Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

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Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

Postby itomi » Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:07 pm

Hello there fellow Heartlings!

I am posting here on behalf of our group of newbies who just started the game.

Quite a fun game, we were having a good time.

Unfortunately we are getting griefed, knocked out, robbed and bullied by our neighbours. One of our members even got killed as they spawncamped him, non-stop knocked him out and he had no idea what to do.

We managed to track them down to their base, but we are noobs and have no idea how to seek revenge.

So I'm asking for your help!

We are looking for vigilantees, man for hire, mercenaries to avenge us!

Name your price, we can maybe make your curies and such or do it for free to help out some newbies your call.
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Re: Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

Postby rhzk » Sat Apr 17, 2021 1:41 pm

За тобой виихили! (рус)
Za toboy viihili! (eng)
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Re: Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

Postby ogey » Sat Apr 17, 2021 2:40 pm

Honestly, it might be better to just move. If those guys have a palisade up there is no way someone is going to waste their time and materials building a battering ram to avenge some sprucecaps.
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Re: Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

Postby pawnchito » Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:35 pm

Ogey is right. Unless you have scrumptious feet for snail or many sub tokens to trade youll have either move or become bullies. The learning curve is rough in this game but its so much fun. Move and get palisades up asap at your base then kind of turtle bunker until you are bigger. Bullies here usually get bored if they encounter even a slight challenge.
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Re: Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

Postby Noogia » Sat Apr 17, 2021 8:18 pm

Before you move to an area its best to scout the area and if you are really paranoid make a HF in the general area you are and make a alt. Go all around the area north east south west and look for big settlements/talk to the people around there. Usually if someone dies on your hearth list it will show them naked or someone friendly might give news. If you see a lot of scents around an area or see a big village of 20+ people with 8 fighters its best to move. Makes me miss when I use to complain about not finding people in legacy.
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Re: Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

Postby titsmeow » Sat Apr 17, 2021 8:36 pm

thats my groups claim, (picture was removed) we are the ones getting killed but none of us have rage. there are 4 of us thats it. i dont know who you are but please pm me so we can sort this out.

this is the hat raiders who literally tired to kill me minutes before posting this..
please respond to the private message
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Re: Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

Postby Lightning2 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:16 am

Where is sodom when you need it. Anyway it's time to cart away fellers.
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Re: Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

Postby FrankMcFuzz » Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:32 am

I have small attention span so didn't read all the replies., but you know you can just return to hearth fire after half of the knockout duration, therefore escaping the captor. That's what the 'ping, you can now go to hearthfire' message means.

If he's standing at your hearthfire doing it, well, my question is why no wall. You guys gotta vacate the area.

Sounds like you're just better off to do a totally new spawn into the world, because the new player idea of "Move far away" is "move 10 minutes walk", and not the 3 hours you should probably migrate.
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Re: Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

Postby Morrighan » Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:02 am

Look here Fuzz Nuts when you have 4 or 5 guys attacking you at once you have no chance to hearth at KO. Really annoys me when peeps such as yourself come along and try to shame/blame newbs in the game because they literally are just learning it. Perhaps jackasses should learn not to be twats to everyone they meet. Better yet, how interesting would Haven be if in the first 6 weeks of the game no one can buy/use rage or other negative things against other hearthlings to give everyone a fair chance at a World Start. Instead of waving epeens around and sniping newbs they'd actually have to put in some effort.
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Re: Viginaltes or Mercenaries Needed

Postby Zentetsuken » Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:59 am

Morrighan wrote:Look here Fuzz Nuts when you have 4 or 5 guys attacking you at once you have no chance to hearth at KO. Really annoys me when peeps such as yourself come along and try to shame/blame newbs in the game because they literally are just learning it. Perhaps jackasses should learn not to be twats to everyone they meet. Better yet, how interesting would Haven be if in the first 6 weeks of the game no one can buy/use rage or other negative things against other hearthlings to give everyone a fair chance at a World Start. Instead of waving epeens around and sniping newbs they'd actually have to put in some effort.

Everybody understands that you are upset, but this is the game you decided to play. Ranting about how the entire game should change once you find out that you are bad at it is a pretty dishonest strategy.

If rage wasn't available for the first X amount of time only the worst and most behind players, as well as the latest joiners would be vulnerable and this sounds pretty unfair and silly to me. Be grateful that you lost characters who were still relatively new, it will be easy to start again and learn from your mistakes.
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