warriors when grouped together can take down a titan next world and my whining for a cap is as worthless as your ideas.
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Re: Cap Combat skill for the new haven!

Postby overtyped » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:45 am

It's bad because it's bad, not because it's not my idea, The people who played since the beginning making that average higher would be laying the tracks for the next generation, and there is some merit to that, but by the end of it, the elites would go on purging slaughtering death raids to lower the average after they achieved greatness ensuring no one could rise to meet them.

I was just about to agree with that until I had a thought. Your refutation is that they will go on death raids to lower the average, meaning they would have to kill medium/high level players, and that isn't an easy task. I think the raiders would kill everyone equally, even the noobs, which doesn't bring down the average. What they could do however is make an ultra army of alts to tank the average, but with someone overseeing this, they could adjust that.

Everything you suggest widens these gaps, and does nothing to challenge the fact that while the best, should be the best, there is no sense in having world killers playing this game alongside your average villages, when they can retaliate in no way, even grouping up doesn't present a challenge, just feuls the delta and allows them to kill even faster with maneuvers.

But that's this system, perhaps even moderate warriors when grouped together can take down a titan next world and my whining for a cap is as worthless as your ideas.

I don't think it is as worthless as yours. I wish jorbtar would honor me with his refutation though.

Edit: I had another thought on my last point. The average of all players could start after a certain amount of lp, and nobody will know what that number is, making people that join the game for a week and leave, and alt spamming to lower the average pointless.
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