Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:17 pm

Plus all the guerilla warfare.

Little drama tbh.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby donbot » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:19 pm

noindyfikator wrote:
abt79 wrote:what happened to whatever bay? Who actually won? Is the siege still happening?

Whatever Bay won. There was 5 fights, 2 (smaller fights) for enemies and 3 (deciding ones) for us.

Attackers now cry on forum, they made fake accounts and try to get big drama.

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:Plus all the guerilla warfare.

Little drama tbh.

What amazes me more than how light the punishment was, is how nothing was done about it ingame. I'm actually starting to think people are frightened that you'll do it again, so to protect the server, they work with you instead of going against you, all in the hopes that you will leave the server alone.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby DonCheadle » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:24 pm

abt79 wrote:what happened to whatever bay? Who actually won? Is the siege still happening?

There were 2 goals for sedge:
  • 1. Save wb sprucies from the tyrannical and problematic influence of Robben, misa, doles, etc
  • 2. Failing that, trashing wb

sadly the retard militia is still entrenched because sprucetards are very susceptible to their propaganda, they use exploits, and seidge system is doodoo poopoo. However wb is basically unusable for its inhabitants so siggers still have the W here im afraid
Last edited by DonCheadle on Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DonCheadle wrote:People have always been obsessed by celebrities. There are just more outlets and opportunities to make a living exploiting that obsession nowadays.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby noindyfikator » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:25 pm

WTS TEARS, I get them a lot from donclowns
W3-Garden of Metallurgists
W11-The Friend Zone
W12-Kingdom of Ashes
W14-Alpaca Farm aka Animal Planet
W15-Whatever Bay - The Greatest Siege Defense Victory in Haven History - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhyUveSeZ0Q
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the rat above me has 1 hhp

Postby DonCheadle » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:26 pm

rosku dying was like stalin icepick lenin tbh, wb is ruined in more ways than one
DonCheadle wrote:People have always been obsessed by celebrities. There are just more outlets and opportunities to make a living exploiting that obsession nowadays.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby donbot » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:31 pm

noindyfikator wrote:WTS TEARS, I get them a lot from donclowns

im having fun, at worst they are tears of joy
What amazes me more than how light the punishment was, is how nothing was done about it ingame. I'm actually starting to think people are frightened that you'll do it again, so to protect the server, they work with you instead of going against you, all in the hopes that you will leave the server alone.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:32 pm

Meanwhile, in Whatever Bay, we are LARPing:
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby donbot » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:35 pm

what a good example of prime primate species just sitting right there bro looks retarded
What amazes me more than how light the punishment was, is how nothing was done about it ingame. I'm actually starting to think people are frightened that you'll do it again, so to protect the server, they work with you instead of going against you, all in the hopes that you will leave the server alone.
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don bot died in 1978

Postby TheServant » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:39 pm

donbot wrote:Image

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i think u should Przypisuje się Zadekowi, że zaczął grać w Haven and Hearth, bo usłyszał, że to najlepsza gra, która pomaga w rozwijaniu umiejętności "Przetrwaj swoje własne decyzje". Teraz każdy zastanawia się, czy to quest czy tylko przypadkowe klikanie myszką!

Opowiadają, że Zadek spędził tyle czasu na budowaniu swojego wirtualnego domu, że teraz myśli, że posiada stopień inżyniera budownictwa w świecie rzeczywistym. Jego przyjaciele proszą go o pomoc w zbudowaniu prawdziwego domu, ale on odpowiada: "Czekajcie, muszę najpierw ulepszyć moje umiejętności budowlane w Haven and Hearth!"

Zadek zorganizował nawet "Turniej Przetrwania" w prawdziwym życiu, ale zamiast zdobywać jedzenie, wszyscy uczestnicy próbowali znaleźć skarb ukryty w ich własnych zakamarkach mieszkania. Niektórzy twierdzą, że nadal szukają tego skarbu, ale reszta już zdobyła umiejętność "Zgubiłem klucze do mieszkania".

Ostatnio Zadek zorganizował spotkanie fanów Haven and Hearth, ale nikt nie mógł znaleźć miejsca, bo była to ukryta kraina, dostępna tylko dla tych, którzy osiągnęli poziom eksperta w zgubionych mapach.

Moral of the story: Kiedy grasz w Haven and Hearth, nawet rzeczywiste życie staje się jedną wielką przygodą.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby donbot » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:41 pm

i dont understand this sickening langungagen its just szczcszczsbczxhzchzsz's
What amazes me more than how light the punishment was, is how nothing was done about it ingame. I'm actually starting to think people are frightened that you'll do it again, so to protect the server, they work with you instead of going against you, all in the hopes that you will leave the server alone.
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