Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

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Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

Postby bubba2442 » Sat May 04, 2024 5:34 pm

Just another post to add to the collection that is becoming relevant.
OG player here coming back and in the first 3 days to find this is alarming. What happened to all my old Ainran/Dis pals that would put and end to this place for this terrible "style".
(Can't get access to my main account why posting from new alt)
Right next to the Lanweald marker is a village "THE GNOMES are hard at work" running around killing all newer players/groups saying racial slurs and taking the bodies to an underground swastika bunker. The bunker is at bottom.
Then I started searching on here and realized this isn't the beginning of their tirade. Are these new haven villages to weak to stand up for this kind of stuff? Back in the old haven days this was dealt with swiftly.
Yes that is his actual name he added me as kin before killing me.

Take the space out of the link had to bypass spam protection due to alt account.

Larger/more images in link.

https:// imgur.com/a/m75A1PB

Also as a test I took another character to their walls to see about the chat of "For japan" when I said I was from japan they said it was for "America and this is what you dirty slants deserved more of".
So doesn't matter who you are they are gonna kill you for racial reason.
Screenshot 2024-05-04 110321.png
Screenshot 2024-05-04 110321.png (238.28 KiB) Viewed 874 times
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Re: Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

Postby pilommvp3 » Sat May 04, 2024 8:31 pm

Block their clan
There are no players like them :evil: :oops: :!: :!:
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Re: Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

Postby Antvgr » Sun May 05, 2024 12:55 pm

bubba2442 wrote:So doesn't matter who you are they are gonna kill you for racial reason.

They are not Japanese. Unfortunately(because I too hail from there, and it's shocking to me that a Russian person will use Nazi symbols for themselves), they are Russian trolls. As far as I know Snugglesnail band made most PvP-tolerant guys drop the game, so now newbies are left alone with those scum.
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Re: Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon May 06, 2024 5:45 am

bubba2442 wrote:What happened to all my old Ainran/Dis pals that would put and end to this place for this terrible "style".

There's a weird quirk with this community where people like to have a """friendly and justified""" persona.

Old DIS you're mentioning released clients with keyloggers and got into people's accounts to drown them, then recovered their accounts via emails and did it again years later (based). They're some of the people who've been caught bugraiding the most historically (based). This includes non-faction people. They've always killed indiscriminately (based).

Ainran still plays. Might not right now, but in general. Their main MO is to setup scout bots and kill random shitters while avoiding real fights (based). When they were newer back in legacy they also killed indiscriminately (based). The first time I was ever killed when I was like 13-14 years old I was in a roundpole fence with my girlfriend and Valten slaughtered us (based) in our roundpole fence(based).

I PROMISE you, like, for realies pinkie swear on my mom's grave nobody in a faction has ever given a shit about you, your death, your base getting raided, actions being justified, etc. If somebody avenged you it was because they wanted to kill somebody and you were there to help them find somebody. If somebody helped defend you it was because they wanted a fight and you were there to help them find a fight.

100% of the FACTION FIGHTERS who talk about killing nabs being a bad would drop everything to sprint from the bathroom with shit still on their ass to murder you if you were wearing Mrobes or Tsacks or a belt and somebody in their group needed them, usually even if not. I have never met a legitimate fighter who doesn't regularly kill defenseless people, including if not especially the ones that talk a big game about being, moral, or justified or whatever.

The only people in factions who don't kill indiscriminately are people who can't, or insufferable/weird power trippy gamer girls with that want to act like they have """political power""" because they sent Felix a nude or something. Like a weird army wife that wants people to at salute them/call them by their husband's rank, and acts friendly on discord until the most minor disagreement at which point they become the least pleasant people imaginable, then beg somebody in their internal chat to fuck with you (which is usually really annoying because they don't understand in what situations it's a little or a lot of work to fuck with people. Looking @ you Orca/Fairytale).

What you're experiencing is in no way new. You just bought into the propaganda, and maybe got lucky not running into people before/believed the lies people told you about "it" being somebody else. Stop deifying groups because they happened to kill somebody you didn't like at some point or something (cringe).
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Re: Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon May 06, 2024 6:00 am

P.S: I'm reformed and a good guy now I only kill people when it's justified my only goal is to protect the hermits / innocent farmers!!!

