Keeping new players from quiting after kill

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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby SnuggleSnail » Tue Feb 07, 2023 5:04 pm

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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby Clemins » Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:05 pm

voiddancer wrote:maniacs "it's her own fault, the skirt is too short". "HE DO NOT BUILD A FENCE". As they say, if you didn't want me to come in, why did you leave the bathroom window ajar?
A little bit reminiscent of "Prisoner's dilemma", but a little.

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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby bumfrog » Tue Feb 07, 2023 7:11 pm

voiddancer wrote:This is NOT civilizations. This is sandbox, where you can not win.No one can win, but all can loose. You make you choose, how you play - as just sandbox player, or as asshole True-HardCore-PvP-SnailLick-WhateverYouWant-Player with a lot of sadism inside your soul. I mean, when you find hermit, you made your choice. And if it "i can kill and i will" - your are sadist, just because hermit made no threat to you. I realized a long time ago that this game is not for me. I prefer games without sadism. Without people who love other people's pain and so on. From time to time I come to this forum just to see where things are going and to read the excuses of the maniacs "it's her own fault, the skirt is too short". "HE DO NOT BUILD A FENCE". As they say, if you didn't want me to come in, why did you leave the bathroom window ajar?
A little bit reminiscent of "Prisoner's dilemma", but a little.

voiddancer wrote:Haha, are you offended? Don't cry, you won't have anything to piss with. Just go and kill another one squirell or whatever you prefered.

Types like you don't even have the courage to admit that they enjoy other people's misery, of course you will go out of your way to pretend "that's not who we are, that's the game. But the truth is that every murder of a defenseless hermit is your own personal choice, often without even any material gain.

a beautiful juxtaposition. These two posts should be in the Louvre.

Perhaps sociopathy is the only reasonable response to sociopathy, but then, perhaps the only constructive response is not to respond at all. And yet… maybe voiddancer has learned that, and it is the transient nature of posting, the fact that I am posting now hours after the last voiddancer post, which completes the piece.
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby Vigilance » Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:32 am

DDDsDD999 wrote:Image
Nice try moron, maybe learn to spell next time?

please be patient, snail is an aboriginal and their english education in the tribe isn't what it used to be.
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby Avu » Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:20 am

I used to think haven was keeping sane people away with its grind and pvp faggotry but lately I've changed my mind. It's actually keeping the insane contained. Kinda like Rorschach prison stint. Carry on.
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby stya3 » Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:25 pm

I think players shouldn't be allowed to quit after a death, unless they cry about it on the forums. To fix this, we need a button "create a moot thread" directly on the death screen.
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby DonVelD » Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:42 pm

very based tbh, i'd love that
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby badula » Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:06 pm

i hate pvp

only thing you will gain is " hate"

i'm a farmer and explorer
every new players or "in difficult players" in my territory, will be helped
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby dagrimreefah » Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:34 pm

i love pvp

only thing you will gain is "love"

i'm an eater and introverted
every old players or "out of easy players" in your territory, will be harmed
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Re: Keeping new players from quiting after kill

Postby HarryDresden » Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:05 am

i am disinterested in pvp

only thing you will gain is "impartiality"

i'm an smith and plant picker
every midgame or "I've been grinding doing nothing" in your territory, will be ignored
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