Praise the Sun

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Praise the Sun

Postby Vassteel » Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:47 pm

So the new world is upon us.

Unfortunately Im going to miss the start of the new world T_T due to the "Operational Commitments" that my career imposes upon me for months at a time.
I do look forward to rejoining everyone when I get back home sometime this march. Yeah I know ill be a month behind and that sucks but w/e. It does really suck not being able to use discord to get in contact with my villagemates. *-* really wish they would PM me on the forum to keep me updated on whats goin on and watnot it gets awfully boring out at sea.

Anyway to those that know me both friends and enemies the worlds slate will be made anew tomorrow. Thus I hope we can continue to be friends and those who may have felt I have slighted or betrayed them in the past can let the past remain in the past. That includes you Felix. I'll sell you hats again so long as you don't bug me every 20 fucking minutes asking if I have a hat for sale.

Heres a picture of some sailors helping a Hearthling that seems to have been mauled by a bear, covered in Knicks & knacks, and KO'd.
poor guy2.jpg
poor guy2.jpg (241.26 KiB) Viewed 5132 times
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Re: Praise the Sun

Postby 2d0x » Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:59 pm

Vassteel wrote:...Heres a picture of some sailors helping a Hearthling that seems to have been mauled by a bear, covered in Knicks & knacks, and KO'd.

Was he wounded by a seabear?
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Re: Praise the Sun

Postby Vassteel » Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:02 pm

it could have been that one guy who ran afoul at that beaver dam he found and complained about it
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Re: Praise the Sun

Postby 2d0x » Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:04 pm

Vassteel wrote:it could have been that one guy who ran afoul at that beaver dam he found and complained about it

Yes, it seems to be true ヽ(´▽`)ノ
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Re: Praise the Sun

Postby DougRatmen » Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:26 am

Your village mates huh? I wonder where they are. Hope to find them in this big wide world!
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Re: Praise the Sun

Postby HorridStonefish » Fri Feb 01, 2019 3:12 am

Poor loney Vass.
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Re: Praise the Sun

Postby D0fuz15 » Fri Feb 01, 2019 3:27 am

Well, well, well the most charismatic person in the sea.
Good idea!
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Re: Praise the Sun

Postby Vassteel » Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:19 am

DougRatmen wrote:Your village mates huh? I wonder where they are. Hope to find them in this big wide world!

its a generic term kinda like saying "my friends" You are my villagemates just like you could say we are your villagemates ^_^

I wish yall the best of luck. don't get murderlated by squirrels
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