Centralized Haven Trade Hub

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Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Undefined » Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:10 pm

Do you long for the ability to know what an item you own is actually worth?
Tired of munching on leaves in order to check the local market when you need something?
Fed up with never knowing if you're getting offered a good deal or not?

Well, no more!

Centralized Haven Trade Hub: http://haven-hub.club

Here you can search and track every market in the world from a single convenient location. For the big boys with the ability to travel around the world you can compare item to item for the best deal possible, for the little guys who just want to shop locally you can find the market closest to you and just browse everything available there without risking leaving your palisade! (But at the same time know if you'd be better off building a Ship and going on an adventure for a good deal!)

The hub has been a labour of love over the last week or so and wouldn't be possible without the groundwork laid down by not_a_cat and the additional work of Goldenaxewarrior - both these guys are heroes who helped me with the tools I needed to make this happen. :ugeek:

I still have plans to expand on the site in the future but for now I'm happy with it how it is.
The entire process is 90% automated and in general every market should get an update at least once every 6-8 hours (though currently that stands at once every 2 hours) so while I'm still optimising it's relatively stable and reliable rather than needing me to put in a bunch of effort to keep it running every day, though of course I expect minor teething problems for the first little while so if you have any issues let me know, I'm sure there probably will be one or two.

If you run a market and you'd like to join the party, just let me know and we can arrange setting up a drone, there's no limit to capacity and in an ideal world we'd have every market indexed in this way giving us globally normalized pricing and a far more organised economy. I'm pretty sure it's to your advantage to get listed.

If your market is included and for some crazy reason you don't want it to be just let me know. If you don't like the local map image for your market then feel free to provide me with one of the same dimensions that clearly shows your layout and I'll swap it, for now I just dump a photoshop filter on the minimap image and move on... I'm an autist, not an artist, Lucky Market already had a nice one for me to steal!
If you update your market to add new stalls they won't immediately be included, the little drones work on a waypoint system so I'll need to rebuild it each time which takes a little while, just let me know when you've built a significant number of new stalls that you want added and I'll add it to my todo list, though it may take a couple of days, the main point of this project was to make it practically run itself.

Only one thing is really required from a Market owner... A nice safe place inside your walls on the same map (so not underground or in a house) that I can build a hearth fire, North Star and Olympus Market have examples of setups that work for public alt HFs... I'll take care of everything else, though if you feel compelled to help out, a backpack filled with porridge wouldn't go amiss!
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Nightdawg » Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:34 pm

if you're reading this, you're a nerd.
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Austinh15 » Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:26 am

Holy shit the UI is so sexy, great stuff here. Gonna use the hell out of this
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby azrid » Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:51 am

very cool
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby shubla » Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:58 am

cool beans, ui is great
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Enjoyment_2 » Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:58 pm

cool stuff, great work
for mods: should be pinned at AfO

would be cool if we can somehow track specific stalls, but still...
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby iamahh » Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:00 pm

this is very useful, more bots like these!
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:17 am

ur a god
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby MagicManICT » Sat Jun 27, 2020 6:37 am

Enjoyment_2 wrote:for mods: should be pinned at AfO

Agreed. Will pin it for now unless we get complaints.

To the folks setting this up, and to those that are cooperating: Great work! Trust is a valuable commodity, and one that you can't put a price on.
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Re: Centralized Haven Trade Hub

Postby Undefined » Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:09 am

It's very encouraging to see such a positive reaction to the site, it was good fun to build and when I started planning it out I thought this could be a hugely useful tool that I think everyone can appreciate for what it is.

For the markets that have a drone set up in an unsafe spot where it has a brief window of being beaten up it'll just be a naked alt, but for the markets where I've been able to set up an inside HF I'm also dressing and equipping the drones with food to ensure they last for months. :)
It's very useful if anyone that appreciates the service can try not to block their path, they're set up to handle minor blockages, but if they get blocked too frequently during a run then it potentially invalidates the data so they'll hearth out and try again during the next cycle.

If you have a specific outfit request, just let me know, here's the North Star drone for example:


I'm still figuring out how to deal with featured items impartially, It's set up to feature a specific item on a specific stall, so I think the best solution going forward might be to setup a designated stall for each market owner which will have all its contents as featured items.
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