World's End - Your New Home?

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Re: World's End - Your New Home?

Postby Avalik » Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:44 am

Well, high enough level that we had everything except cheese (and we were just getting on the metal)
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Re: World's End - Your New Home?

Postby Yolan » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:22 am

Avalik wrote:Yes, my log in time was probably very bad luck, though the hemp-gathering for those banners was longer than half an hour. If I remember right it even ran for about 2-4 hours usually, and were expected to gather hemp in "any of your spare time" for the banners. And that one time I was asked to find the mine to claim it (later, just to bring the supplies) took my whole day away. It would have been nice if I could have opted out once in awhile to get my own things done faster, particularly I just wanted to secure my plot so people would stop stealing off of it, and so I could get leather to get a backpack. I was happy to help, but since I got very little help in return, and I was starving to death, it was kind of troublesome for me.

(in a Yorkshire accent) LUHKSHURY. When I was living in old Brodgar they made us work in the carrot fields for _20_ hours a day, on an empty stomache, and then they would kill us, and dance on our graves.

But seriously, you are making it sound like we were running some kind of slave plantation. I'm having trouble believing you were asked to work 2-4 hours a day harvesting hemp while starving to death.

Avalik wrote:I still have a hard time seeing how it is beneficial to live in a city that doesn't do much to help you and you just do your own thing,

As I've said above: having people to hang out with, being able to easily buy things that are for sale, and yes, security.

Avalik wrote: but then again all of Brodgar got slaughtered so it doesn't seem like cities provide much security in the first place. I dunno. It sounds like an alright idea, I guess.

Well, some got slaughtered, and the rest got depressed about it and quit, but yes, we didn't have any walls, or any real warriors (or iron). World's End has all of these.
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Re: World's End - Your New Home?

Postby Nanothnir » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:32 am

Avalik wrote:I have a hard time believing number 3, since Brodgar had some pretty high level peeps too.

I was never high level, yet I still ran around trying to help everyone to the point that I never even got my OWN plot running untill the eventual Raid. I was even questioned why was I helping the new folk Constantly...

Avalik wrote:5 would make a huge difference, as long as lower levels actually have access to it and it isn't constantly in use.

If it did get hectic I myself would go catch a Bull, build another Wagon and then Put it in the Stables for people to use. I now have the Skills to do that considering I haven't taken a leading roll in World's End and just built things, I planned from the start to build a brewery at New Brodgar and Hadn't even made ONE barrel there. I Have made 2 in New Brodgar already...

Yes it did seem that you had bad luck Avalik cause I only called for Chain Gangs like 1 every 2 or so days, heck I even went a week before I called another. You need to remember that we started that City before even getting our hands on anything...

None the less I hope that people remember that I tried to help New Brodgar Grow. I accepted anyone that wanted to join, I let people build their claims up before working on anything, which then ment that everyone just thought about themselves if they were more established and such...

I thankyou for the work you did on New Brodgar and I am sorry to hear that you died before the raid due to it... Unless you were that idiot that wouldn't listen to people and ate all that Chicken Raw. He we all laughed at. I think it was cause we were making a Hunk of Sashimi before Bread became a FEPless food item...
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Re: World's End - Your New Home?

Postby Avalik » Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:09 am

"But seriously, you are making it sound like we were running some kind of slave plantation. I'm having trouble believing you were asked to work 2-4 hours a day harvesting hemp while starving to death."

Again, my logging on hours were unlucky that without fail it coincided with village work except when I logged in at night, so that's why it probably sounds like that. I don't think it was daily, just whenever I logged on... which wasn't daily. My only point was that it would have been nice, BECAUSE of that, that I would have been allowed to get off work once in awhile to do my own thing - considering that's the point of the village, to do your own thing. I guess I never asked to, maybe that's my fault, not like you can mind read. If you want I can screencap my health bar, it hasn't been affected by anything else except one mouflon attack previously, other than that it was all starvation damage... and a bit of eating raw chicken/rabbit when I didn't feel like travelling to get some branches, which I maybe did like 3 times, not sure how much damage that does.

"we didn't have any walls, or any real warriors (or iron). World's End has all of these."

Well that's some good news :) I think that if we hadn't been griefed, since I had just gotten my plot ready, things might have turned around for me after that since I could have finally started some other shit. So that's important to have...

"I was never high level, yet I still ran around trying to help everyone to the point that I never even got my OWN plot running untill the eventual Raid. I was even questioned why was I helping the new folk Constantly"

You and Ajion, and... er... that russian girl under my plot... were definitely as helpful as you could be, and a few people once-in-awhile helpful. Your the one that answered all my annoying, constant questions. I'm definitely grateful for being taught the game by you. But still, it had gotten to the state I said it had, so I'd still be worried it be similar... but again, there's the hunger adjustment, and other differences. So maybe not.

"I am sorry to hear that you died before the raid due to it"

I didn't die, I was logged off or something during the raid. Currently I'm still at Brodgar with Alluemese. But everything on my plot had been destroyed (house, everything in it, etc), and since it had been incredibly difficult to make due to the things I mentioned, I was pretty damn pissed.

You know, I think I'm just pissed about the raid still. I think if everything I had worked on hadn't been destroyed I would have eventually settled in good and eventually gotten everything I needed to run alone and been happy. I mean, I LIKED helping out, I LIKED the place, yes I would have definitely preferred a bit more help at the start (like a backpack), or if not that, then some time off to finish my house and paliside... but I never even had the thought of complaining until the raid... and every other issue it seems you have solved with your new place or the game mechanics (i.e. wood being so far away, starvation, etc) so I think my blame is a little over exaggerated and/or misplaced. I should probably be bitching out the raiders, since they're the ones that wrecked everything.

Speaking of which, everyone had left before I was told much about the raid... do you guys have names of the raiders, or anything?
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Re: World's End - Your New Home?

Postby Machinespirit » Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:48 pm

This sounds like something I'd like to try, unfortunately I've only been playing for like a day-ish so I don't meet your "reputation" requirement. But I have to make a post now so I can start building that reputation!
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Re: World's End - Your New Home?

Postby hiro » Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:50 am

Well, some got slaughtered, and the rest got depressed about it and quit, but yes, we didn't have any walls, or any real warriors (or iron). World's End has all of these.[/quote]

u.u u have me i m real xD....
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Re: World's End - Your New Home?

Postby Yolan » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:06 pm

hiro wrote:
u.u u have me i m real xD....

Have you been drinking again Hiro?
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Re: World's End - Your New Home?

Postby Yolan » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:42 am


Just to make it clear, we are still, and probably always will be, open to new immigration.

Just PM me if you are interested.

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Re: World's End - Your New Home?

Postby Cicious » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:18 pm

PM sent, hoping to join soon :D
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Re: World's End - Your New Home?

Postby defeecus » Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:19 pm

pm sent im intrested in joining the village
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