My Adventures Journal :3

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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:28 am

I finally cleaned a part of my village and made a proper stockpile centre. It's not Fresh Fox Hide or Moose Hide btw., it's just to inform this is the Fresh Hides row and the other one is for dried ones. Also the 6-tile white and orange rectangles at the end of each row are there to seperate some higher q stuff, like bones, entrails, furs from the mass stockpiles. I also finally made a row with each specific type of bone and various stuff like Bear Tooths, Boar Tusks etc.. And some really good, outstanding things can be taken to a cupboard in the house ofc.

It might not look impressive but it's nicer in game where you walk alongside it XD Also, you see at the image's corners we still have undeveleoped, free ground so I quess with the time it's going to progress and the village gonna be fully used. My neighbour also built a seperate house for the tree and silk production near the little tree square.


I think later we're going to make a decorated road to the river because my base is kinda tight and decorations wouldn't fit that much of there but there can be something cool near the dock :D

Also, random stones' stockpile around my base annoy me so much, here I have a row with random stuff but I'm going to make a seperate "resources" stockpile place for every type of stone and a place for blocks and boards etc.
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:46 pm

I had a funny encounter yesterday. I teleported to some inactive market where some time ago I was lucky enough to walk up onto its manager standing behind its small enclosed pali space. Other than that, it was always empty. He recommended me to use the public Kiln and Ore Smelter which I did yesterday.
I went there to burn some bricks and smite the ore. In the process, I was reading and talking on the very active THIS IS MY SWAMP chat which isn't my original realm. One of the players talking there was the famous Hermit's hero - Ciaran and when reading messages inside the market, I just heard "Stranger Danger". I ran to block off my Kiln, it had a fence around it that only allowed acces through one tile so if you stand there, noone takes your stuff. So as I was just reading Ciaran messages, I saw him pop up at the edge of my screen xD I just lol'd at this unexpected encounter. He told me he was testing his new ship and took it for a sail, I went to see it and it was the Knarr.
He then left me a Moose at the Market's claim which I couldn't pick up or do anything with it and sailed off into the horizon.


I also didn't think of that burning bricks with coal only takes one piece of it. I took my q89 mined Black Coal but I could've taken a q120 one I had.
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:01 pm


I was living at the edge of a cool grassy ridge. Now I live ON A GODDAMN MUD PILE. I was extending some of my wall and my neighbour came, I asked him to help me remove some of the ridge for a wall. I specifically pointed which tile I need to get rid of, I pointed two tiles for a palisade and a few tiles between it. I stood at the excatly which one is the edge of the removal, I asked for two tiles at first. He even started digging sideways for a bit and I said STOP DIGGING.

When it was done, I said - Ok, thanks and I went to take a shower. I fucking go to bring some stone later and I encounter this. I LIVE ON THE PILE OF MUD NOW


FFS the worst is I wanted to plant some worse crops outside my palisade and plant the whole top ridge area to make it look like a fantasy village. I was going to finish everything today/tommorow!! Wanted fill the whole edge and this grassy meadow with crops untill where the gliff goes with a small road between because there was a normal descent in the middle of two ridges, would like cool af. i wouldn't level it flat ofc, it'd remain with natural ups and downs.


There was some space on the cliff and I wanted to make one square sticking out for a farm stockpile space, It would make the village less square'ish/default, just a nice tiny shed-like palisade addon. Opposide the road, I wanted to make a small statue and paved place and the rest of the cliff would be the farmland mentioned above.

I fucking live on a pile of dirt now. You know, I could remake it but I dont have enough cloth and Im not sure I want to spend half of a day remaking a ridge in HnH... and, I was about to make things based on the already existing nature's, I mean AI's work. If I was about to remake this ridge, I'd have to propably make more space or something because it'd be stupid to just repeat this obstacle and at the end, the village will look more default because I won't have to keep in mind about the placement of this cliff. I dont have time/cloth to be doing it right now, maybe in like 2 weeks or something. Im angry af, this guy was messing with various stuff in my village way too much without any permissions and that's the result now.

Imagine you come to someone's place and you start vandalising his cliffside and making desolate earth around his grassland lmao when he asked you to straighten out two fcking tiles, that's pure vandalism. Ok, this is the wrong game to be complaining about vandalism but still I'm pissed.

