Game Development: Iced Bait

The Place Where Bad Threads Go To Die.

Game Development: Iced Bait

Postby tegoplplpl » Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:23 am

strpk0 wrote:When the thread starts filling up with people that don't play the game yet somehow magically have "very informed" opinions on it, you know its time to leave. These types of "very informed" discussions are what killed w10-style trading/community engagement, and also resulted in detrimental systems like redhand coming into the game.

As already explained by many, redhand doesn't achieve anything. It doesn't introduce any danger or risk of a pvp encounter, all it does is slightly inconvenience the few people that have the audacity to try to do something fun in the game for once. There are, and will always be, a myriad of options for people to commit crimes and get away with them. Off the top of my head:

  • Get into a snekkja/knarr and shift click in a direction for an hour.
  • Alternatively, do the same except using a horse.
  • Run into a nearby safe palisade and wait out the hour.
  • Knock yourself out and log into one of your other 10 characters to continue playing the game while that character heals. And no, don't tell me you can find a solution for this one, but feel free to waste everyone's time trying.

I don't get this weird angle of "think of the poor sprucecaps, you're ruining their gameplay :(". This is haven, and while I agree that stomping people out of the game before they have the chance to enjoy it would obviously feel unfair to them, I also feel like a lot of the people who get attacked/griefed/etc are either being mislead by the game into a gameplay loop that will never result in them making progress and gaining more knowledge, or are willingly choosing to play in a such a way that they will always remain a victim in, yes, an open world PvP "perma death" game.

Lets make this example using another game, should Rust implement a 1 hour timer where, whenever you kill someone/raid their base, you have to keep playing to accommodate people who somehow decide what they want to do with the game is farm crops and larp? No? Then why should this be a thing in haven?

I think the game would benefit heavily from explaining to the players the type of experience they're partaking in, maybe even teach them how to deal with PvP encounters so they don't just sit there and die the second someone that knows how to hold the quick barrage key down shows up on their screen. If people want to larp and make themselves vulnerable, why can't they also learn how to defend themselves or run away incase they need to? There's a LOT of roleplaying in games like DayZ that are entirely PvP focused, and yet people over time learn how to have their fun and still be able to defend themselves.

And while I think stats are far less important than many believe (without knowledge of what to do you could have a character with 20k stats and still die just as easily in a potential PvP encounter), there's also a LOT of things in this game that make the stat competition heavily impossible for a casual player, again, off the top of my head:

  • Why is salt a thing, dear lord why?
  • Why are the FEP/food systems geared in a way such that in order to not screw your character development you literally have to play on alts to do anything energy intensive? WHY is energy still a thing?
  • Whales, orcas, and now pelicans (woo!), why are they still a thing? Can you say with a straight face that these aren't just 100% overpowered bot-only content?
  • Same goes with pepper and truffles, even though pepper was somewhat tweaked recently, these two still remain heavily bot-only activities that give a GIANT benefit to the few autists that use the mechanics. And no, bum burn doesn't make pepper any less bad, you can still use pepper as an ingredient in certain foods and it happens to make some of the best foods out there, while also not giving you a bum burn wound.
  • Why is travel weariness such a handicap for anyone that isn't botting truffles/another source of WIL food? Hey, why is travel weariness even a thing? Remember the economy in legacy based around players teleporting alts to eachother's village idols to trade? Remember how many trade threads there were where newer players could easily gain access to endgame equipment/tools/crops/etc? What happened to that? Oh right, this was the result of a lot of "smart" people jerking themselves off to the idea of "fast travel bad" and making "very informed" posts about it on the forums.

I think if any time should be spent towards these issues it should be spent on making the game more accessible to everyone, helping the game teach people how to be an actual non-0-threat to others who might want to attack them, and also trimming out all of these botfest mechanics that nobody wants to participate in. Not coming up with these stupid redhand mechanics that only make the few players that still want to make drama/pvp/fun happen in a PvP game hate themselves and wish they picked another thing to play instead.

I think the game is overall in a much healthier state when before I attack someone I have to think, wait, is this person about to kick my ass? Instead of, wait, am I about to get put into the timeout corner for one hour? You might argue both of these solutions achieve the same goal, and you'd be wrong in thinking so. Also, as a developer, ask yourself if the solution to people running around slaughtering everyone in sight should literally be "tedium", when instead it could be actual fun and engaging gameplay.

And to those that are making it about "snugglesnail just wants the game to be ez so he can grief people xdd", y'all are cringe and never fail to make it painfully obvious that you simply got griefed and are looking to achieve something very similar to that previous statement.

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