My Adventures Journal :3

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My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:31 am

I've entered the world and used some hidden hole as my temporary cupboard... but I spawned into some dangerous hellhole called "SWAMP" (province name was like this xD) full of flies and villages... a mysterious stranger came by and said: "Beware of the man on a horse, he's quite deadly"..

I thought in general he lives there somewhere and I should care for him - not that I'll meet him 1 min later... he knocked me down, I got scared and logged out.. I woke up with my stuff scattered all over. Then I came back to the thingwall to check soemthing and there was strangely a knocked down horse. I was thinking what to do with it, well Im not sure I could at all do anything, maybe punch it somehow and finish it up? :D And then, someone swimmed out of the river and I ran away for 25 metres... seeing the futility of it, I said - Hi.. he walked neer me so glad he can murder a naked guy. I logged out of fear and I didnt have my character when I came back.

But that night I had a dream about HnH so I had to return.. I create a new character, jump into the world again and there's... snow!! (btw. I'm roastspitting something rn so I can write a story )

So there were some squirrel hairs curios near the spawn, the area was very quiet and idk but I liked it, snowflakes were flying around. I've lighted up an abandoned fireplace, built some drying frames and figured out what food gives what, got 2 points to int, agi, str and perception and I logged off.

I had a dream about Skiis because I saw that name on a wiki... the dream was about me yeeting around on them but someone knocked me down and I couldn't find them again so I was thinking I can jsut get a bunch of boards and maybe craft them myself...

I came back, I collected a fur and I was able to make Skiis just like in the dream so the fun began :3 Start the rock music now - catching rabbits, squirrels, chasing snowflakes, raiding squirrel stashes etc. I moved slightly further away because I found a small home-like cave, minecraft dirthouse that was there, more like some animal's dugout from the screenshot. Also, near my new small home there was a hidden hollow too for bonus storage and I crafted new drying frames a bit further away


Soo, I've just remained myself that Fishing exists. Forgot completely what it was about and I don't think I've done it before in haven.... aaand just, I totally didnt care about fishes, I mean last day I wasn't looking where they are etc. I just remember there was one jumping nearby to the spawn, I saw it at the corner of my camera in the icehole. I came back there and turns out it was a hole of PLAICES and Silver Beams... Plaices I literally wished for, Im glad I was umm "relocated" there (into this spawn) because I could keep up my Perception with other stats.

I also found another hole in the ice with Zanders.

I have a funny story. I remember I found an abanadoned cart but I didn't mark it and I was trying to later find it because I'll need it for later relocation. I went into a wrong direction but I found some kind of a small grassland hidden under the snow because hens spawned there and I saw them for the first time! Although I caught only few, I made some feather curios and gained more entrails for fishing. Then I was chased by a badger, I started to skii out totally into another direction and I ran into that cart because of it so all went according to the plan, God's plan or something I mean xD

Because once the snow melts, I plan to use this cart to relocate somewhere further away. My plan was to add Survi like maybe 30 to find where the water has its quality epicentre like if I was about to find some 25q water, I was going to settle around here. But now when I think about it, it can be like q50 or something and I won't discover it that soon so after the winter, I'm just going to go out into that general direction and settle where I want to and I'll be figuring out the spots later.

I've also added 5 points into Marksmanship to craft a Q10 sling, there's an unfrozen river nearby and I remember I saw a dugout somewhere, I'm going to take it and try and hunt my first fox in a dugout. That's gonna be a huuge achievement!!!

So I plan to make a pretty tiny palisade box for now (because I'm lazy xD) just to have my own cottage and just explore, forage, hunt with a bow etc. I like that I spawned late -world so there are going to be a lot of different bases to ekhm, "visit" I mean just see what they are about :D I'm not going to get a horse that easily, I mean I will propably use a wild one with Clover but I'm mostly going to travel Haven 1 style - in a boat so I'm going to pick a place that is interconnected to some rivers, inb4 r.i.p - I hope not xD But I think a lot of bandits I remember I met in new Haven were on a horse and u could escape them if u were on water.