I don't think I can remake it as natural as it was, to get soil he started flattening this area with survey as on the screenshot.
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Sun Apr 07, 2024 2:19 pm



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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby maze » Sun Apr 07, 2024 3:29 pm

rip cliff :lol:
I feel this~ I always want to keep the cliff and someone always flattens the full claim.
game ideas
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:25 pm

Remember the great warrior from the earlier screenshot who gave me a horrible jumpscare and turned out to be from the same country? The only dangerous encounter I had.. other than a guy on Snekja who drew his bow by a mistake, he panicked that he is going to look like he tries to shoot me so he tried to cancel it by movement and when I had noticed it, I started to sail away and just swimmed into him clicking on the water, by a mistake he clicked on a boar stored in my rowboat's cargo, which he lifted out it and it looked like he first tried to shoot me, and then wanted to steal my cargo for fun :DD He left me a moose as apologies :D So, about the warrior - I asked him about something and he invited me to train in Valhalla :D I didn't know how to acces it and I was afraid it will transport my character into some kind of underworld but there was no warning about some potential RIP so I just traveled there.

This guy he wanted to teach me some combat and also wanted to check some moves. I'm not a great fighter so I got an idea to take my village mate - Velt, with me. The first person who joined my hermitage. I had to drag him off ovens, he was cooking and was like - Bro, I'm cooking, I have a frying pane in my hand, can't right now I have to cook some stuff.... I had to say that - You'll cook later, this is a fun adventure so it should take a priority :D

We entered Valhalla and set a plate chest with 2000q as our armor piece, a 300q weapon and equal stats to 1000... I lost with Velt and then he fought two times wth the warrior. I wanted to find some boar spears to test something out and they quickly ran off somewhere and I lost them, I couldn't find them :D The other fight, I somehow lost them again but I heard the other fight, my friend almost won, he had 800 hp and the warrior had 100. So he got greedy and wanted to finish the fight, started smashing propably one button and he didn't pay attention to his defense for a moment and because of it, he received a huge blow with the B12 battleaxe and he lost again :D My friend was using the sword and ironed out his normal in-game deck so I quess it's good I took him as he understood more from these fights, I had to go to sleep later :D Ofc it was fighting with equal stats and gear, it doesn't translate into this world's characters, it was just a fun playtime xd



About the cliff, I had to apologise my neighbour that I was mean about his action, his intention was propably good and he wanted to help. I ended up building a pali extension near it so I covered it up and idc about it, I paved some ground there and tbh I don't even walk there or look at it that much, I planted some grass over the dirt and at least I got a small extention with a palisade here and not without it as planned, it's safer :D

When building the new palisade, I decided to leave a gate there and I'm going to pave it in white, put something decorative, plant a tree and a put a sitting bench so it's gonna be a little decorative corner. I'm not going to look at it much but it will be a nice addition for the the farmer as he spends more time in this corner of the village

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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:33 pm

Hello folks, I'm going to leave a small update over my base's development. As the base grows, we end up paving more and more ground for some things that we need. There's still some unused ground that needs to be taken care of to transform it into something better looking, but some patches of the ground already turned into something nice. It makes the village look less like a patch of dirt and there's some resemblence of a cool village :D

We're def heading towards paving most of the ground there that doesn't need to be a farmland - It's then gonna look cool and finished,that's when I plan to make a grand celebratory party.

For example, other than the stockpile extension mentioned in an earlier post, we built a cool wagon port :D I didn't think of making it that "grand", I just thought of building it at some forgotten corner but my friend had the idea of turning it into an "attraction". We spent some time figuring out where to post it, I grabbed the stones I had etc. and next day I had to make some changes when I slept with it and had an idea of what kind of design to put there :D My friend started building a bell fountain that I didn't know existed in Haven, he put a building post somwhere but I had to smash it as I was about to totally change where's what XD When he woke up, he said it ended up nice.

I moved my korean's village mate garden pots that he was managing and asked him to plant some flowers into them, my friend planted some trees and bushes and also remembering about the bell fountain, I built it between the desk.


