Looking for village to settle, still new to game.

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Looking for village to settle, still new to game.

Postby jungend » Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:52 am

Hey guys. I am new to Haven and Hearth. I started playing a couple days ago, slowly learning things but would like a few pointers from a more experienced player(s) on how to fully enjoy the game (what to do next, goals, etc) as well as finding a village to settle in. I have played legacy awhile back, but only did the basics. I still dont fully understand how FEP works as well as what you can eat that decreases hunger.

Also, I could not find this anywhere but are there pve designated areas (for fighting animals, ants, etc only) so that I wouldnt have to worry about raiders?

Last question and its a bit off topic, but what clans/villages are friendly, and which clans should I be wary of, if its only pvp. thanks!
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Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2018 2:43 pm

Re: Looking for village to settle, still new to game.

Postby Abyssteak » Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:07 am

hey, I'm new and I've been playing for like an hour maybe we can meet up and start a new town
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Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:06 pm

Re: Looking for village to settle, still new to game.

Postby aronatia » Wed Apr 04, 2018 4:44 pm

In regards to the PvE question: The answer is no. There is no raider-free area. The game is built around the expectation that danger will come from other players as well as wild animals, cave ins, etc.

I've played for a few years off and on. I'm not the most seasoned player either, as I've played as a hermit for my whole time, but I'm willing to help if I can. I'm utter garbage at the fighting mechanics, so I can't help you with that, but if either of you have other questions, I'd be happy to answer any that I can.
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Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:39 pm

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