Oh, I also think it's all according to the God's plan becuase the first place that I spawned in - had a nice chat and someone offered some basic items like tools and clothes if that person comes to hmm how it was called, Dreambarrow or Dreameadow village and I heard u can just enter a name and TP there so it's good that I saw it, I'm gonna contact them later.

The only problem I had was that in Haven 1 I was gathering Toadstools for 5 points and I've gathered enough for my dreamitem - Ranger's Cape... which I see is bad now and takes two slots and has Explo / Stealth glide xD So it's not a thing for a noob to be omg super extra iteem anymore ayay so Idk what gear I'm going to wear and it seems you cannot just gather a bit of toadstools, berries and a floatsam and buy some good gear, trading is weird now and noone buys anything foragable anymore, just some rare weird things and they sell stuff for pretty expensive amount of coins, I prefered the Haven 1 trading.

Cheers, I hope you enjoyed my roastspitting story.



I've killed a fox myself with a q10 sling!! Was an epic fight! On a dugot + skies

Last edited by Lorefin on Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:42 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:33 am



So, I was cayaking and I ran into some bigger village....... This area was clearly devoid of shoreline animals, idk if its a coincidence, Im not even sure if they're active to be walking around etc. :D


I found a nice, flattened out terrain with a remaining cupboard kilin and a minehole...... I think I found a place for my new future home, I wont have to flatten the terrain and it's in a location I like enough.... ofc for now I'll just make a pali over a smaller portion of it xd It's not that big but still too big for me.....

Also, I made a Q20 stone axe!!!!!!!! Wooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! *two guys pointing a finger at something.jpg*.. I found a Q31 Flint and I totally forgot I can make a stone axe out of it.. From Q10, that's a double improvement!!!!! But the flint was capped by my survival so I'll be able to improve it in future and have a nicer axe for now!!
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Luno » Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:05 pm

Lorefin wrote: I was about to find some 25q water, I was going to settle around here. But now when I think about it, it can be like q50 or something

Who's gonna tell 'em?
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Necrisha » Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:54 am

Luno wrote:
Lorefin wrote: I was about to find some 25q water, I was going to settle around here. But now when I think about it, it can be like q50 or something

Who's gonna tell 'em?

Don't! Let them discover the fun way by building a well. ;)
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:19 pm

I built two houses thanks to Mental Disorder chat - someone said you can use Reeds as thatching and sent me a link to an online house builder.

I'm taking over a nice leftover village, I mean very old propably that hadn't much stuff left but still eased a lot of stuff out.

Someone gave me some basic metal tools :3 And I have the 5$ yule hat :D

The original owners of the village saved me with strings crisis because they built their base next to a rock-frog, I'd have to suffer with hard-bark strings if I were somewhere else, here I went by around my settlement and I see like tens of toadflaxes around, now I gather them and get a steady supply of strings.

Also, someone left me 2 deers and a boar in front of my village..... At first I havent even noticed it, looked at it by a mistake lmao. I met someone earlier but that person didnt respond and went away, I didnt even see that person but he/she was on a horse. Deers were of good quality, I left a sign to tell Im friendly and thx :D

Propably that person got surprised that some old-ass pavement tiles are suddenly alive :D

Last edited by Lorefin on Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:37 pm

I visited the famous Dewmeadows and I've received a horse!! Time for more roastspitting stories :3
Her parents were: Cow and Cykablyatcyrylicletters!!!. Someone names his Dog - Cat, Cat - Dog, Horse - Cow propably. I crashed and had to re-teleport when the market manager's alt added me to kin :D I met a lot of friendly people there and received some good tips.

Let's go back to winter. Some time ago I also visited a nearby mini-market from some small, yet for me- a big village. During the winter I havent caught anyone active and I've even collected some Wax from the "Free Stuff Area". I've taken 5 cooked cavebults too. As the spring began, I've noticed some hermit also looking at the market and I think he took rest of the cavebulbs as there were many more. I dont know if he crashed or went afk because he froze in place and didnt respond.

