Exp modifier tickets for cash

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Exp modifier tickets for cash

Postby biohazard » Tue May 05, 2015 8:40 pm

like ya pay 1 usd and gets 1 exp modifier on your acc (could be a itam to trade) like ya already paid 10 bucks and pay one more then ya have 11exp mod. Also exp coud be the base coin like ya can store exp and distribut as ya like (HnH) and perhaps pay ppl with it. Ya coul store exp by gathering, crafting and killing. Also 10% exp loss when dead goes to the killer on pvp, with unlimited progression like Tibia or HnH. That could be the source of cash

actually it isnt that unfair advantage cuz ya can trade tickets on players shit. Like ya, in the start perhaps, when theres lil bitches running around, but as the game goes more and more ppl would be willing to avoid allocating exp off their main job, so if a rich warrior wants a armor and have lil exp on his EXP bar he will just buy some 1usd tickets and trade for it. Also, there could be a Luck stat that modifies dmg dealing and intake, also gathering and crafting quality, but very very little so it better to invest everything in just one char to avoid boting and alting like HnH, cuz bots and alts would have no Luck start thus-for have less incentive to produce shit that quality is important, perhaps ppl will still use bots and alts but for mundane tasks like moving shit around.

That works ofc EXP unallocated being able to trade with players, so the exp Bill Gates ppl gets with their high modifier wont stay on their char necessarily since specialization is much better for high Q shit and thus trading it for consumables (food, drink, runes, potions, scrolls, equips wtvs...) is possible on daily basis.

Also the bitch that start from scratch later in the game can acquire some tickets trading his shit, specially if he belongs to a guild that can already provide high Q tools to affect the outcome of his craft/gathering, even so ima sure from HnH that some builds or other could go by quantity (like lots of bricks or straws) rather than quality.

Btw, regarding boss monsters ya could have like when a hundred lil simple deers are killed a boss level 1 is spawned and when 100 of those are killed the level 2 spawns and so on and so forth

EvE online works well with ppl paying for stuff and its ran by a real economist on that mater. Also, that kind of game needs resources else ppl will claim every bit of land available, stuff like multi-serve enormous world with thousansd of players in ONE server. Thats my opinion that normal ppl could invest like 10 bucks a week satisfactory and compete with every1, since ima well aware that the progression is exponential on input but linear on output aka the needed investing exp to acquire the next point in given skill i.e. doubles every level, so in the end ppl will start investing in many skills both crft/gathering and fighting cuz its quite pointless payoff wise to invest just too much in one shit, so as the server goes by ppl will be balanced with each other.

Ofc to exp tickets to works EXP really should be the currency like to craft shit ya use undistributed exp, can trade exp, perhaps ya could dismantle crafted items looted on pvp or too old (quality) so ya could lets say have half the needed exp. Also, when gathering the final quality could yield exp accordingly and that final Q could be influenced by your tools Q and skills and so on...

Well, ima asking for tickets cuz ima a financial investor and would liek to play but i ahve not the time, only like 2 hours a day at best, so i mostly like would pour 10k usd at start and be a soloer whatever i find funnier, but wouldnt like to be behind the most ppl;

ima not mashing shit up as ya state, in EvE theres many systems unlike the actual rough Dwell, and their seemly pay 2 win isnt imbalanced cuz as ya stated theres very lil ppl willing to dump loads of bucks in pixels. I usggest something that is well acquainted with the simplicity of Dwell, but let me tell why:

+ that kind of game created a incentive to ppl to cheat alting and boting or wtvs alike
+ if it resembles HnH theres no point in artificial currency
+ in the end everything will be more or less balanced with very few points out of the curve
+ the game only works with loads of lands, theres no point in enforcing everyone to commute together
+ devs are the so called Indie and need cash and stuff for sekf and game issues

well tired to go on on that so lemme say, I stoped solo-playing HnH back in 2009 (BIOHAZARD) when ppl started cheatin adn all, the game seems to be the core for many out there in development including Dwell, thats where I heard of it. But if Dwell keep such low specifications such as HnH it will turn itself into it, low pop and good concept but more like to be the game that ppl will talk about being their inspiration. Albion Online is out there already and portability is more to my taste since Ipad is a nicety. But ima quite losing faith in that for they abolished the use of gold to acquire shit in game, which in my case provide fair competition with free-timers.
I played Tibia in 2002 when i was 17 and loved the game and much nicier than stupid 3d big corp games. This one kind reminds me what it could be if they were more ambitious, ya Tibia haz a revenue of 1mil/year or so i heard and many nice things, but utterly out-dated in virtually all aspects despite having about 80k players on high times. recentrly they started allowing ppl to trade real money for ingame ones by the means of selling premium scrolls.
Well for what i saw Dwell wont work with such artificial stuff and to put loads of modifiers on exp intake on ONE char solve many probs like multi acc alting and all, they can acquire that in game easly by trading with ppl.

