Keeping new players from quiting after kill

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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby Zentetsuken » Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:24 pm

The parts of this game that lend themselves to the ancient pvp experience that veterans are holding on to is still potentially relevant from a "developers need money" standpoint, and I genuinely think it would be worth the effort to make them separate entities.

It's been suggested 1000 times but I genuinely don't see what the issue would be with just having 2 servers.

1 server where PVP is consensual only, needing minimal tweaks outside of having a toggle somewhere on your character sheet that prevents you from being agrod by another player.

"But this would cause people to grief in other ways."

Yes, it might. And I suspect that most of those ways are already a product of bandaids and oversights of development, and just like with any new implementation of this game, it would require some time to iron out the problems after it's implemented. I mean fuck, we couldn't even get bundles and new barrel mechanics implemented without bugs still persisting over a week later and a rollback. Obviously this shit will take time, but addressing the retarded ways that are left in the game that allow somebody to just be an obnoxious piece of shit are probably something that should be addressed anyways.

The other server should obviously be dictated by the PVP community, but I imagine it resetting way more often, potentially having stat caps, I duno, whatever helps facilitate the copium experience for those dummies.

"Only 100 people are playing right now, we don't want to divide the game any more"

99% of all the pvpers left after the second month and a giant portion of them only interact with each other during these times. The only people left with a tough decision will be the small group of people who are too shitty to participate in titan pvp so they actively hunt sprucecaps and torture people for fun. Honestly, I don't think anybody gives a fuck if those people leave the game. Any other "divisions" in player population wont be noticed by anybody.
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby bumfrog » Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:29 pm

Relevant image to the “should haven force innocent players into pvp” debate:

New players should have a safe, welcoming environment without the scourge of PVP chuds.
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby Ganjastyle » Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:37 pm

I still fail to understand, why dont ppl view the scarce PVP population (3+ month deep into the world) as neural network-controlled AI boss mobs that can spawn any moment?
Imagine this is PvE server that you want, but with bosses that can't be cheese'd, but gunna drop g00d l00t if you LEET enuf. Whent a troll drops upon ur mining ass, are you gonna rush to forum and suggest that there should be a dedicated server without cave trolls spawning? THE WAY is to get LEET bruh. Pump them stats, get a 15inch boner and show those PvPers your abs when u meet them next time.

Shi~, im should suggest "Show 6-pack abs" emote to be implemented, during next stream.
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby WowGain » Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:08 pm

these threads are always magical
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby dagrimreefah » Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:56 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:The poopsocking spergs who burn themselves out early world" crowd

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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:53 am

Zentetsuken wrote:this game is actually just a sandbox for jaded autistic veterans

If it walks, quacks, floats like a....

Honestly the community used to document things fairly well. Those efforts have fallen off lately.

There also used to be many new village recruiting efforts for new players to get acquainted in groups. Those have fallen off
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby overtyped » Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:34 am

Dr3amt is right, Bob Dole has left new players alone for the most part due to his useless morales and pity holding him back, but no more!

Bob Dole has now seen the error in his ways! In Dr3amt's name Bob Dole will make a montage guide in the future of him helping many many new players, possibly hundreds of new players, so that he may stand as an example for others to follow!
Bob Dole, world first Whale Killer! viewtopic.php?f=80&t=75087
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby voiddancer » Mon Feb 06, 2023 2:56 pm

Haha, it's all clearly spelled out.
I think that such pvp as here love only sadists.
Who in their right mind likes bullying people? Only assholes.

"OOO, it's your own fault."
"Oh, you let yourself get killed, it's your own fault."
"Oh, you didn't build the wall, so it's your fault I killed you."
"If you don't comply with my demands, the hostages will die, it's your fault," ah, wait, that's from another movie.
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby Clemins » Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:18 pm

voiddancer wrote:Haha, it's all clearly spelled out.
I think that such pvp as here love only sadists.
Who in their right mind likes bullying people? Only assholes.

"OOO, it's your own fault."
"Oh, you let yourself get killed, it's your own fault."
"Oh, you didn't build the wall, so it's your fault I killed you."
"If you don't comply with my demands, the hostages will die, it's your fault," ah, wait, that's from another movie.

