Game crashed while surveying.

The worst monsters in the Hearthlands warp the fabric of space and time...

Game crashed while surveying.

Postby Jacobian123 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:29 am

Title says all. I selected a 30x36 area for a survey marker and the game crashed on me.

I did get a crash report, however:

at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(Unknown Source)
at java.util.HashMap$ Source)
at haven.MCache.getol(
at haven.MapMesh.makeols(
at haven.MCache$Grid.getolcut(
at haven.MCache.getolcut(
at haven.MapView$2.setup(
at haven.RenderList.setup(
at haven.RenderList.add(
at haven.MapView.setup(
at haven.PView$1.setup(
at haven.RenderList.setup(
at haven.RenderList.setup(
at haven.PView.draw(
at haven.MapView.draw(
at haven.Widget.draw(
at haven.Widget.draw(
at haven.GameUI.draw(
at haven.Widget.draw(
at haven.Widget.draw(
at haven.RootWidget.draw(
at haven.UI.draw(
at haven.HavenPanel.rootdraw(
at Source)

Anyone have any idea?
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