Sevillian Community Market

Forum for discussing in game trades, offers and deals.

Re: Sevillian Community Market

Postby fallout » Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:47 pm

Just Ported to the stone on a new character, Next to me was a knarr filled with about 12 dragon helms/other geared players. Id be wary of using a geared player to travel to the outer stone.
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Re: Sevillian Community Market

Postby MagicManICT » Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:23 am

fallout wrote:Just Ported to the stone on a new character, Next to me was a knarr filled with about 12 dragon helms/other geared players. Id be wary of using a geared player to travel to the outer stone.

This has what to do with the function of the market? If you have a trade concern with a visit or the trader, please post it so the conflict can be resolved. If you're simply trying to stir up drama/troll, keep it in The Moot. Otherwise, pics or it didn't happen, and again... needs to go to The Moot.

Last warning I'm giving on this. Anything more and we're going to start laying out bans and posting restrictions.
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Re: Sevillian Community Market

Postby Myrgard » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:05 am

To be fair that last post (if true) is connected if not with trade itself then with the marked (and this is a general thread about the market not just strictly about trading).

Yes, we're all tired of certain parties shit posting dis at every opportunity, it's not even funny anymore. But... you have to get the market in order to trade, information pertaining to safety of the surrounding area, or lack there of. is interesting.
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Re: Sevillian Community Market

Postby fallout » Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:23 pm

MagicManICT wrote:
fallout wrote:Just Ported to the stone on a new character, Next to me was a knarr filled with about 12 dragon helms/other geared players. Id be wary of using a geared player to travel to the outer stone.

This has what to do with the function of the market? If you have a trade concern with a visit or the trader, please post it so the conflict can be resolved. If you're simply trying to stir up drama/troll, keep it in The Moot. Otherwise, pics or it didn't happen, and again... needs to go to The Moot.

Last warning I'm giving on this. Anything more and we're going to start laying out bans and posting restrictions.

Sorry Magicman, I didn't know Apples for oranges has a post restriction. I was merely posting a warning that someone is actively trying to setup a gank at the outer stone, had I not used an alt I would have lost a character I think. I apologize for my trolling? Is that trolling nowadays? I was opening my puush to capture and picture of them and they said "SHH you see nothing" and ported before I the software opened and while I was typing ingame so I did not printscreen either. In future I will put more effort so you're not severely disappointed again. 12 players is a lowball as well, the knarr looked to be completely filled with 20+
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Re: Sevillian Community Market

Postby mdsanta » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:06 pm

MagicManICT wrote:This has what to do with the function of the market?

This post directly connects to the function of the market. i.e. safety of arrival to official portal stones of said market.

fallout, thanks for posting!
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Re: Sevillian Community Market

Postby MagicManICT » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:29 am

Needs to go into The Moot, maybe? If things are happening in game, definitely report them. Just do it in an appropriate place.

We've had problems with people trolling this forum and D&T recently, specifically anything to do with Dis, yet their own threads don't get trolled. (Not sure those threads even exist? I don't keep track of much of the drama, trade, and recruitment being the dedicated hermit and all.) We're trying to cut it down or cut it out completely.
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Re: Sevillian Community Market

Postby Pickard » Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:25 pm

fallout wrote:Sorry Magicman, I didn't know Apples for oranges has a post restriction. I was merely posting a warning that someone is actively trying to setup a gank at the outer stone, had I not used an alt I would have lost a character I think. I apologize for my trolling? Is that trolling nowadays? I was opening my puush to capture and picture of them and they said "SHH you see nothing" and ported before I the software opened and while I was typing ingame so I did not printscreen either. In future I will put more effort so you're not severely disappointed again. 12 players is a lowball as well, the knarr looked to be completely filled with 20+

Probably you saw Dis squad making friendly visit to Wizzards. There wasnt 12 people, maybe 7-8. But enemies ganksquad possible too.
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Re: Sevillian Community Market

Postby slipper » Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:56 am

I'm ready to buy some q160 thanes if someone will put them up for sale :D
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Re: Sevillian Community Market

Postby Atamzsiktrop » Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:24 pm

"Amish Paradise & Some members of Oddittown/Wizards - 2 attempts to set a raid at Sevilla"

When was that?? I don't recall
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Re: Sevillian Community Market

Postby Kendoza » Sun Dec 25, 2016 10:00 pm

Purchased a set from Black emporium. Very fast response and delivery. Thank you ^^
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