Crime does pay

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Re: Crime does pay

Postby Ruggan » Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:09 pm

kaka wrote:Cheers!
I do hope that was the bastard that messed around in my camp.
If not, I saved lots of scents. So when we can summon at Brodgar,
I'm gonna make sure he's dead.

You can summon from Brodgar now
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Re: Crime does pay

Postby Ferinex » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:04 pm

Were they actually there when you killed them, or did you AFKill? You really didn't need the battle axes if that was the case.

Also, it seems a hell of a lot less heroic when you kill someone who isn't there to defend themselves. It's like a 10-step dual versus killing someone in their sleep. One is justice and the other is murder.
i guess they never miss huh
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Re: Crime does pay

Postby Rift » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:21 pm

no one that was there was pretendeing to be heroic. It was more of a "because it needs to be done" type of situation.
i didn't see anyone actually use battleaxes either.. i punched 2 people to death [they were afk, not that i couldn't of punched them to death regardless]
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Re: Crime does pay

Postby Ferinex » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:25 pm

Rift wrote:no one that was there was pretendeing to be heroic. It was more of a "because it needs to be done" type of situation.
i didn't see anyone actually use battleaxes either.. i punched 2 people to death [they were afk, not that i couldn't of punched them to death regardless]

Aren't you afraid of someone now hunting you down and permakilling you while you are AFK? It's totally possible.
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Re: Crime does pay

Postby Rift » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:42 pm

it would be unforuntate for me, im 100% change, so if i die im left with nothing.
*shrugs* i have some ideas about how to try again that i want to try out.
However, even afk, don't think it's easy to kill someone with full armor and over 100hp, espicially one in a town where all the hearth fires are together and people might stumble in on you in the act and murder you instead...
I think it takes a decently strong character to kill me afk, likely armed with a axe or soldiers sword... and my fellow villagers [who are conciderbly strong themselves] will hunt down and kill that person.. meaning the person who kills me will also lose a great deal...

Undoubtably however, i will, if i haven't already, piss someone off enough to make them take the risk...
But these are the risks we take when we choose who lives and dies, and i'm prefectly happy with them.
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Re: Crime does pay

Postby sami1337 » Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:14 am

Highly unlikely (but possible) that you will be spawned while noone is around. Your spawn is right next to ours and also in a location we often come.
And as you said yourself. A random person won't be able to just kill you.

Aside from all of that, the murderer will be murdered by a ranger as well.
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