Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby rhzk » Tue Jul 20, 2021 10:06 pm

J&Lo, why not consider private Legacy client servers?
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby Kamekono » Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:51 am

Codemanny wrote:Having hard-scheduled world resets would trivialize any efforts beyond the absolute minimum to achieve goals in this game

To me it would be an incentive to work hard. Why play at all if your objective is just to achieve minimum goals?

Codemanny wrote: It's just pointless to press hard when you know a reset is on the horizon

It would allow players to try new things. Many don't try risky stuff, especially PvP, because of their fear of losing progress. If you knew progress will be lost in a few weeks, it would push you to try.

Codemanny wrote: Haven shines its brightest when the community goes that extra mile to build awesome monuments, form and enforce governments or kingdoms (realms but not just for the buffs I guess), and strives for more than just the q# next to their crop or something.

That already never happens.
Design being linked to materials used means most people can't afford to pick design for anything where quality matters.
Realm management has nothing to do with creating a community. Kings don't give a shit about who lives in their realm, and "citizens" only care about bonuses, if they care at all. It has been ages since I've seen a realm actually caring about someone that wasn't already in their inner circle.
Making the world longer won't help with that, is just makes it even more empty and completely trashed with ruins (scavenged 10 times over).

The things you're talking about are a "nice extra" if they happen, but can't be forced or managed, so you can't count on that to make the game interesting.

Codemanny wrote:Players will be less willing to forge strong relationships with others

6 months is plenty of time. It takes a few weeks to create a strong bond, and people would be more willing to take in a stranger since it wouldn't be that dangerous. Worst case scenario they fuck everything up and you lose something that would be gone in a couple of months anyway. Now you risk losing stuff that you could have built on for a year or more.

This game has a good player base for the first 3 months of each world. After 6 months the player base is so small that you can play 24/7 and never meet another soul.
Face it, most people enjoy early world and fast progression, very few enjoy grinding quality to infinity. Most late-game players are those that keep things interesting with PvP, or large market owners, which are a very small % of the overall player population, and would probably increase in numbers if people had an incentive to learn pvp.
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby Codemanny » Wed Jul 21, 2021 3:15 am

Kamekono wrote:
Codemanny wrote:Having hard-scheduled world resets would trivialize any efforts beyond the absolute minimum to achieve goals in this game

To me it would be an incentive to work hard. Why play at all if your objective is just to achieve minimum goals?

Codemanny wrote: It's just pointless to press hard when you know a reset is on the horizon

It would allow players to try new things. Many don't try risky stuff, especially PvP, because of their fear of losing progress. If you knew progress will be lost in a few weeks, it would push you to try.

Codemanny wrote: Haven shines its brightest when the community goes that extra mile to build awesome monuments, form and enforce governments or kingdoms (realms but not just for the buffs I guess), and strives for more than just the q# next to their crop or something.

That already never happens.
Design being linked to materials used means most people can't afford to pick design for anything where quality matters.
Realm management has nothing to do with creating a community. Kings don't give a shit about who lives in their realm, and "citizens" only care about bonuses, if they care at all. It has been ages since I've seen a realm actually caring about someone that wasn't already in their inner circle.
Making the world longer won't help with that, is just makes it even more empty and completely trashed with ruins (scavenged 10 times over).

The things you're talking about are a "nice extra" if they happen, but can't be forced or managed, so you can't count on that to make the game interesting.

Codemanny wrote:Players will be less willing to forge strong relationships with others

6 months is plenty of time. It takes a few weeks to create a strong bond, and people would be more willing to take in a stranger since it wouldn't be that dangerous. Worst case scenario they fuck everything up and you lose something that would be gone in a couple of months anyway. Now you risk losing stuff that you could have built on for a year or more.

This game has a good player base for the first 3 months of each world. After 6 months the player base is so small that you can play 24/7 and never meet another soul.
Face it, most people enjoy early world and fast progression, very few enjoy grinding quality to infinity. Most late-game players are those that keep things interesting with PvP, or large market owners, which are a very small % of the overall player population, and would probably increase in numbers if people had an incentive to learn pvp.

Jorb & Loftar have even mentioned themselves in their live streams that they're very careful not to mention or even breathe the concept of a world reset until they're certain that they're prepared for it because in the past it caused everyone to just quit the current world cold-turkey.

I do agree with you though that people would explore mechanics more if worlds were short and resets were hard scheduled.