I left that village a runestone sign that I'm their new neighbour and shared my HS. After some time, someone finally noticed the sign and responded. It turns out here lives a lonely farmer with a cute yet a bit sad story. He met his friend and a (haven) partner here, just as they were hermits. That friend expanded the village and built everything while my now new friend aided him by doing the farm stuff and living inside as a garden dwarf (:D) The village was quite funny looking with a lot of tunnels, corners.. I like such more "complicated" structures, I was following some tunnel etc. xD But that friend left Haven and now only the gardener keeps his garden alive.
He had a neighbour with whom he traded and he was getting some well-crafted stuff like good hebalist tables but that neighbour was killed near his gate! Propably rushed on a horse when he was out doing something. The gardener (and animal keeper) now plants a lot of opium for some friendly miners or something like this.

I met him just in time because I had to feed my horse with clovers. I mean like feed my horse, not a wildhorse because clover gives 0.5 of Swivel. I got two barrels of Swivel and we even sailed across in a big boat :D That horse I received was pregnant with a foal so I'll have two :3
I saved her from slaughter as she was about to be turned into sausages xD


I still have a lot of mess and I haven't cleaned the place yet but the sunset was nice.


Well, because one thing my base didn't turn into a full square.. I followed the original owners' pavements and they also failed to realise it and had to pave around one certain thing I don't want to mention to not get stalked. So I had to make more cornerposts etc.

I also had to bash a pali tile three times when it was still not dried up because I forgot to make 2 gates, I just followed with a long wall and forgot about gates XDD Then, I made a too steep angle and had to bash the third one.. It took me some energy ehh and I had to eat a lot but I had a pickaxe at least from the free toolset I received. I've also walled off the minehole and most of the palisade underground was also decayed so I had to wall off the underground too.

I was finally not busy enough to go fishing again :3 The fishing is bugged on the Kami client now so I had to go back to auto-haven for it. I've used all of my entrails and earthworms as baits. Gotta lay a claim near the shore for some fishing nets..


As a rite of Hermit passage, I made a Leather Coat... I've noticed my cute Yule hat doesn't go the best with it so for now I switched to the famous hermit artifact - Green Hero cap and the classic look with leather coat and bat-wings cape.
I also made a Crate centre for some quick item dump near the log cabin I've built :D

I had a sick leave week after an injury I've received (in Europe it's paid xD) but the stiches arent ready yet to be cut so I'll go to the doctor to maybe receive another one because I still have some fun stuff to do in Haven XD
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Dondy » Sun Mar 17, 2024 4:58 pm

Thank you! I love early game and it was great to hear about your adventures and successes.
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:06 pm

Sorry for no updates but... well, I was busy playing HnH XD

I will include just a few moments I remember.

I have a mysterious protector... Well, I'd say that but it's more like I HAD a mysterious, strange protector-hunter. When I was still building the village, I felt something was off... something felt strange... maybe it's these dead animals I saw being left in front of my claim xD


First badgers, then deers of high q. The village I took over really wasn't much of a village that had any worth, they played for like a month so it was veeery old. But I still grew to like this place and kinda I was actually lucky I've picked this one. But let's go back to the topic.

After a few dead animals, when I also turned on the player alert - Stranger Danger, I saw someone appearing at the edge of my vision, lying down a dead animal and getting away - all in 0,5 seconds.......... Sometimes a lot of animals, like a bunch of deers, a boar etc. that were kept getting brought to me.

Finaaaly one time I was able to catch this shy stranger and add ourselves to kin XD Didn't respond, only in russian alphated.. I asked if OK, I'll tell SHE because the name was something like Cathy so for fun i'll refer to "it" as a gr1ll XD Because this shy stranger was even weirder than I suspected, it's like a girl I know irl that don't respond to you XD I asked if she knows english and she said no. I translated something to a cyrylic in google translator but she gave no answer and only something I could barely understand / google translator didn't catch the sense.