Imagine playing something else (hard for a lot of people here, I know.) But let's use uhhhhh I don't know... Any Civ multiplayer as an example. You join a lobby with people whose sole intention is to win a competitive game and is given a set of tools to accomplish this IE: Diplomacy, trade, war, etc. Let's say your favorite part of the game is to min-max cities or just play for the LARP, hey, that's fine if that's what you want to do. But what's that?! Your neighbor is sieging your city! What ever will you do to ensure your survival in a game that hands you the tools to do so? Would your answer be:

A) Go onto the relevant forum and complain that some BULLY is kicking down your virtual sandcastle, in hopes to remove an intentional core mechanic.
B) Realize that the game you're playing isn't what you thought it was and play something else.
C) Change your playstyle to defend yourself

I can't really blame brand-new players from being blindsided by this fact. Haven on a surface level (like this website) doesn't really highlight the pvp side of the game. Look, haven, and by proxy a lot of the community, kinda likes to pretend that PVP/griefing doesn't exist until they're the victims of it. And to be really honest, at this point in time I don't think the Devs know what kind of game they've made or where they're going with it. The game has such a wide and conflicting player base because of this too. I think haven can have everything it has now and work, but I wish it did a better job teaching new people exactly what kind of game they are playing, what to expect, and the how-to's (without relying on the community to fill in the gaps). And there is also the client advantage thing, which has been said here before, should NOT be the responsibility of the community because it does, in fact, widen the skill gap in competitive terms both in PVP and industry.

I digress, to your "Oh, you let yourself get killed, it's your own fault." point thing, i feel like this is directed towards the part of the community who has been playing for years, understands what game they're playing, and CHOOSES to ignore the parts of the game that can and will bite them in the ass. Like come on, the amount of "veterans" who still think a round pole fence is an impenetrable fortress cannot be a coincidence...

Side note: The more or less "hidden mechanics" haven has is also not the fault of the players, its the fault of the devs for lack of documentation and explanation and I will die on this hill.
PS Side note: Drink key lol
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby voiddancer » Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:06 pm

Clemins wrote:
voiddancer wrote:Haha, it's all clearly spelled out.
I think that such pvp as here love only sadists.
Who in their right mind likes bullying people? Only assholes.

"OOO, it's your own fault."
"Oh, you let yourself get killed, it's your own fault."
"Oh, you didn't build the wall, so it's your fault I killed you."
"If you don't comply with my demands, the hostages will die, it's your fault," ah, wait, that's from another movie.

Imagine playing something else (hard for a lot of people here, I know.) But let's use uhhhhh I don't know... Any Civ multiplayer as an example. You join a lobby with people whose sole intention is to win a competitive game and is given a set of tools to accomplish this IE: Diplomacy, trade, war, etc. Let's say your favorite part of the game is to min-max cities or just play for the LARP, hey, that's fine if that's what you want to do. But what's that?! Your neighbor is sieging your city! What ever will you do to ensure your survival in a game that hands you the tools to do so? Would your answer be:

A) Go onto the relevant forum and complain that some BULLY is kicking down your virtual sandcastle, in hopes to remove an intentional core mechanic.
B) Realize that the game you're playing isn't what you thought it was and play something else.
C) Change your playstyle to defend yourself

I can't really blame brand-new players from being blindsided by this fact. Haven on a surface level (like this website) doesn't really highlight the pvp side of the game. Look, haven, and by proxy a lot of the community, kinda likes to pretend that PVP/griefing doesn't exist until they're the victims of it. And to be really honest, at this point in time I don't think the Devs know what kind of game they've made or where they're going with it. The game has such a wide and conflicting player base because of this too. I think haven can have everything it has now and work, but I wish it did a better job teaching new people exactly what kind of game they are playing, what to expect, and the how-to's (without relying on the community to fill in the gaps). And there is also the client advantage thing, which has been said here before, should NOT be the responsibility of the community because it does, in fact, widen the skill gap in competitive terms both in PVP and industry.

I digress, to your "Oh, you let yourself get killed, it's your own fault." point thing, i feel like this is directed towards the part of the community who has been playing for years, understands what game they're playing, and CHOOSES to ignore the parts of the game that can and will bite them in the ass. Like come on, the amount of "veterans" who still think a round pole fence is an impenetrable fortress cannot be a coincidence...

Side note: The more or less "hidden mechanics" haven has is also not the fault of the players, its the fault of the devs for lack of documentation and explanation and I will die on this hill.
PS Side note: Drink key lol

This is NOT civilizations. This is sandbox, where you can not win.No one can win, but all can loose. You make you choose, how you play - as just sandbox player, or as asshole True-HardCore-PvP-SnailLick-WhateverYouWant-Player with a lot of sadism inside your soul. I mean, when you find hermit, you made your choice. And if it "i can kill and i will" - your are sadist, just because hermit made no threat to you. I realized a long time ago that this game is not for me. I prefer games without sadism. Without people who love other people's pain and so on. From time to time I come to this forum just to see where things are going and to read the excuses of the maniacs "it's her own fault, the skirt is too short". "HE DO NOT BUILD A FENCE". As they say, if you didn't want me to come in, why did you leave the bathroom window ajar?
A little bit reminiscent of "Prisoner's dilemma", but a little.
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