A Plea for Moderation

The Place Where Bad Threads Go To Die.

Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby DatSheep » Tue Nov 30, 2021 4:52 pm

For my next trick: kaios is typing out "sorry bud, that's not how this forum works"
Something died in my basement and gave me rubella
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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby MagicManICT » Tue Nov 30, 2021 5:55 pm

Just a reminder that this thread is a place for discussion of moderation decisions. Since you all can't seem to grasp that some things just don't belong on the public forum, such as personal attacks, I'm not sure what else to do but start banning people. I guess all I have to say is, "request granted."
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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby strpk0 » Tue Nov 30, 2021 6:58 pm

ok pedophile

And on topic, imagine permanently banning legitimate and contributing users but keeping a known and proven child predator around, simply because they post fancy words to mask their behaviour, and project onto others their mental issues, truly shows the depths these forums have sunk to.

I wish the devs would consider deleting the forums if they're not willing to put people in charge that actually care about the game or the community. Atleast the community could then come in and compete with a proper forum.

All that goes on these days is shubla shitposting with impunity, spamming legitimate feedback threads with his blatantly and intentionally terrible and malicious opinions, and known pedophiles posting freely while everyone that legitimately cares about this game gets banned, and any sort of fun or productive threads gets hel'd or deleted.

All you have to do to get by in these forums is appeal to the moderator's fancy word tastes, after that you're free to diddle children, post homophobic and racist content, and overall drag down the community to your heart's content.
Granger wrote:Fuck off, please go grow yourself some decency.

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