She gave me one animal again and I went out to get it, then I suddenly saw her on a horse sprinting towards me and Im like ohhhh ok im out, GG she decided to bait me and have me leave my walls for this animal but she just appeared to leave a new boar she caught xD
Later I told her something like - add my neighbour that I often meet, I gave her his HS... no response, I later asked him if he got KATRINA in his friends - nope... on the other hand, she just continued to appear for 1,5s, leave animals and dissapear... Really a shy stranger lol, she liked traveling here on a horse.
Really a mysterious stranger, I was later afraid of writing to her XD Untill I saw her no more but I see she's fairly active, some time ago though there was still one animal left in front of my gates. I told her out of curiosity (whole time translating from Russian) and to check if she will finally answer something, I said that I got a grinder to finally make sausage from the meat she provided but again no answer XD

The incident

I was lifting a boat from my gate to water, then I heard - Stranger Danger... was it her? Oh fck, there was someone purple walking towards me. At that time I didn't have built these box-like gatehouses yet, only one visitor so it was closed too etc. I couldnt hide in the gatehouse so I only had an option to TP back but I knew I'm just going to be rushed.. but the guy just walked, didn't run. He had a purple robe, wings and a battleaxe. Looked scary AF


But he asked where I come from and it turned out we were from the same country, it saved me a later gank I quess XD There was an aura of danger surrounding him... He asked about my hats or if I want to buy something (in-game xD) for Tokens, I felt like someone tried to scam me out of my hats or to spend some dollars for his stuff =,= So I said hehe GL in your travels, he said he was from far away - just fooling around looking for trouble... so he maybe didn'tt rush hermits but he went around looking for some fights and PKs :O

Something crossed my mind.. I quickly opened google translate and texted the Mysterious Hunter to not come here since she liked to visit literally this piece of land a lot at that time and the last thing I wanted was these two meeting together XD
But the answer got delayed I think, I had to re-explain everything, she answered:

- Well, then tell this guy to not kill me.. good that when I meet someone, I always get away)))))

Well, hmm ok XD

But I've decided to add another layer of wall lol, idk I felt safer this way perhaps and added some insider "tunnels", it looks cooler too and more complicated, more like some kind of real castle XD An older photo when I was still working and cleaning, paving etc. but the sunset was nice


Just warming myself by the fire... Yes, I've changed these spitroasts to be straight :D


So, I found some fishing nets in some lakes... I've gathered a lot of fish althought they didnt give me as much anymore, for sure my new village member had just right amount of stats to profit from them.. ahh because I ahve a new village member :3. I also kept these fishing nets in their respective lakes put there by some old villages since they caught a good amount of fishes there lol.

He's a farmer and crafter and he also has an exploring and fighting character he started. He moved to me and also liked the spot despite a bit small amount of farming space for now. So literally it's good cause we're on the similar level of character development.

Ok, I was lucky I picked that spot because when I ventured far into the grassland, there was some forgotten local resource. Other resources in this area were looted but seems people who remembered there's one werent active anymore lol.

I didnt sell these things on the market but I waited for maybe someone to buy it by mouth and I found that person, I've exchanged for a metal grinder.

After I've started making sausages I could finally level my stats, level perception with the higher STR nad have some int from fishes and some other stuff or some sausage too.

I'm glad I didnt level up Agility early because I could spam the Deer Dog!! It often gave me +2 agi +2 agi +2 agi but in the meantime, it also gave bonus perception and intelligence. So really, if I had a higher abiltiy I would level it with other stats and I couldnt get as much int and perception. I finally caught up with STR from cheese I ate earlier. Ahh, yeah I received some STR cheese but then I fcked something up, I made a wrong palisade in .. 3 places, I forgot about gates at one side completely and one time it was too steep ground so I ate these STR to bash these tiles, maybe I didnt have to eat that much really but now Im fine.

