Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

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Re: Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:25 pm

lol my ua was 7k base when u guys were saying i was 10k, and ozzy and berth had way less ua than ur saying too
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Re: Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

Postby MrBunzy » Sun Dec 16, 2018 6:13 pm

Haven any of you guys heard of the Dunning–Kruger effect? I think it explains a lot of what is going on here.
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Re: Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

Postby Zentetsuken » Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:02 pm

Well I'm just glad that people who support the devs like ziggy, bunsy and ozzy are still enjoying the game. Even if it takes hours of picture editing, typing, and walls of autistic screechings on the forums in order to get the job done. Kudos, brothers.

On the other hand I am oddly satisfied to know that some of shublas most obvious and thoughtless shitpost threads have amassed more pages of interest than this. I guess that a couple of guys who waited for a full irl year for everybody to quit in the ending stretch of a world they generally did very poorly in just to kill a couple farmers and declare it a great victory worthy of an 1000 word essay complete with over 30 screenshots just isn't as engaging as a sloppy troll thread about the holocaust vs the atlantic slavetrade.

Oh well.
GG boys.
Great effort.
Truly inspiring,
Admirable strategy and gameplay.
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Re: Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

Postby LostJustice » Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:20 pm

azrid wrote:
LostJustice wrote:For 3 cents an hour? Man what a job. It is almost 243 times lower than minimum wage. Maybe if I work hard like sacrear I can earn myself a cool pencil from the book club! Or maybe after a week get a stick of bubble gum if they don’t tax me!

Imagine being mad at someone for making very little money. This is the kind of guy that would spit in the face of a sweatshop worker or any guy that lives in a country with poorer conditions. Disgusting.

Obviously you can’t read sarcasm but given most your posts you can’t really anyways.
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Re: Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

Postby LostJustice » Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:26 pm

CaveHermit wrote:
ChildhoodObesity wrote:
Frantianno228 wrote:What about the fight where koreshok sold his character to trollex?

After this fight, as i remember, we decide to sold our characters, because there was no fights for months.

there was like 3 fights after this where we won every single 1 and then u guys sold ur chars, also this fight u guys ganked the shit out of us and would only fight us at MC where u were preparing to gank us hard the whole time looooooooool, not v impressive!

also @ davis eden has like 16k+ stats 4200-4300 health and kudzus char is like 4k mc 10k stats, u guys are lying so hard

You are guys lying so hard (Ozzyz i dont make quest i dont make any credo i dont farm stats)
10HH gank me i was on alt without strider you guys cant catch me. later i speak with ozzy he said lol i dont have strider and dont make quest. 2day later ozzy in HH chat WTB clover x6 in pot < Bcs he want make sholar and get better UA bcs 8k is not enough. I said to him nice 20k stat he said to me i dont have stat and i dont fep stat. Where i show to him ss sacraer have on him 1,8sec on flex he have same agi he was still lie. Same was when you guys get 8/9k ua and trollex was laying he dont have 10k ua okay troll your ua dont was 10k but was 8k base 9k green :) liar. + Ozzy say you guys all open einher like ozzy with 6kua on that fight bert 7kua. (Next lie bcs no one use then einher)
And the best lying is when you guys in hh chat spaming you are the best bcs you win 1fight. First fight after time when our guys back (Our guys) only mulor and baton back. I break you with eden, mulor,baton 4v4
Later 3v3 me sacraer baton vs bert troll and bunsy) You lose
+ fight first 3v3 where you guys first stat get
you guys was bigest stat than our :P heh Good job
and after 3v3 ozzy come and said go next 3v3 in same time when we dont have full hp. And That change to green deck was so gay btw XD its like your last 4v4 eden get ko i then come just watch. i can make like ozzy agro all 4ppl use bow koed you and said okay its was new 4v4 :) (in all this fight hh stat was bigest than our bcs baton was mb 3kmc mulor was 5kua i was 3k ua and 20k stat vs Bunsy -5kua 20kstat , troll 4k green ua + and like 10k fep and bert what was mb 3k ua)
And later you guys get stat like troll 9k ua, bert get 7kua ozzy was like 6kua and win first 3v3
Later ozzy and troll get stat +- 20k and win 4v4

I tried to read this, I really did but it is written so poorly that I really suggest that you go back to school or take an online course in written language because I literally need to consider making a translator for you. Only thing I caught out of this was trollex lying but tbh don’t think trollex lies in a fight ever especially considering you lied to him when he was prepared to 2 v 1 which clearly shows who is usually lying.
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Re: Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

Postby LostJustice » Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:31 pm

Frantianno228 wrote:
LostJustice wrote:
Frantianno228 wrote:Sacraer, Sacraer, Sacraer. What about Berthedin? He did the same things that Sacraer did. Nothing about him? Lol.
And ya i can say that this is not a job. No one say anything about JOB, only you.
Those guys just sell extra silver.

Try to shift the blame to someone else I see. All that you try to do. When you get beaten in PvP you say they beat you with higher stats. When people beat you with same stats you say their cheating. Excuses, excuses, excuses. :roll:

You probably dont know about my Arch-vile character. When i was on it, only you guys was bitching about HIGH STATS. Lol.

No didn’t know about it, didn’t really care, and no. Just no.
Only thing I really noted which I think a lot of people agree upon is that you much rather 5v1 in a gank than fight an even 5v5 or even numbered fight.
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Re: Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:42 pm

Frantianno228 wrote:You probably dont know about my Arch-vile character. When i was on it, only you guys was bitching about HIGH STATS. Lol.

theres a difference between bitching and crying to the devs about bug abusing hahAA

wAHHHH we are getting beat in PVP WAHHHHHHHH
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Re: Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

Postby Aceb » Sun Dec 16, 2018 11:44 pm

A quest for a hat. - W10
Haven't spawned yet
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Re: Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

Postby DatSheep » Mon Dec 17, 2018 5:22 am

Im getting some major ADHD tryna read this all. TL;DR anyone?
Something died in my basement and gave me rubella
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Re: Zone 7 Act 1: Storm Zone

Postby Astarisk » Mon Dec 17, 2018 5:37 am

Frantianno228 wrote:
Ozzy123 wrote:What about the fight where we killed byaron and then you were running around for 30 minutes and after we koed sage you ran inside a safe pali?

+ you still have higher stats than me, so where's the fucking 5x adventage? XD

What about the fight where koreshok sold his character to trollex?

After this fight, as i remember, we decide to sold our characters, because there was no fights for months.

I remember the timeline of events pretty well. You guys didn't quit from lack of fighting, far from it. There were constant fights, I was handing out food left and right constantly and couldn't keep up the demand among the HH people. You guys ended up quitting just right around when Sacrear got KO'd outside Bone Zone, you guys ended up quitting once the tides were turned and you were being stomped on. You don't need to make excuses. We were all there to witness what happened really.

Aurora put up more of a fight than Quiet Storm, you guys just let the place be taken destroyed without any resistance. It was more sad than what happened at Aurora. The only people I give credit to are Felix (He at least tried something, more egg than the rest of the group), Che (He was good company), and that one guy who bothered to build catapults. Rest of ya'll were a disgrace tbh.
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