Looking for some items (sorted)

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Looking for some items (sorted)

Postby Granny » Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:28 pm


In order to make my gaming time more enjoyable I am looking to buy a few items. The Sunset shop had a bundle I found very interesting: "200Q+ Stone axe + 150Q+ Bronze Sword + 140Q+ Pickaxe + 150Q+ Bonesaw" and all that for a game token, and I am looking for something similar. However it does not seem I have enough will to travel to that market. Whatever-bay is a few months away in will-gain as well. So what to do ? I had started a conversation with another seller who was closer, but I have tried to get in contact with him again with no luck. I think we might have different understanding of what "later" means.

For those who still remember how it was like to play as a hermit with no support from a village, you understand how much those few tools will mean. And yes - I do understand that the tools are "trash" in the sense that they are too low q for the ones I am purchasing them from. But to me they are so so useful.

Do you have something similar I can purchase? I can come to you if you are not that far away. I am in the realm of radatome. PM me here please. Thanks!

Update: I found what I was looking for and not that far away either.
Last edited by Granny on Mon Dec 19, 2022 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for some items

Postby safekeeping » Wed Dec 14, 2022 12:22 am

Hi, if you are still interested write to me on discord Aga#2483
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Re: Looking for some items (sorted)

Postby Audiosmurf » Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:07 am

bellwarner1 wrote:
Granny wrote:Heya!

In order to make my gaming time more enjoyable I am looking to buy a few items. The Sunset shop had a bundle I found very interesting: "200Q+ Stone axe + 150Q+ Bronze Sword + 140Q+ Pickaxe + 150Q+ Bonesaw" and all that for a game token, and I am looking for something similar. However it does not seem I have enough will to travel to that market. Whatever-bay is a few months away in will-gain as well. So what to do ? I had started a conversation with another seller who was closer, but I have tried to get in contact with him again with no luck. I think we might have different understanding of what "later" means.

For those who still remember how it was like to play as a hermit with no support from a village, you understand how much those few tools will mean. And yes - I do understand that the tools are "trash" in the sense that they are too low q for the ones I am purchasing them from. But to me they are so so useful.

Do you have something similar I can purchase? I can come to you if you are not that far away. I am in the realm of radatome. PM me here please. Thanks!

Update: I found what I was looking for and not that far away either.

I want to play online game because it is more competitive.

I'm thinking based
jorb wrote:Audiosmurf isis a fantastic poster/genius and his meatintellect is huge

banok wrote:i've been playing hnh thru 10 years of involuntary celibacy and I always build my palisade in 5 minutes so if a new player cant figure it out straight away they can get fucked and chug bleach
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