Although I didnt smoke my meat and sausages, I just didnt investigate this enough / I forgot about it. I went to find some clay and bricks to build a smoke shed now and I found a q35 XD

Soo, today was a funny day. In general, I bought a new bow from the friend of one the guys that gave me my horse for example. Btw. it was pregnant and now a new horse for my village member is growing :P Also, I collect a lot of crab meat for the guys I bought Meat Grinder from XD I had to make an alt because I ran low to 1 Dex, at least they're still active enough or in general care enough to buy these simpler things haha.

And traveling through tunnels of deep underground kingdoms, I found a Bear Coat and Badger Vest in one chest that was randomly out there.. Glided for a survival / percp forager. Maybe someone changed to his mining gear and these two pieces were left out in this chest since a long time. Ye in general exploring these underground, forgotten mines feels like such a journey, like discovering traces of some forgotten civilization.. sometimes with very rare prizes like these... although, I still look like a noob. Bear Coat literally looks like a leather coat. Back in Haven 1, I always bought a Ranger's Cape + Ashen Cloak and you looked like a cool ranger. Now I gotta think of something to not look so default uhh. Well maybe it's good that u look like a q20 leather coat batwing hermit but maybe its around time to be more cool XD

Esp when I got the new bow, not super awesome but I started hunting and finally figured it out more.. I didnt have as much time before for it and well, I sitll had a lot of meat KATRINA was bringing me haha.

So today, my neighbour came to visit us and we decided to raid some beaver dungeons that were close to each other! :D I was shooting when they were fighting, I tried to not shoot one of them by a mistake xD Was really a cool haven day, we fought these animals together and later explored some caves and fought these big bugs or we caught a Moose and I discovered Elk Dog is very good aswell so Moose is one of my primary target, I've also shot a bear.

Oh, I gotta mention - I met some newspawn, he was fishing and cooking. He told he is about to start a great journey but he needs to level up perception x exploration and some suriv + int. Because he is about to travel the world to find his perfect hermitage place and he calculated how much percp x explo he needs to be seeing some curios on the way, so I gave him my ring I received from Dewmeadows.. I mean a whitemetal ring with some perception bonus XD I was like, well have it, u'll be able to being your journey sooner and he was like omgg yeaah. I later crafted a whitemetal ring of slightly lower Q but I was happy to help since he cared about this Percp * Explo thing lol. I later messaged him and he told he was stopped somewhere nad he was logging in to put some curios and he waits to develop his char slightly more now and come back into a more fun character. He'd be a fun neighbour but he said he plans to go somewhere far away so I didn't interfere with his plans lol.
On the other hand, I later met a naked guy that was pretty active but idk what he was doing, I gave him some basic stuff but he didnt start to build his settlement or travel to find things that much, he was sitting around 4 grids lol def a total opposite of the traveler guy XD I gave him a dugout so at least he can swim around the lake haha. He also didnt seem to notice Party messages, only when writing through PM XD But he played Haven before a bunch of times lol. And I saw some hermit swimming by, said - Hi and well, swimmed by on a boat.

This was an update to my adventures journal :3
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Wed Apr 03, 2024 12:29 pm

Something hillarious happened to me, might be the most hillarious thing in my Haven career other than my Haven 1 rip.

We were about to hunt a boar with my neighbour a good few weeks ago because he was making me some sausages as the cooking guy was offline. Then I saw on the chat "Moose". I answered - KK, I found a boar, I'll shoot him and come.
I went towards his direction and I saw the Moose getting chased by my neighbour, he was on a horse. I thought to myself - Nice, he had won the fight. I thought he'll wait for me, before I shot another Moose with a bow and when it started to escape, he was ready to finish it with a sword.

