Hat "collectors"

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Hat "collectors"

Postby valeriesusanne » Thu May 23, 2024 2:04 am

If any mods or the devs monitor this thread, this is for you

I'm sure you're aware of the jackasses who go around attacking hat-wearing players under the guise of "collecting" hats by making "deals."
("Give me your hat and I won't kill/maim you" is not a deal; it's affectionately known as armed robbery)
Hats are not in-game acquired objects that can be replaced. They are unique objects PURCHASED outside the game with REAL CURRENCY
Personally, I like this set up, as it is a way I can afford to support the devs. I cannot afford to round out some asshole's "collection"

I'm hard pressed to imagine that many hat purchasers are thinking about "gifting" their hats.
I propose that hats be made permanently and irrevocably attached to the purchaser, and not be in any way transferable in-game.
If someone wants to "gift" a hat, make it so that transaction is done at point of purchase, outside of game-play.
This will eliminate in-game "collecting" while maintaining in-game asshole-ery. (I can see me being revenge-mauled any day now)

Look at it this way: every hat that is "collected" in-game is a hat not being purchased in your store! Make them buy their own damn hats!
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Re: Hat "collectors"

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Thu May 23, 2024 2:56 am

There is a market for the reselling of hats, and Jorb is a thoroughly classical liberal thinker who enjoys the free marketplace of ideas and exchange of goods, and hates to regulate anything. Jorb wants us to magically police the killing of newbs when his best incentive for doing so is super nerfed realm buffs.

Almost all tools used to protect people from PVP beyond palisades are used almost exclusively by PvPers and random newbs have virtually no systems protecting them or meaningful ways to get vengeance against their killers (Nidbanes - Nerfed. Scrying scent-leavers? Nerfed. Damage capped at your MHP to provide execution protection? Not implemented.)

Your best bet is to learn the myriad of arcane game systems to protect yourself, find a community which will protect you, or live in a remote ass place like an island only accessible via a Snekkja but far enough inland that random boats wont go by.
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Re: Hat "collectors"

Postby valeriesusanne » Thu May 23, 2024 5:25 am

I counter:

Quoting The Hearth Shoppe:
"Purchased cosmetic items (such as hats) are added as permanent upgrades to your account, and can always be retrieved again from your Hearth Fire if lost or stolen."
Misleading. Hats can be lost, when an unsuspecting player is strong-armed into giving up said hat or risk losing the avatar. (sounds like the definition of "stolen" to me)
You can re-animate with another avatar, but you're never getting the hat back.
And yes, you can freely give/sell them as well (free market-like.) So, not just misleading, but straight up false. Hats are NOT permanent upgrades to your account.

"Support Hats do indeed make you look awesome, but have no other tangible ingame effects."
Two things here. "Support" implies that the devs appreciate the Real Life Money being spent in their store.
Stolen hats don't generate income. Just the opposite: players spending Real Life Money say fuck it and stop playing, or stop buying hats.
And, you don't "look awesome," you look like bait. You're practically begging to be attacked.
If you're naive enough to wear your hat anywhere, you are most assuredly going to suffer "tangible effects."

Nothing wrong with full disclosure. Unless they just really don't want new players? Nobody enjoys being blindsided.
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Re: Hat "collectors"

Postby SnuggleSnail » Thu May 23, 2024 5:57 am

Didn't read any of what you posted, but buyers remorse doesn't make you a victim or invalidate the informed transaction you agreed to.

Go pick up some rocks and leafs IRL maybe you'll be able to afford the will to power
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Re: Hat "collectors"

Postby abt79 » Thu May 23, 2024 6:10 am

you’ve misinterpreted.

The words in the store are a summary of ‘the rules’ as implemented into the code, e.g. there is no way within the game for another player to remove the hats from your possession without your… “permission” in the most literal sense. Assuming account security is ironclad, :clueless:

What you’ve added is a summary of player behaviors: a totally logical and reasonable synthesis of the gameplay and human-behavior incentives that derive from the game’s systems and constitute the game in actuality, as is nakedly obvious to anyone who plays HnH for any period of time.

For the latter (ie, what modes of gameplay their arbitrary and mostly nonsensical design decisions incentivize), the developers take no responsibility and do not consider balancing if they consider it at all. So if for example players with an amount of ingame power (in the form of stats, items, game knowledge, ping, computing power; ultimately it’s all reducible to RL money and free time) thousands of times greater than yours is able to leverage that power sway your decisions, to construct a false choice between losing something you spent money on and losing something you spent playtime on, the game’s code does not see a difference between that choice and another player’s decision to give their hat in trade or out of complete generosity.

The developers don’t either. They wish to create a space with “total freedom” without considering how their own assumptions, biases, and haphazardly borrowed sandbox mmorpg gameplay loops create complex systems of incentives which place player decisions as simple as Choosing To Play At All downhill of their own, or even how the very act of creating a videogame is itself a series of options denied (or very strongly discouraged) to those who might play it.

Meh, they also unsecretly delight in that. It’s wishing to devise an experiment which proves one’s worldview “correct,” opting to write a sign that says “My Worldview is Correct” and being pleased with such compelling proof, except they couldn’t even manage that. It’s a feudal tax collector claiming himself powerless to stop a peasant child from starving, for all he has is written-on paper; the serfs have all the farmland and choose to give him tithes.

It’s not that there’s nothing they can do; there’s nothing that they want to do. Haven is a world more competitive, more brittle and less serious than reality, the world J+L wish to see. To stick around, to begin living and continue to live in that cold and puerile world is to accept the vision.
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Re: Hat "collectors"

Postby TheServant » Thu May 23, 2024 8:43 am

What if i want to give a hat that isn't in store? It doesn't make much sense and i think this won't solve anything since players who would give their hats to griefers probably would flip to your desired proposal...
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Re: Hat "collectors"

Postby Egilzzz » Thu May 23, 2024 12:04 pm

I assume this is the same group that attacked me. I am new player, played for about 1 week. Three folks came to me and demanded irl money from me, calling me "poor nigger" and such. I have supporting screenshots along with screenshots of thier base that has fe. sfastikas in the undergrounds.
Not an experience id expect from casual game. I hope this is not a normal thing?

For the record i didnt have any hat or so, didnt even know you can support the game until they told me to buy them tokens or smthg
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Re: Hat "collectors"

Postby Dawidio123 » Thu May 23, 2024 12:13 pm

valeriesusanne wrote:I propose that hats be made permanently and irrevocably attached to the purchaser, and not be in any way transferable in-game.
If someone wants to "gift" a hat, make it so that transaction is done at point of purchase, outside of game-play.

Then they will tell you to buy them a hat from the store or die instead of transfering the hat or die. Just as is done with tokens, and if those are removed (as in players are actually now FORCED to pay for their premium accounts which is bad for everyone) they will just tell you to pay them on paypal.
To conclude, you cannot be forced into giving anyone your hat/tokens/money as they cannot be stolen off your body, if you don't want to give them then don't.
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Re: Hat "collectors"

Postby DonVelD » Thu May 23, 2024 3:20 pm

jesus christ get a spine, people

if you dont like the deal then dont give the hat and just die like you would without hats :roll:



i hate having a choice!!!!!!!!!
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