Welcome to H₂O Market. We sell a variety of miscellaneous items at fair prices. We offer decent-quality tools, armors, foods, and utilities. Come and have a look around!
The market is currently opened temporarily, and we are gradually expanding the range of products for sale and items for purchase. So please feel free to ask about any items not in the selling list or additional buying items.
Charterstone name : H2o market
(-78, -134) Based on the Hearthworld map
Raw bear x 2 = 1 coin
Raw beaver x 2 = 1 coin
170+q bone x 1 = 4 coin
210+q bone x 1 = 6 coin
Fairy mushroom x 1 = 10 coin
Driftkelp x 1 = 15 coin
token = 100 coin
Pearl x 1 = 10 coin
Squirrel tail x 1 = 2 coin
90+q Bone Glue = 1 coin
Tromebone Chantrelle spore 40+q = 100 coin
Merchant's Ring 160q = 80 coin
Thane's Ring 160q = 80 coin
Monocle 157q = 100 coin
RIng of Brodgar 149q = 100 coin
Mammoth Guard 123q = 120 coin
Boar Spear 207q = 80 coin
Boar Spear 158q = 50 coin
Bronze Sword 206q = 100 coin
Bronze Sword 153q = 75 coin
Metal Saw 209q = 180 coin
Metal Saw 161q = 100 coin
Pickaxe 209q = 250 coin
Pickaxe 162q = 150 coin
Metal Axe 154q = 40 coin
Meatgrinder 100q = 50 coin
Oscypki 35+q = 3 coin
Elixirs for almost every wounds with no negative effects. = Prices vary depending on the type. Please order via discord.
Few Samples: (mostly cheaper version with few negative effects)

Other elixirs are also preparing for barter sale.
We also sell spices, plants, and mushrooms that can be planted (in small quantities or in packs of 64). = Prices vary depending on the type(e.g. blueberries x 64 = 25coin)
Now selling Starter Packs!
Scythe and waterskins are inside the the belt, and Bee larvae/hemp fibres discovery papers on the notice board.(So you can make Bee Skep/Herbalist Table yourself at home.)
100 coins.

We also offer custom orders in both lower and higher quality options.(Items both in the list and not in the list-Just ask.)