I thought in general he lives there somewhere and I should care for him - not that I'll meet him 1 min later... he knocked me down, I got scared and logged out.. I woke up with my stuff scattered all over. Then I came back to the thingwall to check soemthing and there was strangely a knocked down horse. I was thinking what to do with it, well Im not sure I could at all do anything, maybe punch it somehow and finish it up?

But that night I had a dream about HnH so I had to return.. I create a new character, jump into the world again and there's... snow!! (btw. I'm roastspitting something rn so I can write a story )
So there were some squirrel hairs curios near the spawn, the area was very quiet and idk but I liked it, snowflakes were flying around. I've lighted up an abandoned fireplace, built some drying frames and figured out what food gives what, got 2 points to int, agi, str and perception and I logged off.
I had a dream about Skiis because I saw that name on a wiki... the dream was about me yeeting around on them but someone knocked me down and I couldn't find them again so I was thinking I can jsut get a bunch of boards and maybe craft them myself...
I came back, I collected a fur and I was able to make Skiis just like in the dream so the fun began :3 Start the rock music now - catching rabbits, squirrels, chasing snowflakes, raiding squirrel stashes etc. I moved slightly further away because I found a small home-like cave, minecraft dirthouse that was there, more like some animal's dugout from the screenshot. Also, near my new small home there was a hidden hollow too for bonus storage and I crafted new drying frames a bit further away

Soo, I've just remained myself that Fishing exists. Forgot completely what it was about and I don't think I've done it before in haven.... aaand just, I totally didnt care about fishes, I mean last day I wasn't looking where they are etc. I just remember there was one jumping nearby to the spawn, I saw it at the corner of my camera in the icehole. I came back there and turns out it was a hole of PLAICES and Silver Beams... Plaices I literally wished for, Im glad I was umm "relocated" there (into this spawn) because I could keep up my Perception with other stats.
I also found another hole in the ice with Zanders.
I have a funny story. I remember I found an abanadoned cart but I didn't mark it and I was trying to later find it because I'll need it for later relocation. I went into a wrong direction but I found some kind of a small grassland hidden under the snow because hens spawned there and I saw them for the first time! Although I caught only few, I made some feather curios and gained more entrails for fishing. Then I was chased by a badger, I started to skii out totally into another direction and I ran into that cart because of it so all went according to the plan, God's plan or something I mean xD
Because once the snow melts, I plan to use this cart to relocate somewhere further away. My plan was to add Survi like maybe 30 to find where the water has its quality epicentre like if I was about to find some 25q water, I was going to settle around here. But now when I think about it, it can be like q50 or something and I won't discover it that soon so after the winter, I'm just going to go out into that general direction and settle where I want to and I'll be figuring out the spots later.
I've also added 5 points into Marksmanship to craft a Q10 sling, there's an unfrozen river nearby and I remember I saw a dugout somewhere, I'm going to take it and try and hunt my first fox in a dugout. That's gonna be a huuge achievement!!!
So I plan to make a pretty tiny palisade box for now (because I'm lazy xD) just to have my own cottage and just explore, forage, hunt with a bow etc. I like that I spawned late -world so there are going to be a lot of different bases to ekhm, "visit" I mean just see what they are about

Oh, I also think it's all according to the God's plan becuase the first place that I spawned in - had a nice chat and someone offered some basic items like tools and clothes if that person comes to hmm how it was called, Dreambarrow or Dreameadow village and I heard u can just enter a name and TP there so it's good that I saw it, I'm gonna contact them later.
The only problem I had was that in Haven 1 I was gathering Toadstools for 5 points and I've gathered enough for my dreamitem - Ranger's Cape... which I see is bad now and takes two slots and has Explo / Stealth glide xD So it's not a thing for a noob to be omg super extra iteem anymore ayay so Idk what gear I'm going to wear and it seems you cannot just gather a bit of toadstools, berries and a floatsam and buy some good gear, trading is weird now and noone buys anything foragable anymore, just some rare weird things and they sell stuff for pretty expensive amount of coins, I prefered the Haven 1 trading.
Cheers, I hope you enjoyed my roastspitting story.
I've killed a fox myself with a q10 sling!! Was an epic fight! On a dugot + skies