World 11 realms

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Re: World 11 realms

Postby CaveHermit » Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:08 am

azrid wrote:
Ants wrote:The map posted on the first page shows that after about six months, everyone but Yggdrasil stopped expanding their territory on a large scale. Even when AD ran out of authority, no one else jumped on the opportunity to bash the cairns.

No one else had the ambition to win the world. I agree with you there.
Those Yggdrasil madmen actually did it.

Win world so lets see for real now
The most win fights - AD
Village what take nearly all meteor - AD
The bigest realm - HH
The best market which was work rly well - Ocean Store (idk about 7-11 how it was work but in ocean store we was get a lot of iron per week same as coins. Once i buy 30k in 3weeks so)
The best anvil - Also AD
Top farm - hh
Top trees - AD
I DONT SEE ANYWHERE YGG :shock: bcs you guys for whole world hide to make realm what isn't the bigest to later make some propaganda that u win world kek when you are zero here
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby stya » Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:53 am

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Re: World 11 realms

Postby SnuggleSnail » Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:43 am

I mean, these conversations are always pretty cringe, but there's something especially bad about faction advocates who literally don't fight at all calling people who only occasionally fight cowards for not fighting

Likewise the only people grinding at the end of the world making fun of Ygg for "still caring" :?
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby azrid » Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:49 am

CaveHermit wrote:Win world so lets see for real now
The most win fights - AD
Village what take nearly all meteor - AD
The bigest realm - HH
The best market which was work rly well - Ocean Store (idk about 7-11 how it was work but in ocean store we was get a lot of iron per week same as coins. Once i buy 30k in 3weeks so)
The best anvil - Also AD
Top farm - hh
Top trees - AD
I DONT SEE ANYWHERE YGG :shock: bcs you guys for whole world hide to make realm what isn't the bigest to later make some propaganda that u win world kek when you are zero here

Thats a long list of achievements and yet the webm loftar posted speaks louder than anything you are able to list.
I don't see any other kingdom dominating 3 whole continents.
Your autistic big number grind is not respected by the average hermit. They benefit much more from a kingdom with great buffs.
A positive impact on the world regardless of how big your numbers were on the way is a victory.
I would even say reaching victory with a smaller number is a bigger achievement than doing it as the strongest people in the world.
If you were in their shoes I doubt you would have the mettle to come out on top.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby Tarnum » Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:15 pm

About territory probably ygg and hh leaders, about metal quality AD is top 1, about waterwell also AD top 1, about power in fight also AD top 1 and nobody have chances to get objects whot we want take, for exemple metheorites. When i retorned to play and see inactive realm been bashed i started chellenges and got no problems, more then 100 ygg cairns been bashed by myself solo without any problems without any trying to stop me, only delay many many times every chellenge but it still succesefell. Retorned main buffs whot we need to max, feel pretty good and people very active trade on marketplace Ocean Store, many traders got alot tokens here, best quality stuff, AD got here tonns of cast irone every day. Feel like totaly win, but not enough time to retorn all our realm back. But w 12 much better then waste time to chellenge ygg every day without any trying to stop me, just eat my time
W3 Boar Bay
W4 Herbalist
W5 Axes village
W6 Abode of Hermit
W7 Tarnum's Hermitage
W8 Hermit
W9 Emerald City, Ni Knights
W10 King of Silver Soul
W11 AD, LS of Ocean Store
W12 AD (in fights not in the village)
W13 Chill, getting fun, streams
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby SnuggleSnail » Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:58 pm

Did your girlfriend sending my villager nudes for flax seeds feel like a win?
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby shubla » Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:59 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:Did your girlfriend sending my villager nudes for flax seeds feel like a win?

time to farm best flax w12
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby julian12it » Wed Mar 04, 2020 5:52 pm

You guys sure have your panties in a bunch. The world is over, no one cares who "wins" or loses. At the end of the day, the world was ruined by bugs and bug abusers. We all lost.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby pawnchito » Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:03 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:Did your girlfriend sending my villager nudes for flax seeds feel like a win?

This game never ceases to amaze me with its complexity and social interactions.

No one has come on to call bullshit even... so we have a w11 winner in the form of a snail?
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby Pills » Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:25 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:Did your girlfriend sending my villager nudes for flax seeds feel like a win?

Why you mad tho?
jorb wrote:I dub you Sir Pills of the Mighty Spruce.
Thank you for your service. :pray:
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