Ehh the stone fence in the corner of the pic (opposide side of the road to the left) was built by my korean village member and it was kinda a rare opportunity to pave something under it... because it's a tree-production/herbalist table house, it kinda looks natural and green-ish, has a small natural hill, the house has a green roof so in theory, a stone fence on the ground without any paving fitted its' natural theme pretty well, it's not something very outstanding... but on the minimap, this corner of the village looks like a patch of dirt... a pavement following the shape of the fence would add some more colorful shape to the minimap's look of our village.. gotta destroy and rebuild it in some free moment XD

But the pavement under it is not going to be anything flashy, I'll add some neutral gray pavement under it to blend with the fence as I think it will be the better option around this natural-themed corner.

Cheers, the next episode is going to be about creating a village claim and some boar-related problems surrounding it... :D
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:14 pm

I have a problem, someone in our village has been littering and it wasn't in some random crates or foraging cupboards (like me), it was straight in the most organised place of our village - I found random stuff in the ingredients floor of the food house!!

I have my suspects.......... but I had to clean it up and place signs for the more mis-informed members (or a member) putting random feathers, snails, mushrooms, plants, curios into Intenstines or Deer Meat cupboards because it's the closest one to the entrance...


I have to face the monster that was awaiting me aswell...
cleaning up the foraging/crafting house and "quick-dump-crates" outside of it XD It was my error that I didn't fill it up fully with cupboards a bit earlier and I'm only categorising it all now.
But if someone can dump random stuff into the very obvious meat cupboard - it's better if I put signs there aswell...... but also, I have a new "helper" in my village, I mean a new member, so after deciding where to put every kind of item - I plan to employ him to help with the cleaning :D


So, remember how I wrote about the stockpile centre I created? Mostly for hunting and leathers, I mean. It had gone full in some of the categories.. so, in the place where the original village creators had I think Tar Kilns, I decided to make an extended warehouse to transport these goods to if the one closer to our HFs get full.

I woke up and wanted to pave this whole ground, also being happy I can get rid of another patch of dirt.. I woke up and I found a cow there.

No, I mean its good they got moved out of the horse pen... but in the time we brainstorm stuff with Velt, like - maybe we'll put animals there.. or maybe here, the Korean guy just... does stuff. Sometimes every day you log in, you find something random... and the main communication line is through the google translator XD It was like - do you want to join my village? - Ok... and then the random things started happening.. like my farmers sometimes is asking who planted his tree and where is that tree growing because he can't find it or some random crops planted somewhere else XD I built a new curio house, I walked in next day in and it's full of cheese racks xD Idk how to describe it, it feels like he's playing his own version of Haven and Hearth.


I gotta move these cows somewhere else though, maybe into the new extension I built after the whole neighbor-ridge fiasco... well, I think it ended up better because I built a slight palisade extension to cover this whole post-ridge thing and I think a pali extension is better than the idea of "an outside farm alongside the ridge" xD
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:55 pm

Velt wanted a village idol literally since he moved in and I was like - hmm, I like the idea of a private-claim hermitage, Im fine using a claim alt for everything, all levels of the mine etc. I didn't want to make the kind of village with private sub-claims where you don't share your stuff with others etc. so I didn't progress on this idea.
However, as the village obtained new members, I eventually started thinking of our base as a more proper "village" and I felt the Village Idol was a good idea.
That's how a project "The Great Hermitage" was born.

For our new members, I needed to build a new curio house where some of the members could grab one floor. I squeezed it into a nice place that is close to the center, that was a good fit. Following some of the Silver-Fir motive of our houses, I've added a blue tint to the house's appearance.


I plan to make this patch of dirt into a paved alley with an another Stonestead for Prepared Food and a Feast Centre that Velt was mentioning to me a couple of times.
Ofc when I woke up in the second day after a creation of this house, I found the main floor full of cheese racks for some reason, its just the Korean guy doing some random stuff xD

I enter to build some cupboards and I meet this, I had to move them out lol

Or I went in to finish 2 cupboards in the main storage house and I meet this... XD

I plan to build him a Stone Mansion - so he finnaly has a place for the stuff he wants to do XD

So following the blue-ish tint of some of our objects, I finally prepared myself for building the Village Claim. At first, I planned to do it somewhere squeezed and not that noticeable again when I thought of the location long time ago.. but Velt said he wanted it to be an another "attraction" and we picked a good, yet still undeveloped square for it.. it will be an another story, including some animals.. but I followed the blue theme for the Idol.
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Antvgr » Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:04 pm

Lorefin wrote:

You have got a lovely garden :3 Keep it up! It warms hearing about your friendly village.
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