BDC855 wrote:Not too far and we were looking for a new target anyway.
Lets go see what we can break.
BDC855 wrote:We hid 3 rams pretty nicely; 16 hours later, no one has destroyed any of them...they better hurry up before that base belongs to us!
Who are these wanna be raiders, did you guys seriously post that you were gonna attack them, and then posted that you built 3 rams outside their village 8h before they dry? Why even build 3 rams, if they see 1 ram they will wallcheck their entire wall. How incompetent can you bunch be, even Frost is smarter than that (altough his first 'raid' attempt did lead to his death, but thats a story for another day). They could easily set up a trap for your 'raiding group'. I bet a 50 ua forager alt could steamroll your entire group.