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Re: Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Mon May 06, 2024 6:46 am

SnuggleSnail wrote:P.S: I'm reformed and a good guy now I only kill people when it's justified my only goal is to protect the hermits / innocent farmers!!!


I reformed Bob Dole like this, but unironically.
Come join Whatever Bay, Snail. We'll turn you into a good guy too.
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Re: Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon May 06, 2024 8:56 am

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:Come join Whatever Bay, Snail. We'll turn you into a good guy too.

IMO nearly anything you do in a video game doesn't reflect negatively on your IRL morality. A lot of people get high horse-y about me griefing them in a grief box MMO and it's the dumbest shit imaginable to me.

Robben, you're a bad person IRL based on your and whatever bay's behavior as a whole. You have an active pedophile in your group who isn't even remorseful. He has publicly bragged about raping a child as an adult in his mid/late 20s. Your group not only continues to play with him, but several of your core members including yourself, rosku, Nonek, and bob dole have actively and publicly defended/downplayed what he did.

Your group is pathetic. I've gone from having a lot of respect for Rosku's community building efforts to not wanting anything to do with him.

^ the above is a pretty good example of what I meant in my first post about every faction having some retards that like to roleplay the justified good guy. Even if you don't care about them being pedophiles/sympathizers, they indiscriminately kill hermits but will represent themselves as the good guys of the hearthlands publicly.
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Re: Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Mon May 06, 2024 9:45 am

Imagine getting your butt pounded so hard trying to grief the newbies you need to try to be like "mehhh Misa was let into ur open recruitment village" to make up for how badly it hurt.
Snugglesnail doesn't need to imagine. Every time he sits in his gaming chair, he feels it.

We are quite literally the "good guys" you deny exist. Our willingness to accept the rejects of the community doesn't change that.
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Re: Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon May 06, 2024 9:53 am

your group has never won a fight vs. any relevant faction force afaik :oops: you personally got like 10+ of your own people KOed during the last fight I was in by blocking a cave entrance

drastically misrepresenting your group's competency is also very typical large group behavior, but robben is easily the worst offender for this. He doesn't bend the truth like most egotistical 17-24 year old fighters, he's straight up lying in nearly every post of his I've ever read.

Anyway, don't @ me I'm not interesting in talking to people who are happy to enable children being raped.
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Re: Racist/Nazi's terrorizing Lanweald

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Mon May 06, 2024 10:07 am

We beat you in 9/10 fights we ever fought, and the only time you ever won a fight you were hiding behind Felix's skirts.
You have a real habit of revising history, denying your defeats, and attempting to obfuscate when your guys get killed. I am not at all surprised that someone with your ego and comparative lack of skill tries to puff up some "big guy" persona on a game as niche as this. You can pretend to be good while only preying on actual defenseless newbs, but as soon as someone punches back, it's "MISSAAAA."

I think it's fair to say the only people that beat us the entire world was Felix/Eden. When it was just you and your guys, either Snail or London, we won every single fight. The mere fact that you were present when Felix also was, and he happened to win, doesn't somehow translate victory to you.

You couldn't even muster the forces to destroy our outer wall when we were at our lowest numbers over a 36 hour period, either at the start of the world or after the siege. You literally could have just had someone kin me with my public HS and waited to see when I was offline and just bashed our wall. You couldn't even manage to beat our PvPers when most of us were offline.

Pretty sadge, tbh. Your reputation did *not* live up. I've been talking shit to you and your sycophants for what... two years at this point? Your fury hit with the force of a gentle breeze.
Not only did you lose your siege, you couldn't even pester us effectively without Felix. I consider you guys well below the Koreans. Intermediate players, really.

Go sulk in your corner for another 8 months. You'll have another opportunity to further prove how feeble you really are next world. Until then, we'll sit here with our 71 conquered provinces because we didn't quit like little bitches after we got our shit pushed in by the "newb faction." What I'm trying to say, Snail, is that you were made our little bitch and we've got the receipts.
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