Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Forum for discussing in game trades, offers and deals.

Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Lurux » Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:51 pm

Looks very handy,
I find it a little unclear what the price is though.
I mean you have Q Quality STK (amount) and price but is that price for the full amount or per piece?
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Undefined » Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:59 pm

Barter stands are always priced for a single item but can ask for multiple items in exchange
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Enjoyment_2 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:51 am

hmm, the hub works pretty weirdly with gilded clothes, it shows bonuses in some random (?) order... any chance it can be made to show them descending? so the bigger (focused) bonuses showed first?
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Undefined » Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:59 am

Good call, implemented. :D
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Lurux » Mon Jul 06, 2020 1:56 pm

Hmm, do you have any plans on better support for the traders?
So give each barterstand a number and then allow to check the sales on a certain number online?
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Undefined » Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:01 pm

I'm not sure how much value there would be in that, currently stalls are assigned a number simply by which order they're visited for convenience, originally so that I could hand pick stalls/slots to target as featured items, though I've scrapped that in favour of automatically featuring things.
I could potentially allow filtering by stall numbers, my main concern here is that stall numbers are quite dynamic, if I have to re-map a market (For example if more new stalls need indexing) then I may have to alter the route which will change the stall numbers assigned to each stall as the visit order will change.

I'm pleased with how things are working with the system so far, I'm having to restart the drone client every 30 hours or so manually due to it crashing - I suspect it's due to a memory or GC issue, myself and Java have a mutual dislike of each other and I definitely don't want the overhead of maintaining a client branch anyway, so I'll put in place a plan to bypass this issue externally once I've upgraded the server running the various things needed to make this work.
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Lurux » Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:09 pm

Undefined wrote:I'm not sure how much value there would be in that, currently stalls are assigned a number simply by which order they're visited for convenience, originally so that I could hand pick stalls/slots to target as featured items, though I've scrapped that in favour of automatically featuring things.
I could potentially allow filtering by stall numbers, my main concern here is that stall numbers are quite dynamic, if I have to re-map a market (For example if more new stalls need indexing) then I may have to alter the route which will change the stall numbers assigned to each stall as the visit order will change.

I'm pleased with how things are working with the system so far, I'm having to restart the drone client every 30 hours or so manually due to it crashing - I suspect it's due to a memory or GC issue, myself and Java have a mutual dislike of each other and I definitely don't want the overhead of maintaining a client branch anyway, so I'll put in place a plan to bypass this issue externally once I've upgraded the server running the various things needed to make this work.

Yea the system looks amazing. A transaction list could be nice though (with the items which dissapeared from the list), it would be great if I can check if my items are sold and dissapeared from the list & I would personally use this list to set prices as it would give an indication of the last price an item was sold for.
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Fostik » Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:07 pm

Can you please check some little browser and other issues? Unfortunately I cant normally use it because don't see icons and map, works very strange on my home PC, but works ok on frens PC or work PC.
Firefox 78.0.2, windows 10: too much zoomed in, no icons, only North Star market has map
404 on icons

Google Chrome 84.0.4147.89, windows 10: normal interface scale, but no icons and only North Star Map
Same 404 for icons

I'm using 1920x1080 resolution on 15.6" screen.
No console errors.

Https issue - https://www.haven.protectorworld.com/ redirects to your hosting. Probably some redirect back to http:// protocol would be good, if there is no possibility to install any free SSL certs.

By the way, thanks both not_a_cat for implementing, and you guys for extending such a great service!
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Undefined » Thu Jul 30, 2020 12:35 pm

Ahh thanks a lot for sharing your issues, my workload is hectic atm, but once things ease up I'll take a look into them, Firefox layout is a little sketchy because I was lazy and didn't want to do a whole heap of styling so just rely on an ancient deprecated trick to force zoom scale which only Firefox refuses to use anymore, I thought I'd accounted for it, but I guess I missed some possible resolutions. :)
I don't think cross-domain hosting is the issue for the icons as you mention, the subdomain there is just where the JSON is stored and that seems to be loading fine, I also hit a different URL for the Oddimap window on the same domain in order to remove the grid lines and controls. The icons shouldn't be an issue, if you have time I'd love to see your console output / devtools network tab where the icons fail to load via PM - I can't think of a reason why the icons would be an issue, it's very simple.
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby ReDll » Fri Oct 09, 2020 8:19 am

Are you still working?
I see outdated data here.
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