The city of Beacon has fallen

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The city of Beacon has fallen

Postby LadyGoo » Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:53 am

Dear friends, I would like to share this story of the fall of the most beautiful village and the noob-caring realm called Beacon.
Dis had no interest in north-east since the beginning of the world. The only time we have travelled to the NE regions was during the early days of world 8, when we went hunting for Wizards (Odittown/megamates) and AD. fterwards we've visited it to fulfill our mercenary duty and destroy the palisade pocket built next to the village called "From Russian with Love". Although we have not been paid for this, we went to hunt some perpetrators from the Polish village called Aramore. Alas, we had no luck and have never returned for the consequent months.

After the map expansion, some tensions arisen in the north-eastern part of the world: our friend and market supporter Elena Shahova has complained to us about an uneasy situation she is facing. After the map expansion, she has decided to make an idol in the brand new northern mountains, so she could teleport there. Meanwhile, the area has already been under the process of being claimed by the rulers of Beacon. Consequently, Sveta (Beacon's queen) has asked AD warrior Sacraer to destroy what was built by Elena. It was quite a shock for Elena, since she always thought that they're on good terms with Sveta. They have had an arguement in the russian helpdesk chat, which has lead to AD swarming our friend's place and attempting to lure her and her husband out. It has created a great distress for her, which made me annoyed greatly. Moreover, Sveta, a good friend of our ally, was claiming that she was peaceful and neutral to everyone. So much for neutrality when you ask some other faction to act as your armed force.

Stage 1. After the events of Aramore's fall, we have started establishing our presence in the north-eastern region and were able to settle a siege camp near Beacon. Lolo, the lawspeaker of the Charming Town and our dear friend, has lead the siege camp design and construction. We have worked on the camp with the collaboration of Hilla (mother of Lolo). With some luck and a right choice of location for the camp, we have been able to progress to the next stage of the siege.

Location of the village:

Stage 2. At 2 am of GMT0 we have started extending our siege camp walls towards Beacon. Once the second section of the siege pocket was done, we have built the catapults, a house on the beacon's territory in order to lower their shield without the need to move our siege engines closer to the walls and exposing them. The time was not chosen in purpose, we were basically processing to the next stage as soon as possible: pclaim, palisade, idol, drying of the palisade, extension. However, it has allowed us to remain unnoticed until 10 am GMT0. By this time the shield was lowered considerably (28666/60000). Sveta's old allies AD have shown up almost immediately and told to build her some counter rams, while they were preparing to go outside of her walls and break our fresh palisade with catapults. We have prepared for such scenario and been mobile enough to bring our allies from Polska Crev (Ozzy, Zeler, Berthedin) and Dis fighters just in time: Beacon's villagers destroyed their overextending banners, so their village claim would cover their walls only. Therefore, we had to build another set of catapults and move ours to the front + build the third section of the siege pocket. During the construction AD have attempted to attack us, but were unable to breach through and stop the siege.

The same fighting scenario repeated over and over over the course of 8 hours: AD would show up from the west gates of Beacon, run towards our pocket, retreat once we'd start running towards them. Two of our archers, Puri (Siberia) and Lolo (Charming Town) were able to keep the enemy away from the siege engines, while I was tending to the machines on a special alt. We have also tried to send the nidbanes to them and prepared materials enough for 25+ fetters. The idea was to agro the nidbanes on them and have an additional spectre fighter assisting us. AD have tried this too. Tactics like that interrupt the members of the rival groups greatly. But both sides did not have any casualties due to precautions taken (making sure to stay away and pull bak to safety if a nidbane is approaching).
AD were not able to fight us in the beginning, since they have been outnumbered. However, they were able to get more people (we have counted 7 according to memorizes) and had 1 character memorized as Amish Paradise acting as an archer. He didn't last long though, since he was getting hit by Lolo's arrows and did not show up in the last few encounters.
We were not really sure of AD's intentions or whether they had anything planned through, since their actions consisted of building counter-catapults, going outside and trying to bash our catapult pocket (a couple of times they were quite close due to nidbanes being sent from their side), or running away from our counter-attacks (Polska Crev + Lolo leading the front). Our group established a network of alts that were watching the enemy's movement and block their way back to the city walls. So we would knew instantly when they would show up to destroy the palisade and would pull our forces together to push them back. It has taken a great level of commitment from each participant of the siege camp: we had farmers and Elena Shahova working on the supplements, Fire&Ice on surveillance, fighters had to be basically ready to react at any time since it could take the enemy less than 3 minutes to breach in.

At the end, AD has gave out on defending their friend Sveta and retreated. Kenpachi and Nikita tried to negotiate with her with the terms that would let her to keep both her village and the kingdom untouched: we demanded the control over the local resources nodes she has claimed and promised 50% of everything collected there to be given to her; the top quality seeds she had, pots and the coal. She has agreed to the terms, but has not done anything and after delaying the siege for another hour responded that she disagrees. So we have finished the siege and broke inside of the village, destroyed their village idol and looted what was left inside: Beacon's villagers were basically dumping to the ground some of the items they could not carry away.

Stage 1-2.
Stage 1 pocket has to be completely soacked, so people could afk inside of the place.

Stage 2 pocket-1

Stage 2 pocket-2

Our horses decided to make love instead of war

Puri and Lolo covering the siege and preventing AD to come out from their west gates.

House is being used as a part of the siege paradigm.

Siege-master resting on the throne of Aramore


Nidbanes. They have worked at the end though, we were able to score a kill.



We have had an opportunity to kill and afk member of Beacon by shooting from the catapults. It took us two hits to finish the character. Careful!

Images from the inside
Found a golden egg in their coops!


First tourists arriving to the site:
Last edited by LadyGoo on Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The city of Beacon has fallen

Postby MrPunchers » Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:58 am

Suck me good and hard thru my jorts
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Re: The city of Beacon has fallen

Postby reebz » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:13 am

quick recap of one of the many moments during our win streak.
the car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
and the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
and a dark wind blows
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Re: The city of Beacon has fallen

Postby Jacobian123 » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:17 am

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Re: The city of Beacon has fallen

Postby Adder1234 » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:19 am

I love drama that I'm not involved in
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Re: The city of Beacon has fallen

Postby leanne69 » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:20 am

That was a funny raid. A bit sad AD ran away when we were equal in number, we could have had a decent fight here.
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Re: The city of Beacon has fallen

Postby Jesus_Smith_Nandez » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:32 am

i am a little upset
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Re: The city of Beacon has fallen

Postby jordancoles » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:35 am

Nevr4get Bacon
Duhhrail wrote:No matter how fast you think you can beat your meat, Jordancoles lies in the shadows and waits to attack his defenseless prey. (tl;dr) Don't afk and jack off. :lol:

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Re: The city of Beacon has fallen

Postby wilkesbooth » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:37 am

Sick pranks bros. You guys are quite the pranksters. The prank that just keeps pranking.
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Re: The city of Beacon has fallen

Postby Ozzy123 » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:38 am

i rly hope musicwarrior was somehow allied to sveta and we will be able to see a 10000 words long shitpost from him
epicbuds wrote:just got this game a bad review on my website and will post on every forum and game page i can think of to tell people to stay away from this site this game is a joke

viruseg wrote:Kill all new players for no reason. Polish scum came running and killed me with a crowd. Suck fuck fucks..
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