World 14 Reset Megathread

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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby Temessis » Sun Jul 16, 2023 8:50 am

Does we always need new changes in up coming W? There is no sense in starting now cause everyone got 300q, 1000+ stats and everyone can kill me right away when I start. The game is designed this way that the fun is only at the start when everyone is more or less equal and there are no conquered mountains or swamps, now it's only grinding imo
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby vatas » Sun Jul 16, 2023 8:56 am

Temessis wrote:Does we always need new changes in up coming W? There is no sense in starting now cause everyone got 300q, 1000+ stats and everyone can kill me right away when I start. The game is designed this way that the fun is only at the start when everyone is more or less equal and there are no conquered mountains or swamps, now it's only grinding imo

vatas wrote:More common variant of that attitude:

1. World resets and there's blank slate in terms of character stats and infrastructure.*
2. Large number of people and groups go in excited, assuming they will be the top dog this time.
3. They end up not being the top dog. (Likely involves complaints that the actual top dog botted/exploited/cheated.)
4. They start whining for reset once step three becomes clear, sometimes less than a month into the world.

*Game knowledge and experience, arguably most important bits, absolutely carry over and this is why I would highly recommend starting late in the world as a new player rather than waiting to jump in blind at reset.

Even if you don't have the unrealistic expectation of becoming the top dog, I fully believe that you're in the same situation one month to the next world ("Everyone else has more stats than me, I can't possibly win.")

Sorry if I sound like an asshole but that is the impression I get from your post.
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby Temessis » Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:22 am

Never wanted to become top dog, cause I can't compete with bots. I had no problem playing first half year. At that time, combat was fair cause stats and equipment was fairly even. Try to start now and swim by the sea coast. First ship will kill you for good. It's now fighting era, cause everyone got everything. The same is for swamps and mountains, try going there for curio and find someone on 200q+ horse with stats 1000+. There's even no point of running away. I bet on markets you can't even sell like meat, curio or items below 100q or so. You can disagree, but for me there is no point of starting now from scratch. And I played every world since 2010/2011 btw. So yea, in my opinion wipe should be after around year, cause it's the time that most of the players "finished" the game - achieved (or almost) everything and started grinding era where everyone is fighting for that one ql more
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby XoZeal » Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:27 am

Not sure if it is at all relevant but I have a few people who have been talking about coming back and playing but no desire to start again on a world that is aged. . . Was just looking to see if there was any chance of a fresh world any time soon?
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby vatas » Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:45 am

>noobs can't escape people riding horses
>devs add in Raw Hide! spell and make it so strong that riding a horse is basically a liability
>people who actually need it don't know it exists
>people who do know it exists use it almost exclusively to stunlock people they are griefing

Haven development in a nutshell.
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby jock » Sun Jul 16, 2023 12:25 pm

XoZeal wrote:Not sure if it is at all relevant but I have a few people who have been talking about coming back and playing but no desire to start again on a world that is aged. . . Was just looking to see if there was any chance of a fresh world any time soon?

This world is actually the best world for catching up in quality. There is little reason to wait for a new world or to have one. as we don't really need one. The balance of the tool capping the animals and the mould really made progress much fairer. The age of the world only really impacts a few areas now that technically can be solved such as bone quality needs but hunting spots can be improved via biome conversion and questing.

Farming is a global cap that also has a built-in catch-up mechanic plus most markets sell near-top ql crops. I expect when they realise we need more people farming top to increase the ql they will begin selling their best seeds.

Trees are all slowing down for most people as they can't dump silly quality meat (due to hardcap on tool ql) into the mulch bins to leave everyone else behind.

The game really needs more mine levels to enable progression via good stones/feldspar for the top-quality players but overall, the game is in a great place progression-wise. I hope that we see some tiered soft-capping on stat progression based on world length to enable more access to pvp next world.
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby Brennan » Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:49 pm

Actually i do not see the problem of launching new world without wiping old world. Two worlds can exist separately at example.

The enjoyment of H&H replayability can consist without sorrow of loosing progress on old world.
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby Nightdawg » Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:49 pm

jock wrote:This world is actually the best world for catching up in quality.

Yes jock, but try having a conversation with the people that complain so hard about "There's no point in starting after X amount of time".
It's either:
"Oh I don't want to have the free stuff, I want to work for it myself, I don't want to loot an abandoned base" (and when you tell them "just... don't loot it?", their brain crashes)
"Oh but there's no way I could ever possibly catch up, btw I quit 2 weeks after the world starts and I always play in a hermitage and I prioritize being shit at the game over learning it"

Idk why they care about the top dogs in the first place.
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby Lukash4k1 » Mon Jul 17, 2023 3:52 pm

Nightdawg wrote:
jock wrote:This world is actually the best world for catching up in quality.

Yes jock, but try having a conversation with the people that complain so hard about "There's no point in starting after X amount of time".
It's either:
"Oh I don't want to have the free stuff, I want to work for it myself, I don't want to loot an abandoned base" (and when you tell them "just... don't loot it?", their brain crashes)
"Oh but there's no way I could ever possibly catch up, btw I quit 2 weeks after the world starts and I always play in a hermitage and I prioritize being shit at the game over learning it"

Idk why they care about the top dogs in the first place.

I want play again, but i also wait for W15, i dont have nothing more to do on W14 after playing 3 months with mates in village, i could play a little bit longer but just for grinding more and more stats.
They could run 2 separate servers, like one every 1-2 years maybe 1,5 and second every 6 months. and when long server have wipe, dont start the short one. Soo for the next 6 months will be only one server, n after it they could make new server for next six months... and everyone will be happy, or im wrong? I hope this is understandable :roll:
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby Brennan » Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:23 am

Lukash4k1 wrote:
Nightdawg wrote:
jock wrote:This world is actually the best world for catching up in quality.

Yes jock, but try having a conversation with the people that complain so hard about "There's no point in starting after X amount of time".
It's either:
"Oh I don't want to have the free stuff, I want to work for it myself, I don't want to loot an abandoned base" (and when you tell them "just... don't loot it?", their brain crashes)
"Oh but there's no way I could ever possibly catch up, btw I quit 2 weeks after the world starts and I always play in a hermitage and I prioritize being shit at the game over learning it"

Idk why they care about the top dogs in the first place.

I want play again, but i also wait for W15, i dont have nothing more to do on W14 after playing 3 months with mates in village, i could play a little bit longer but just for grinding more and more stats.
They could run 2 separate servers, like one every 1-2 years maybe 1,5 and second every 6 months. and when long server have wipe, dont start the short one. Soo for the next 6 months will be only one server, n after it they could make new server for next six months... and everyone will be happy, or im wrong? I hope this is understandable :roll:

Yep, that would be a nice decigion too. Players should not look at reset theme as a part of one of the camps where is no win-win solution, as one group want a fresh start and adventures while the second wants to continue mastering all the stuff they want
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