Murdered at Lobhirst

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Murdered at Lobhirst

Postby gembu » Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:54 pm

Just got murdered by a random on horseback, murder scent -19-29 or -20-29. A guy with a sword murdered me south of a village (no name, but with an icon of a wolf). Can someone please track him and kill him? He took my body to this huge village and told me Spitsbergen on Discord to get my body back. What does he mean? How do i do it and should i do it?

Update: The murderer and bodies are located south of Lobhirst in Lanweald province. The village is called "The GNOMES are very hard at work" located at (8,12).
Update: Will provide a mandrake root for anyone who could find the scent to make a nidbane.


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Last edited by gembu on Sat Apr 27, 2024 5:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Murdered at Lobhierst

Postby IchBin » Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:24 pm

That's one funny little guy, who tries to show, that playing game with it's developers made tools are silly. My character was introduced to him also - to death.

If seriously - don't listen to him if embracing such behavior is not Your intention. He has some issues, I think.
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Re: Murdered at Lobhierst

Postby TraxayaNoNelubya » Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:05 am

Welcome to the ded niggers storage, niga
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Re: Murdered at Lobhierst

Postby gembu » Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:20 am

TraxayaNoNelubya wrote:Welcome to the ded niggers storage, niga

Take it, it has no value to me or you. Just giving neighbors a heads up
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Re: Murdered at Lobhirst

Postby avros008 » Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:20 pm

They killed my 30 minutes old character too. People like them are the reason of only 200 people play this amazing game.
dafels wrote:the midges are not the problem,
you're the problem
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Re: Murdered at Lobhirst

Postby Dawidio123 » Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:22 pm

avros008 wrote:They killed my 30 minutes old character too. People like them are the reason of only 200 people play this amazing game.

There is like a list of reasons of why player count always goes down from 1k+ to around 200-300 after like 2-3 months and Spitsbergen and players like him are (sadly) not even in the top 10 of them.
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Re: Murdered at Lobhirst

Postby Zentetsuken » Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:28 pm

Alright, brace yourself for a rant because I'm about to lay down some serious grievances about the sorry state of Haven and Hearth. You see, this game used to be a haven (pun intended) for hardcore gamers like myself, but lately, it's turned into a digital wasteland, with the player population plummeting faster than a lead balloon.

Let's start with the sheer tedium of it all. Have you ever tried grinding for hours on end, just to raise the quality of some measly resources? It's mind-numbing! I mean, come on, where's the fun in endlessly clicking away at the same tasks day in and day out? It's like the developers took a crash course in how to make a game as boring as humanly possible.

And don't even get me started on the lack of updates. Seriously, it's like the devs have gone AWOL or something. We've been stuck with the same stale content for ages, with no sign of anything new on the horizon. How are we supposed to stay engaged when there's nothing fresh to sink our teeth into? It's like they're actively trying to drive players away.

But wait, it gets worse. What's the point of all this mindless resource grinding anyway? Sure, you can improve the quality of your stuff, but for what? There's no real endgame to speak of, no ultimate goal to strive towards. It's like we're all just spinning our wheels, trapped in a never-ending cycle of monotony.

And don't even get me started on PvP. It's a total crapshoot, with no rhyme or reason to who comes out on top. You can pour hours of blood, sweat, and tears into building up your character, only to have it all ripped away in an instant by some overpowered griefer. It's enough to make you want to rage quit for good.

Speaking of griefers, let's talk about those jerks who prey on new players. It's bad enough that the game is already stacked against newcomers, what with the steep learning curve and all. But to add insult to injury, you've got these veteran players like Spitsbergen and Snail running around, extorting the poor noobs for all they're worth. It's like kicking someone when they're already down.

And as if all that weren't bad enough, the developers are nowhere to be found. It's like they've washed their hands of the whole thing and left us to fend for ourselves. Bugs go unfixed, balance issues go unaddressed, and the player base continues to dwindle as a result. It's a sad state of affairs, my friends.

In conclusion, Haven and Hearth has gone from being a promising sandbox MMO to a digital ghost town, plagued by tedium, stagnation, and unfair gameplay. Unless the developers pull their heads out of the sand and start listening to their player base, I fear it's only a matter of time before the game becomes a distant memory, lost to the sands of time.
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