Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

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Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby noindyfikator » Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:48 pm

Dear heartlings, a lot is happening recently

So far we have reports about siege only from the attackers side. Here you go, our defense adventure during last few days!

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhyUveSeZ0Q


We won siege!
There is very short the end video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H75HVPnQAPw

Okocim wrote:Here is a quick recollection of what happened, (I might get some things wrong or omit something, but should be more or less accurate.)

Alliance of a many pvp factions was formed in order to siege Whatever Bay
Thingpeace was broken, given overwhelming numerical advantage(14+ vs 8) of the sieging side it was not contested by WB forces.
Siege Engines were placed, few hours after that WB militia tried to fight attackers and destroy siege machines, once again outnumbered. Huge mistake of not replacing the safe palisade keys resulted in WB militia being caught and KO(3-4 KO) WB allies suffered some KOs too.
Another attempt of breaking the siege which included every willing WB resident, Big fight happened WB KO 2-3 fighters on the sieging side, Siegers KO 2-3 WB militia members few WB allied fighters and countless WB residents. Siege was not broken.
During small scale skirmish, WB leader made a mistake resulting in his death.
Outer village walls were broken. Besiegers gained access to WB streets. Sieging side built new siege machines close to the Village Idol, raided poorly secured plots, caught few careless villagers and did as much griefing as they could.
Minor attempts of breaking new machines failed.
WB got some support and early in the morning initiated combat in order to destroy siege machines (no idea about casualties), both groups of siege machines (one near vidol and ones near outer wall) were destroyed.
Soon after besiegers rebuilt the machines.
In the middle of the night WB with their support launched another offensive, once again all siege machines were bashed and 1-2 besiegers were KO.
At this point siege was mostly over, however raiders could still freely roam WB streets and continue griefing.
Closing the breach in the outer wall proved difficult since fresh palisade can be easily destroyed and enemies were stationed in the village almost constantly.
Many little fights happened, with mostly attackers getting KO, due to their small number at this point and unfavourable battleground which allowed WB players to build traps.
Since closing the huge breach was not viable, WB decided on creating another line of wall inside the village, built with short and cheap pieces of palisade, which required less effort to build than destroying them.
After few days inner walls soaked up which made bashing the outer wall pointless and allowed for finally closing the breach.
Frustrated besiegers set up a bot that constantly assembles and dismantles a wrecking ball in order to harass villagers and market users.

Some WB villagers quit the game because of siege, few left the village.
Market was closed for the duration and will require some time to get stable again.
WB village requires a lot of cleaning, including removal of inner palisade segments.
WB charter code was hijacked and been used to kill unsuspecting players, similar story with public well charter.(Remember charter codes are case sensitive, WB charters start with Capital leathers: Bay and Dew)
No other significant loses on the WB side. Do not know about any significant loses on the sieging side.
(I'm not treating lost gear as something significant, I believe everyone involved can easily replace their gear and I have no idea about gear actually lost, both sides seem to exaggerate)

If you feel like I missed something of importance or made a mistake, let me know, I'll edit it in.
Last edited by noindyfikator on Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:45 am, edited 5 times in total.
W3 - W10 - Hermit / small plots with spruces
W11 - The Friend Zone
W12 - KoA aka Kingdom of Ashes
W13 - Monke
W14 - Alpaca Farm aka Animal Planet
W15 - Whatever Bay - The Greatest Siege Defense Victory in Haven History - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhyUveSeZ0Q
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby Myrgard » Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:22 pm

Well, I can only say, congrats, glad to know the city is holding on
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby donbot » Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:33 pm

if the siege got defended, why can i walk inside of your gates and pave swastikas lmao
What amazes me more than how light the punishment was, is how nothing was done about it ingame. I'm actually starting to think people are frightened that you'll do it again, so to protect the server, they work with you instead of going against you, all in the hopes that you will leave the server alone.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby donbot » Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:37 pm

What amazes me more than how light the punishment was, is how nothing was done about it ingame. I'm actually starting to think people are frightened that you'll do it again, so to protect the server, they work with you instead of going against you, all in the hopes that you will leave the server alone.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby MightySheep » Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:38 pm

dude just casually skipped over the biggest and main fight of the whole thing where both sides bring every single fighter from basically every pvp village in the whole of haven in prime time weekend to fight and puts "a lot of people on both sides were knocked out" :lol: the defenders got absolutely massacred, to be fair he got KOd so quick cant blame him too much for not having much footage

I missed the later fights because they waited till 5am to bash catas in middle of their village, keeping 24h protection of catapult in the middle of the biggest village on server vs huge zergs kinda difficult, current siege mechanics are borderline impossible, even the fact that you even let us get into your outer wall to cause endless mayhem is a huge fail

Im glad you recorded the fail at 2:50 tho where im run into 1v4 safepali that was hilarious u trapped me 1v4 in a safepali and then take so long to kill me that we got key from KO outside and all the reinforcements come into safe pali and I survive and u all die! :lol: altho Im not sure how the hell u escaped thats a big fail on our side i guess

Since its a siege gotta include the non pvp attrition so I will provide some of this

Here is a snapshot of some of the fun times I have inside this village:

In addition to this Ive probably bashed about 1000 farm stockpiles, 100 beeskep, every road, windmill, wagon station and almost everything else bashable inside village but taking the charter name has given me the best profit and I manage to sell the loot for albion currency I thought Im just here to waste time but its been very worthwhile : )

I do like the addition of "all core fighters plots were untouched" at the end, as long as the guys who instigate it are fine thats ok but all the hermits, farmers and market-goers getting fucked isnt important
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby Dawidio123 » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:07 pm

MightySheep wrote:I do like the addition of "all core fighters plots were untouched" at the end, as long as the guys who instigate it are fine thats ok but all the hermits, farmers and market-goers getting fucked isnt important

Really makes you think what those guys really care about (It's not the good of their villagers).
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby Granny » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:21 pm

Great video, good editing. Thanks for this!

Even though I live in WB this world and as such "a defender"... I have not seen any of this before. Good job!
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby wolf1000wolf » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:44 pm

MightySheep wrote:...

Here is a snapshot of some of the fun times I have inside this village:

In addition to this Ive probably bashed about 1000 farm stockpiles, 100 beeskep, every road, windmill, wagon station and almost everything else bashable inside village but taking the charter name has given me the best profit and I manage to sell the loot for albion currency I thought Im just here to waste time but its been very worthwhile : )

I do like the addition of "all core fighters plots were untouched" at the end, as long as the guys who instigate it are fine thats ok but all the hermits, farmers and market-goers getting fucked isnt important

Huh, how did you handbash the pali gates?
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby Ø » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:46 pm

Who wants to teach me how to participate in these things? Looks like a rush.
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Re: Whatever Bay Siegema - DEFENDERS point of view

Postby MightySheep » Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:15 pm

Ø wrote:Who wants to teach me how to participate in these things? Looks like a rush.

both sides pretty much invited any1 who want to come, I guess the answer is be at least relevant enough for someone to bother to pm u
wolf1000wolf wrote:Huh, how did you handbash the pali gates?

my strength is rly high
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