Game like HnH

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Re: Other games like Haven

Postby foomanchu » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:11 pm

jordancoles wrote:
Bodomfreak wrote:Has anyone here played 'Life is Feudal' 'Darkfall unholy wars' or 'Archage' ?
As far as I know a lot people who play this game do so because their computers are incapable of handling the higher tier games but for any who have I would be interested to hear how they are when compared to haven.

Played Darkfall, enjoyed the shit out of it. Got gud, then the server pop plummetted after some stupid updates that sucked the fun right out of it. Also, at the moment the game has gone 4 months without updates while on a monthly sub model. People are not happy, and the community is even smaller than haven's is.

Super fun game, but little to keep you going


Here is a link to a guide video I made for Bram when he thought he wanted to get into the game

Also, some awesome pirating videos I recorded while playing.
They've fucked boating up quite a bit since then, but really fun times either way

lol that shit is funny.. big brother was my alt that i used for my system bot
you resub for the latest fail patch?
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Re: Game like HnH

Postby Reeyfer » Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:00 am

Hmm... there's timber and stone, as long as we're throwing out games here. Kinda like a mix between DF, HnH, and minecraft, except heavily watered down (well, not from MC obviously). Was supposed to end up pretty deep, but I just checked their site and found that they haven't had a single update or post since they announced they got greenlit on steam in like March :roll: I think that's a story we've all heard. It's not really a good suggestion, but it's something within a few thousand miles of the general vein of Haven, and the early game at least looks pretty fun. Only watched videos as it wouldn't run on my toaster.

As to the side discussion the Haven endgame, obviously the world resets are the easiest way to do things. I dunno if the devs are even really interested in working on endgame right now though? This seems to be a really really longterm project to them, and they probably won't start thinking about that until they don't think they'll need world resets every year. If they were though, a lot could be achieved through balancing and some other (semi) simple changes.

Mainly you'd want to stretch out the early game, create more reasons for conflict midgame and late game, and create more resource sinks.

To do that some simple enough ideas are to add more realism to the various resource systems. Make crop grow times closer to accurate (in game time). Make acre per person (and animal) food consumption accurate (again in game time). This extends to trees of course (though perhaps not as extreme, maybe), and other renewable resources. For extra credit keep track of soil nutrient levels (probably just the big three, and probably only per grid to save on calculation)), force crop rotation, and balance it so that constant full utilization of the same soil will turn it barren even with rotation. Get rid of the unlimited animals; instead add a set amt at the beginning of the world and keep track of their population by grid. When there is plenty of food they will reproduce. When there is not enough food they will die or move to another grid. When there are too many grazers in one grid they will turn meadow or w/e tile they eat to mudflat or something similar that has to regenerate over a long period of time, then refer to what happens when there's not enough food. Obviously this will be a lot more complicated than just increasing crop plant-to-harvest times :lol: Still though, we're not talking about simulating the animals all the time but more like keeping a running excel spreadsheet that a client checks on every time it enters a specific grid.

The aim of this, obviously, is to make it much harder to stay fed and supplied, difficulty raising exponentially as you pack more characters into a smaller area (and the botters, my god they'd have a hard time of it. They'd have to maintain square miles of farming territory :D). It's harder to jump into the farming stage, and once you do it's not just immediately game over as far as your character's needs are, time to level up your carrot quality. Things keep getting more and more difficult as you damage and denude your local environment (unless you're a hermit living away from densely settled areas), forcing your group to travel further and further for resources, to raid enemy bases to break open their sweet, sweet grain stockpiles and steal their cattle, to subjugate smaller groups and put a tax on their production. For added lols, increase the hunger buildup on characters with higher physical stats (to represent the higher calorie burn of big beefy bodies doing physically active things), obviously balancing this against the food related gains to keep it from being a good thing. All around MAKE any decent sized factions have large territories, extensive trade or shipment lines, all that jazz to keep themselves functional in their central stronghold. Should add some spice to the combat game. I've also only addressed the farming side of things as that's mostly where I focused back in w3, but the same kind of limits could be added to mining and whatnot as well.

And, ofc, if loftorb really wanted to screw with us they could add winter ¦]

On the other end, just add ginormous construction projects. Castles come to mind, I'm sure some purpose could be made up for those. Bigger boats would be awesome (oceans make me hard), which suck up whole forests and herds of animals for wood and glue. I'm sure others can think of better big builds than me, but basically the kind of thing that takes a large faction working together, (or, realistically, a couple of botters), weeks or months to build at full steam even once they get to 'endgame.' And, ofc, denudes the land even further forcing them to raid if they don't want to make longer and longer trips for resources. None of this would create an ironclad endgame, but it would extend things so that they don't get dull before the world reset. Obviously much tweaking would be called for to make sure it's still possible to survive, but honestly I always assumed grow cycles went by so quickly because it was early development and the devs were planning on resetting the world frequently.

My wall of two cents, anyway.
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Re: Game like HnH

Postby Teleskop » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:47 pm

Wild Terra has a striking resemblance to haven and hearth,but the free acces ended around 2 days ago ¦]
Baldarich wrote:Im writing this just to increase my post count xd

One time i visited Ozzy and i farted and he took a big vacuum cleaner and sucked the fart into a big container with an inhalation mask attached to it and i asked why would he need such thing and he said he likes to smell farts
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Re: Game like HnH

Postby borka » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:58 pm

hawkflak wrote:My dream its to find one game like HnH, but singleplayer, with bots to be more alive.

Dreams are ten a penny - learning programming and coding is free ... don't waste time on waiting: act :)

If you're thinking you won't be able to program or to draw - there's more to game design ... team up with others for your idea
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Re: Game like HnH

Postby Clemence » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:05 pm

Singleplayer PVP game ? May be a niche game to SM community.
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