Unlimited time, limited characters

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Re: Unlimited time, limited characters

Postby MusicWarrior » Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:17 pm

Amazing idea.


How are u going to prevent people from making new accounts to get a free character?
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Re: Unlimited time, limited characters

Postby Virulentation » Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:22 pm

Wait you're saying that we should pay for a new character if ours dies? That seems... Silly, considering death is swift and random in good ol'Haven and Hearth. I'm sure you're aware of this correct? Sure I can get behind 1 character per account, but not 1 life per account. But once again, as someone stated above, people could easily just make new accounts.
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Re: Unlimited time, limited characters

Postby tardy0 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:38 pm

I dont understand all this talk about "preventing people from making new accounts for a free character" I dont recall you starting in the character creation room. You have to purchase your first character, there are no free ones.

As far as slaughtering toons go, it happens. With a small fee per character I doubt itll have much of an effect since this game is already permadeath with people wanting character res every 2 sec. :roll:

IMO: A small fee for a character is not nearly worth the amount of time I spend grinding with that character, and ultimately its the grinding id be most upset about on death not the cash.
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Re: Unlimited time, limited characters

Postby Virulentation » Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:47 pm

I can see that working, pay for a character. But perhaps it should just be, pay for a character slot, you own that slot then. Dying and having to pay to revive is once again, still a silly decision. It won't stop people from killing each other, might make the devs make death much easier to occur to gain more. It also prevents people from testing new stuff, dying and then starting over. The grind itself is a big enough cost, I doubt making someone pay say 5 dollars while also losing everything the worked for a good way to keep players.
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Re: Unlimited time, limited characters

Postby tardy0 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:59 pm

I can see testing with character deaths being an issue.
The problem that I have with character slots is that it will greatly reduce income since its a one time purchase, and it doesn't stop alt abuse.

5$ is a bit much, at most I was thinking half of that. Someone had said that the devs mentioned that there are 2000 active players a month?
So if all of them made a new character, just 1 character, that's 5000$. People will be killed, people will die, and people will make alts. Though by keeping it so that you have to purchase a new character every time, it severely limits alt spamming, if not eliminating it.

Having a set amount of time to play just sets players apart. The players who can play unlimited will be able to do whatever they want, whereas, the F2P players will be so limited in time that its almost not worth even bothering to play simply because you cannot come close to competing with them.
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Re: Unlimited time, limited characters

Postby Virulentation » Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:21 pm

Oh no I agree with you, it would be a pretty poor income if it's a one time thing. Also the play time does cleave the community into segments.

Only other option I could see is perhaps add vanity stuff to the cash shop and/or perhaps some kind of special subscription model which halves the time to build and gain LP, something to provide an advantage for those who want to pay for the game, while not being pay to win. But I fully support the idea of having to pay for character slots, always thought that was a good idea. I'm sure something good will turn up after a bit more research.
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Re: Unlimited time, limited characters

Postby Denkar » Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:38 pm

Instead of characters, just make it character slots. So if you want to have 2 characters at the same time you have to pay for 2. But if you only have 1 character, and it dies or you delete it, you can still make a new one for free.
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