Btw good luck to the game

the whole point is that everyone will have it, on1 can ever be self sufficient and be efficient, isntead of stocking pointless gold ppl mostly will trade their stuff for exp modifiers. Perhaps at start the prices will be quite unbalanced but as inflation punches by, ppl that specialized in, i.e. lets say, potion making, will ask more tickets for a given product of higher quality that gives a better edge as a last resort in life or death, so more tickets will be assigned to non-payers but redistributed to those that invest time and effort in a given job. Moreover the relative usage of tickets varies. Ppl that on a whole year paid 1000 tickets wont have many reasons to keep on pumping more money but will devote themselves to acquire them in game trading their highly specialized goodies for new comers that desire a nice starting and so the cicle goes on. Ppl that dont wanna invest anything or very little too can compete, for devs could balance shit like to acquire the next quality point ya need exponentially more resources, i.e. to have a quality 50 armor ya need x that gives y bonus, so ya invested x time/effort/resources and it gives y bonuses; but to have a 51 quality that gives y+y/50 bonuses ya dont need only x+x/50 time/effort/resources but lets say x+2x. To summarized the example i gave the bonus of that armor is 1 for each quality point, its linear, but x+2x means ya need double of the whole time/effort/resources ya needed to make that q50 armor to make the next better one, thats exponential shit. Well it is to be balanced by the devs for sure, but my point is that as the game goes on to make shit better is much difficult so that balance old or payers with new or effortiers players, the bonuses they will get will not be much unbalanced. That is to explain that in the end exp modifiers will not be much a issues since the outcome is just linear and a quality 50 mov speed isnt much better than a 30 one or so i think.

so thats an idea a put on Dwell forums, I personally stopped playing HnH long ago since the current state of the game justifies alts and bots, but i would like to play it fair and square when its comercially released
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ps. dude needs to learn paragraphs

Postby Jackard » Tue May 05, 2015 8:43 pm

look don't just copypaste suggestions from another game without adding anything relevant

how do you believe this would work in Haven?
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Re: Exp modifier tickets for cash

Postby biohazard » Tue May 05, 2015 8:50 pm

all my posts on a given subject on playdwell.com forum

My idea is that buying 1x exp ticket modifier for 1usd would be a nice way to start cashing up on HnH, even if the world resets for a better version the modifier could still be attached on your account. Also, gathered exp (learning points) could be traded as currency for other players shit. With that i believe ppl would have no incentive to create alts and use bots since all your tickets are best invested in one char alone for optimal overall LP income, even putting loads of curios on alts would be pointless. Since the game is on a verge of upgrade they should start thinking ahead.
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Re: Exp modifier tickets for cash

Postby Jackard » Tue May 05, 2015 8:51 pm

biohazard wrote:all my posts on a given subject on playdwell.com forum

if you want to discuss it here, don't tell people to visit another forum first. put some fucking effort into your posts
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Re: Exp modifier tickets for cash

Postby biohazard » Tue May 05, 2015 8:54 pm

are all your posts borderline thoughtless? Never told any1 to visit shit, and even so ppl have free will to be self sufficient on their action. So if ya wanna discuss the matter of exp modifiers start now ya are already 2 posts behind
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Re: Exp modifier tickets for cash

Postby loftar » Tue May 05, 2015 9:12 pm

If you want to post a wall of text, at least make it readable.
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Re: Exp modifier tickets for cash

Postby Jackard » Tue May 05, 2015 9:21 pm

biohazard wrote:are all your posts borderline thoughtless?

look in a mirror, pal
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Re: Exp modifier tickets for cash

Postby Patchouli_Knowledge » Tue May 05, 2015 9:54 pm

biohazard wrote:like ya pay 1 usd and gets 1 exp modifier on your acc (could be a itam to trade) like ya already paid 10 bucks and pay one more then ya have 11exp mod. Also exp coud be the base coin like ya can store exp and distribut as ya like (HnH) and perhaps pay ppl with it. Ya coul store exp by gathering, crafting and killing. Also 10% exp loss when dead goes to the killer on pvp, with unlimited progression like Tibia or HnH. That could be the source of cash

Funny that you suggested this as this is very exploitable as an LP farm when you were complaining about it years ago.

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Re: Exp modifier tickets for cash

Postby TeckXKnight » Wed May 06, 2015 12:25 am

Ah biohazard, your post quality hasn't changed in five years: awful.

So the core of the idea is that new players can pay cash to get an lp advantage to catch up with older players. On the flipside, you're hoping that even if older players buy them they won't see the same investment since input is exponential (which doesn't mean doubles). The cash items can be traded, stolen on kill, etc.

Immediately I take issue with anything that turns new players into walking pinatas. Beat them until their cash falls out. New players have big enough targets drawn on them as is and the goal should be to decrease the incentive to murder them, not increase it.

You're also operating under the assumption that new players will be the only ones buying and taking advantage of these benefits to catch up. More realistically, everyone will buy them at the start of the world as per status quo to "get ahead" of everyone else. After that players will maintain buying them to "stay ahead." So now there's a tax on playing and no gap was really closed for anyone.

Also, gathered exp (learning points) could be traded as currency for other players shit.

I missed that part at first. God no. Absolutely not. If your goal was to disincentivize botting, alts, etc. then this is a huge step in the wrong direction as you'd be able to feed your main lp. Alternatively, you could feed alts just enough to buy the necessary criminal skills to go vandalize or murder things for you so that you never have to put yourself at risk. Not that you already can't force-feed alts the necessary lp and stats to go commit crimes for you, but the systems in-place that allow this aren't going to survive to the next iteration of the game (See: hunger grinding, no hearth secrets) so we'll see how that goes.
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Re: Exp modifier tickets for cash

Postby burgingham » Wed May 06, 2015 5:04 am

Ah yes, let's go with the absolute worst revenue model for a game first. Excellent idea.
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