Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby Okocim » Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:33 pm

noindyfikator wrote:Very good tldr from Okocim

Now that i think of it, ppl that would actually be interested in reading that, won't find it this deep in the thread anyways :D
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:47 pm

Okocim wrote:

Nobody rly knows accurate numbers when the fights get this big because the people who get KOed usually don't advertise it.

First fight I personally came home with 5 cutblades, so AT LEAST 5 WB bois went down and I'm FAIRLY CONFIDENT none of us got downed.

Second big fight I personally saw 12 well geared enemies get downed and clemins' video has 6? half of which I didn't see. I think like 2-3 of us went down, and the ones that did were bronze plate bois.
^ after this fight the siege was over because after a single competent group was on your side siege was not realistic in this system and all subsequent fights were just people being a nuisance / trying to farm gear. Not super sure what happened after this.
Last edited by SnuggleSnail on Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby abt79 » Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:50 pm

@Okocim fascinating timelime of events. One question tho:

Okocim wrote:10.12
WB got some support and early in the morning initiated combat in order to destroy siege machines (no idea about casualties), both groups of siege machines (one near vidol and ones near outer wall) were destroyed.
Soon after besiegers rebuilt the machines.
In the middle of the night WB with their support launched another offensive, once again all siege machines were bashed and 1-2 besiegers were KO.
At this point siege was mostly over, however raiders could still freely roam WB streets and continue griefing.

What village/faction provided this support? For historical/documentary purposes
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:52 pm

It was my group + Arcanum/dante + The British + FelixAD + some of Polska + Oppedia + ardennes vs. WB + most of Polska + OrcaAD + Trollex group/hearthling heralds + Nightdawg + maze probably more I didn't have memoed

fix'd with the edit :prayeremoji:
Last edited by SnuggleSnail on Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby MightySheep » Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:04 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:It was my group + Arcanum/dante + The British + FelixAD + some of Polska + Oppedia vs. WB + most of Polska + OrcaAD + Trollex group/hearthling heralds + Nightdawg + probably more I didn't have memoed

u forgot maze / church of satan for WB team, that was the deciding factor
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby Okocim » Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:23 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:
Okocim wrote:

Nobody rly knows accurate numbers when the fights get this big because the people who get KOed usually don't advertise it.

First fight I personally came home with 5 cutblades, so AT LEAST 5 WB bois went down and I'm FAIRLY CONFIDENT none of us got downed.

Second big fight I personally saw 12 well geared enemies get downed and clemins' video has 6? half of which I didn't see. I think like 2-3 of us went down, and the ones that did were bronze plate bois.
^ after this fight the siege was over because after a single competent group was on your side siege was not realistic in this system and all subsequent fights were just people being a nuisance / trying to farm gear. Not super sure what happened after this.

I'm getting a little bit confused about numbering the fights :D

First fight where wb militia got a beating in the safe pali? Might be true that there were mor kos on our side. I'v based it somewhat on the amount of gear I had to replace and there might be some allies that got ko.

Big Fight where villagers took part - keep in mind few of our villagers as in not part of militia might have had some better gear, I'v been giving away decent ql of bronze armor and swords and once again I have not accounted for our allies getting ko, received no information on their causalities.

Anyways, thanks, will include that information.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:40 pm

Okocim wrote:Huge mistake of not replacing the safe palisade keys resulted in WB militia being caught and KO(3-4 KO) WB allies suffered some KOs too.

o I didn't read it fully. This was like the funniest part of the whole siege. We didn't have keys from a previous gank, either Robben or Bob I forget which had keys on them and got KOed while trying to waddle back because they didn't drink well lol

Mightysheep ran in and stayed alive for like 3 minutes in a 1vX or so while we were bringing the keys to the safepali to get in I have no fucking idea how WB bois managed to not down him in that time
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby TheServant » Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:09 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:
Okocim wrote:Huge mistake of not replacing the safe palisade keys resulted in WB militia being caught and KO(3-4 KO) WB allies suffered some KOs too.

o I didn't read it fully. This was like the funniest part of the whole siege. We didn't have keys from a previous gank, either Robben or Bob I forget which had keys on them and got KOed while trying to waddle back because they didn't drink well lol

Mightysheep ran in and stayed alive for like 3 minutes in a 1vX or so while we were bringing the keys to the safepali to get in I have no fucking idea how WB bois managed to not down him in that time

we were not attacking him we assumed it was safe so we switched to cleave decks.. i would pop mrage thankfully didnt happen... we took our time cause we assume no keys, also missed maze group
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puta madre

Postby DonCheadle » Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:26 pm

misa…………that post was totally unintelligible………………………………………………..
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:26 pm

LOL I will bust a nut if you guys missed a kill then got squad wiped because robben was too embarrassed to admit he got downed with a key. I'm PRETTY SURE it was him but I don't have a video. Felix probably does.
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