So I dashed to help him on my horse, I went for a punch and punched it a bunch of times.. Yet, something was weird. I was in combat with my neighbour's horse.. then my vision cleared up. It was the Moose chasing my neighbour instead!! They looked similar and I've mistaken them xD I got used to fleeing animals so when I saw two horse-like figures, I assumed the fleeing one is the animal. I mistaked the guy on a horse for a Moose and I thought the Moose was the player XD So wtf what to do now, I tried to punch it but it was very slow and propably the Moose had full hp. I had to shoot it, I tried a bunch of times but I missed, then I learned I have to use the 4th horse speed, come in very close or even in front of them and then shoot or before I fire, they'll run out of range. However, when he sometimes needed to dodge something he made a step to the side and the Moose changed its' path and I missed. So he had to make sure that he follows a straight path when I was drawing and shooting the bow and we eventually killed it off. He had to go back to his village to patch up lol.

Last edited by Lorefin on Wed Apr 03, 2024 9:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:03 pm

It's fun how by a total mistake I gained a third village member from Korea that uses google translator to write. Maybe it was bound to happen :D

I was doing the Hunter's credo as my first one and I needed to offer an adder hide to some tree. I traveled there and the event didn't trigger, I tried clicking on the tree but it didn't work. I thought it was actually a raw adder hide, despite the quest missing the "raw" part. I went to look for a snake then to obtain his skin.
They were often found around my village but here I couldn't find any, as always when you want to find the one specific thing lol. I was leaving my boat and running through forested patches of land, untill I found one hermitage! :D

I traveled pretty far without any result and I arrived close to the continent's shore.. and a "stranger danger" popped up, some hermit ran into his house.. then after 5 minutes, he left to check for 5 seconds and immadiately ran to hide again xD The place looked like the most hermitting hermitage ever to hermit.
I left him a runestone with my HS and went on. He added me later and we greeted. Long time after, I finally found a snake and arrived at the tree again... having a raw snake skin didn't trigger any event aswell... I finally clicked on something specific and the "Deliver" option popped up so all this search was for nothing but it was fun that I met that guy xD

Some time later I asked him if he needs some metal tools as I had some spare ones found in various abandoned cupboards etc. like some metal shovel and he asked for a Pickaxe as he was looking for metal at the second level. I wanted to show him my base so I made him arrive here to get it.

Again later, I just had an idea to ask if he wants to join my base and he said - Yeah. I'll bring a wagon tommorow. I was like - Ok, that was a quick decision. I actually wondered if he wanted to join me because I dont know why but I felt a very chill aura from his place, like the shore was close and there was something calming about his surroundings, the hermitage looked so nice and chill etc. I doubted he'll want to leave it but he did. Well, I then showed him where is everything, made him some curio cupboards. He propably also skipped some work because he gained an access to a metal grinder, I kinda have a lot of dry fish from the random fishing nets I kept finding lol.

Now I gotta find Iron for the 5th lvl minehole. When I killed some bears, I had a lot of Bear Salami sausages that I was thinking about perhaps stopping leveling other stats and just mass dumping STR to mine lower levels.. but, with the middle-world tools like a good pickaxe I was mining any lvl 4 stuff and I didn't need more STR for now, I even didn't wear a bear-cape etc. but my exploration gear when going through the cave so I kept leveling my stats evenly. Not sure though if I'll find Iron any time soon so I'm propably gonna be stuck with the level 4 hole for now. I quess when the world is new, it's always nice to rush a lot of STR to go lower and lower with some low quality pickaxe.

Also, I kinda always wanted to become some kind of super archer but when I've added into some MM and perception, I kinda realised just adding points into MM isn't going to change much. I think the real way for archery hunting is when you start at Day 1, you add into Dex and Carpentry and you develop better and better trees ASAP to craft as high Q bow as possible when they aren't avaible yet at the market and u can increase the most of your damage in this way. Now I got a good bow from trade and I kinda skipped lvling DEX, that's why I needed to find another person back in some time. Lately I've put points into Masonry and Deep Artifice instead.
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