World 11 realms

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Re: World 11 realms

Postby Ants » Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:11 am

MightySheep wrote:Even if HH had a couple more pixels than Yggdrasil we all have eyes. The Yggdrasil train was on track for full world domination while HH were clearly beaten and quitted

Wouldnt be surprised if since this timelapse was created Yggdrasil already surpassed the HH territory

Congratz Yggdrasil, good job on your win

Claiming everybody's scraps after they're done eating doesn't count as a win. :lol:

Yggdrasil cowered behind their walls until everyone stopped caring about competition. It's not hard to win when you're playing alone.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby Headchef » Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:39 am

The hardest part about what yggdrasil did is continuing to care about a competition so dead where they were literally the only group still putting effort.

Probably will not see them in w12 until everyone has quit out of boredom and then they can bring out the vandal alts again to do their mindless bashing work.

Feel free to attempt to prove me wrong, I need volunteers for my w12 skull throne see you there boys (but probably not because no fight skill)
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby Ants » Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:54 am

azrid wrote:
Ozzy123 wrote:I hope Yggdrasil will be as competetive early world as they were now.. Such powerful faction wouldn't wait half a year till everyone quits and only then start doing anything, right? :oops:

Just like real life with religions.
Larpy pagans got destroyed by religions who went for the plan that gave them ultimate victory.
In the end it doesn't matter who used to be strong. Winner has been declared and the world won't last long enough to change this.

The pagans got curbstomped by big bois with swords, not vegan carebears who burst in tears whenever they faced opposition. :?
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby mulamishne » Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:47 am

Man, I'm noticing the 'DEAD GAME NO ONE CARES' argument a lot from people who played til end of the world.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby Ants » Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:18 am

mulamishne wrote:Man, I'm noticing the 'DEAD GAME NO ONE CARES' argument a lot from people who played til end of the world.

There's a difference between playing and competing, fam.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby kiddoinc » Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:38 am

Ants wrote:
mulamishne wrote:Man, I'm noticing the 'DEAD GAME NO ONE CARES' argument a lot from people who played til end of the world.

There's a difference between playing and competing, fam.

totally... but people always find a way to say the "competition" is over as soon they are beaten are become irrelevant.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby Ants » Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:04 am

kiddoinc wrote:
Ants wrote:
mulamishne wrote:Man, I'm noticing the 'DEAD GAME NO ONE CARES' argument a lot from people who played til end of the world.

There's a difference between playing and competing, fam.

totally... but people always find a way to say the "competition" is over as soon they are beaten are become irrelevant.

The map posted on the first page shows that after about six months, everyone but Yggdrasil stopped expanding their territory on a large scale. Even when AD ran out of authority, no one else jumped on the opportunity to bash the cairns.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby MightySheep » Wed Mar 04, 2020 5:29 am

Lol no1 actually thinks Yggdrasil won. In fact if Loftar didnt release this timelapse very few people would remember they even exist this world.

The only lesson from this is that kingdom content still needs a lot of work. I mean whats it all for? so ppl can get more gilding song casts? cant really be surprised when the group that hide all world ends up being allowed to capture this much territory when nobody has any incentive to stop them.

I think if you could view territory % in game and did a big thing at the end of each world where a particular kingdom is declared winner and enters a "hall of fame" list. Even this meaningless rewards would make people try a lot harder and wed finally get the incentive to pvp with kingdom cairns.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby kiddoinc » Wed Mar 04, 2020 5:39 am

Ants wrote:
kiddoinc wrote:
totally... but people always find a way to say the "competition" is over as soon they are beaten are become irrelevant.

The map posted on the first page shows that after about six months, everyone but Yggdrasil stopped expanding their territory on a large scale. Even when AD ran out of authority, no one else jumped on the opportunity to bash the cairns.

how could anyone? Chad ygg was on the move and no one could stop them. mighty ad fighters couldnt, mighty hh couldnt, Leviathians wake was hanging out on their own so they had no boat in the race.

sounds to me like people are mad they didnt hop on that ygg bandwagon.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby azrid » Wed Mar 04, 2020 7:53 am

Ants wrote:The map posted on the first page shows that after about six months, everyone but Yggdrasil stopped expanding their territory on a large scale. Even when AD ran out of authority, no one else jumped on the opportunity to bash the cairns.

No one else had the ambition to win the world. I agree with you there.
Those Yggdrasil madmen actually did it.
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