dear god I screwed up big time

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dear god I screwed up big time

Postby ecco » Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:04 am

okay loser noobass here, Ive been playing for maybe five days. I have a house and a tiny farm set up, nothing big, by a river (so you can tell I didn't read a proper tutorial before then). why am I being so open about this? because I need help from someone who has/can make gauze.
my internet's been shoddy all day, and so Im playing just now and try to raid an ant hill because, hey, why not? so my controls freeze up just as Im about to run to some water, and I can't move. the ants get me, I quickly shut down the program and started it back up, at my hearth fire. once Im there I see Im knocked out and at SIXTEEN HHP. with so little HP Im afraid to try and farm leeches for health, and am hoping that someone still active (Ive maybe seen one person online through my course of playing so far) has the ability to get me some gauze and use it on me. Im not sure what anyone would like in return, I don't have much to me.

also! if this should go in another thread Im sorry, just lemme know which one, I was thinking apples for oranges but I wasn't sure, like I said Im a noobass who can't even fend off a hill of ants without dying somehow.
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Re: dear god I screwed up big time

Postby TeckXKnight » Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:19 am

q10 leeches only deal 3 shp damage so you can safely use up to 5 leeches before you need to take them off and heal for a bit. This should be more than enough to get you on the road to recovery. It'll be difficult for others to find you, even along a river, without access to your coordinates. Either way, best of luck!
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Re: dear god I screwed up big time

Postby ecco » Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:24 am

mm, alright, Ill risk it. I was willing to "kin" or whatever with a person and set up my fire outside my house for a time, since I thought they could warp there with the right permissions, but Ill try my luck with leeches in the morning. thanks for the info, I thought they did more SHP
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Re: dear god I screwed up big time

Postby Frog_Racer » Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:33 am

The world is a big place. If you make a hearth secret and send it to my inbox i might be able to meet up with you and maybe help and we can maybe play together with you.
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Re: dear god I screwed up big time

Postby TeckXKnight » Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:39 am

ecco wrote:mm, alright, Ill risk it. I was willing to "kin" or whatever with a person and set up my fire outside my house for a time, since I thought they could warp there with the right permissions, but Ill try my luck with leeches in the morning. thanks for the info, I thought they did more SHP

No, only a brand new player can start beside your hearthfire and they wouldn't be able to help you meaningfully in anyway. Otherwise players would need to walk to you to find you and that can be a long, dangerous process. Leeches do damage based on their quality, so a high quality leech could very well knock you out and kill you.

The formula is

So a brand new q10 leech will deal 3 damage per hit and it will hit you 3 times. This means that it'll do 9 damage total. With 16 SHP you can take a total of 5 leech hits from q10 leeches without going down.
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Re: dear god I screwed up big time

Postby GenghisKhan44 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:16 am

In the mean time, as many LP as you can, learn how to make/get a loom, pray to find some clovers and mouflon.
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