Make me mod: NOW

The Place Where Bad Threads Go To Die.

Make me mod: NOW

Postby Harunobu » Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:43 am

This place needs to be cleaned up. HARD.

The old mods were completely absent. The new mods are asleep at the wheel. We need to clean house. I am literally the only person that can do this. Give me mod powers for 2 weeks and I will purge this place.
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Re: Make me mod: NOW

Postby The_Lich_King » Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:02 am

This guy wants mod because he is an actual manchild who cannot handle controversy or argument and wants to banhammer anyone who disagrees.

actual child.
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Re: Make me mod: NOW

Postby Harunobu » Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:09 am

You, the king of trolls, will be the very first to be purged. I promise you now. Literal all your last 10 posts are 5 word-shitposts.
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Re: Make me mod: NOW

Postby NecklessVirgin » Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:18 am

I must be completely and totally honest in passing my jurisdiction regarding this thread.

You see, in my day I have moderated many an internet community, “I.R.C.”, forum, discord, skype, twitch stream….you name it!
And in that time I’ve seen many a passionate moderator burn out because the nasty bullies and trolls that rank themselves among the plebeians (but, are actually more like untermenschen) can’t help but ruin the board, the topics, and joy as a concept.

However this user “Harunobu” has given this forum his unbridled passion in a way that inspires me…..that inspires all posters to be sincere and impressive in their posting.

Administrators of the Board, please grant this user’s Plea to restore peace and objectivity to discussions here. This thread gets my nobly humble, “plus one” for support.

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Re: Make me mod: NOW

Postby DonVelD » Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:54 am

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Re: Make me mod: NOW

Postby vatas » Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:01 am

The most actively maintained Haven and Hearth Wiki (Not guaranteed to be up-to-date with all w14 changes.)

Basic Claim Safety (And what you’re doing wrong) (I recommend you read it in it's entirety, but TL:;DR: Build a Palisade.)

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Re: Make me mod: NOW

Postby DonVelD » Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:24 pm

vatas wrote:

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Re: Make me mod: NOW

Postby Dawidio123 » Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:40 pm

Okay, so are we thinking this guy is actually this much of a manchild or do we agree that it's someone alt and he's just trolling because at this point I'm really unsure about it.
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Re: Make me mod: NOW

Postby jorb » Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:26 pm

Not at this time!

Thank you for your interest!
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