Remember the great warrior from the earlier screenshot who gave me a horrible jumpscare and turned out to be from the same country? The only dangerous encounter I had.. other than a guy on Snekja who drew his bow by a mistake, he panicked that he is going to look like he tries to shoot me so he tried to cancel it by movement and when I had noticed it, I started to sail away and just swimmed into him clicking on the water, by a mistake he clicked on a boar stored in my rowboat's cargo, which he lifted out it and it looked like he first tried to shoot me, and then wanted to steal my cargo for fun

D He left me a moose as apologies

So, about the warrior - I asked him about something and he invited me to train in Valhalla

I didn't know how to acces it and I was afraid it will transport my character into some kind of underworld but there was no warning about some potential RIP so I just traveled there.
This guy he wanted to teach me some combat and also wanted to check some moves. I'm not a great fighter so I got an idea to take my village mate - Velt, with me. The first person who joined my hermitage. I had to drag him off ovens, he was cooking and was like - Bro, I'm cooking, I have a frying pane in my hand, can't right now I have to cook some stuff.... I had to say that - You'll cook later, this is a fun adventure so it should take a priority
We entered Valhalla and set a plate chest with 2000q as our armor piece, a 300q weapon and equal stats to 1000... I lost with Velt and then he fought two times wth the warrior. I wanted to find some boar spears to test something out and they quickly ran off somewhere and I lost them, I couldn't find them

The other fight, I somehow lost them again but I heard the other fight, my friend almost won, he had 800 hp and the warrior had 100. So he got greedy and wanted to finish the fight, started smashing propably one button and he didn't pay attention to his defense for a moment and because of it, he received a huge blow with the B12 battleaxe and he lost again

My friend was using the sword and ironed out his normal in-game deck so I quess it's good I took him as he understood more from these fights, I had to go to sleep later

Ofc it was fighting with equal stats and gear, it doesn't translate into this world's characters, it was just a fun playtime xd

About the cliff, I had to apologise my neighbour that I was mean about his action, his intention was propably good and he wanted to help. I ended up building a pali extension near it so I covered it up and idc about it, I paved some ground there and tbh I don't even walk there or look at it that much, I planted some grass over the dirt and at least I got a small extention with a palisade here and not without it as planned, it's safer
When building the new palisade, I decided to leave a gate there and I'm going to pave it in white, put something decorative, plant a tree and a put a sitting bench so it's gonna be a little decorative corner. I'm not going to look at it much but it will be a nice addition for the the farmer as he spends more time in this corner of the village