I want you to understand that I think 6 month worlds could work but it would require an overhaul to how the game is played and what it takes to achieve goals. The state of the game now, I firmly believe the loyal portion of the playerbase would dwindle.
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby ctopolon4 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:04 pm

just remove abuses when ppl get 600q resources(conch) at day 1, and killing everything at day 5, and got 2kSTR at day 30... and make ppl coop instead botting, and here will be no need to wipe every 6 month... and explain me how to get white truffles in 6 month or 90stamina horses? and why 27d cheeses provide 200FEP when just crafted food provides 2000FEP
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby JinxDevona » Wed Jul 21, 2021 6:10 pm

Honestly, I would not "try certain mechanics" (criminal/combat) of the game unless we were a week from a wipe. However, I would not even play if we wiped every six months. It would take me six months just to have a decent place. I want time to build an awesome place I can turn into a community. I have been back 5 weeks and I don't even have a mine. There are many different types of players here. Don't assume to know what everyone wants. :D BTW it really sucks starting in autumn when last time you played there were no seasons... LMAO.
Sorry for the less common point of view, but it is the only one I have ;P
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby Sephiron » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:54 pm

Kamekono wrote:Given how the game works right now, I think worlds should last 6 months each. We've been at it for almost 4 months now, and the majority of people have stopped playing. The area I lived in had a large community, over 150 people, out of which less than 10 are still playing. It's now a wasteland of abandoned villages.
Same goes for other areas I used to visit for trade and such. In another couple of months even less people will be playing, and anyone who knows what they're doing (not even talking about big villages and pros that get everything done in a matter of days) will have achieved any objective they might have had, leaving quality increase for the sake of it being the only thing left to do.

Until the game gets some late game content updates, or slows down progression, there's really no reason to go past the 6 month marker.

I think by September - October the world should reset.
I also believe that knowing reset dates in advance would greatly benefit the game. Returning players could mark their calendars to be online on day 1st, and people would experiment more in the last few weeks knowing they are gonna lose their character anyway in a short while.

lol wtf do you mean? as of writing this there are 380 people playing right now. How many birchbark baskets and useless personal claims need to litter every square foot of the world before you're happy with the size of the playerbase?
Haven and hearth is good simply for that fact- the playerbase is low. The game isn't advertised for a good reason. Personally, I don't want there to be so many players online that the only meta the game has to offer is "Join a community of 150+ players just to keep your shit safe". And on the topic of players online decreasing over time... It always does. BUT, I've been playing since world 4 and I have never seen it dip below 100 players online at a time. Even then, that's usually when we get a wipe.

TerraSleet wrote:

shubla is a prophet?

Yeah Shubla's been pretty sussy tbh. It's been a while since i've been to these forums, and it's almost like this dude's loftar's next door neighbor. The sheer fact that "his" custom client is supposedly spyware (I mean, to an extent... the guy seems to be doing good with it but also more than likely has ulterior motives) and his 'world map enhanced' post promoting purus pasta is PINNED and not deleted, as loftar said he would here: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=40947 just seems odd to me tbh
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby MagicManICT » Sat Jul 24, 2021 9:35 pm

Sephiron wrote:BUT, I've been playing since world 4 and I have never seen it dip below 100 players online at a time. Even then, that's usually when we get a wipe.

It definitely has. The worst was w6 or 7 when the lag was so terrible, you just couldn't log in and play without pulling out your hair. AND we didn't get a wipe for another year, year and a half.
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby Kamekono » Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:21 am

Sephiron wrote: lol wtf do you mean? as of writing this there are 380 people playing right now. How many birchbark baskets and useless personal claims need to litter every square foot of the world before you're happy with the size of the playerbase?
Haven and hearth is good simply for that fact- the playerbase is low. The game isn't advertised for a good reason. Personally, I don't want there to be so many players online that the only meta the game has to offer is "Join a community of 150+ players just to keep your shit safe". And on the topic of players online decreasing over time... It always does. BUT, I've been playing since world 4 and I have never seen it dip below 100 players online at a time. Even then, that's usually when we get a wipe.

The "player counter" doesn't just count active players. It takes into account bots and alts logged in as well. I'm part of a very small village, and yet thanks to our labor alts it often counts as if we had 2-3 more people than we actually have. Right now the counter is at 253; considering how big is the map, and how a good chunk of those are alts/bots, it means the population is already pretty scarce.

As said above, we've gathered over 100 of our neighbors on a private discord, and after a little over 3 months almost all have stopped playing. You know what most of them are saying? "See you next world". If such a large percentage of people quit after only a few months, it means the game has some serious issues

As for your rant about overpopulation, not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. My comment is about keeping online the players Haven already has, not advertising to get more.

As Magicman already pointed out, the counter has gone below 100 more than once in the past worlds. But let's assume it doesn't, and that for some miracle all 100 are actually people playing with a single account. The map is so big and people are so spread out that you'll likely never encounter another player, with maybe markets being the exception.
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby Gerdgen » Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:55 am

Kamekono wrote:the game has some serious issues

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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby SavageFox » Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:19 pm

this world started in April and it's already mostly dead I'm not saying reset the world now but find some way to improve the content and I'm trying to convince my friends to stay but they're getting bored

if you do make World 14 make it challenging but not tedious make it exciting not boring

add more Dungeons and prove the PVE add something for people to do with all this high-tier resources besides killing one another and even then you can make killing one another more enjoyable to the end game experience needs to be enhanced
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