Pre-Announcement: Siege Changes

Announcements about major changes in Haven & Hearth.

Re: Pre-Announcement: Siege Changes

Postby Duane » Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:08 am

Ysh wrote:I think the game is close enough to permadeath at the present for you to be crying with this fit, no?

I'm defensive because everyone agrees that the current system is awful, but any solution offered is just "HEY BUT WHY CHANGE IT???" like I'm beating you up or something.
I feel like I'm beating my head on a brick wall and I'm sure the devs do too.

The game needs hit with a pretty big brick, and it's either Siege Overhaul, or Diplomacy Overhaul. Both require a few things:

  • Death needs to not be the end-all be-all to every problem.
    Example 1: Someone steals from you.
    Rather than a retaliatory strike being to kill, let it be to maim. Retributory Strikes or some unique type of wound designed to maim instead of kill. Lower their stats temporarily, so they can't counterattack, but halt their progress and hurt their day-to-day life. Inflicting one would disperse the relevant crimes. The systems are all in place - scents, wounds, nidbanes etc - are all an excellent framework for something more.

    Example 2: Someone attacks you, but you best them.
    Same thing.

    Standard resolution to this system is to kill them. You won the fight. They started it. If you kill them, nobody will come for you. If he lives, they might.

    Secondary resolution is to walk off, consider it a victory and maybe nidbane them for the assault.
    Maybe make Assault/Battery Nidbanes also inflict similar Retribution Wounds instead of aiming to kill.

  • Alt-Vaulting needs to be stopped, be changed, or be fixed.
    Example 1: Your entire claim is wiped, sacked and burned. You were a dick-ass thief and got your comeuppance.
    Good thing you had an alt with 9 pearls, 2 bars of gold and a pair of every type of ring to aid your swift recovery. This raid was basically a victimless crime.

    Example 2: You raid a village only to find everything gone. They have no charterstone and to your knowledge there are no survivors.
    All you manage to find are two offline hearthfires and you never find anything of value. I wonder what happened?

  • Alts in general need to be de-incentivized.
    I can't give examples for this. You know exactly what I mean. There are too many events to which stats don't matter and proper griefing can happen as long as that alt has Yeomanry or Crime Skills.

  • Trade needs to be incentivized.

    Right now, given a layer 5 mine hole and 1 of every crop, everyone will eventually have everything. Regionalized resources REALLY help this, but at the end of the day most either decay - and can't be traded for reasonably - or are never needed in absolute bulk. Here I'd suggest a few things.

    A. More regional resources that each do additional things, but don't decay.
    Hell, make some of them that can be used in unique dishes. Now that discovery tomes are a thing, you can't just say "but I don't want to trade for that, I haven't discovered it!!!" I really like regional resources, but they don't incentivize trade beyond salt. There's more to be had, here, certainly. Hopefully the developers take full advantage of the unique things that could be added using regional resources.

    B. Higher tier versions of existing things.
    Progession is great but it only pertains to quality. The only distinction between just getting steel, and having steel for a year is that it's probably way higher quality. There are no sidegrades and if there were, using existing materials, they'd all be just as attainable. Why not a larger Steel Crucible that takes some Brimstone to run? Why not a new beehive that uses some new regional resource to generate more honey? or wax? A loom with rare fibers built into it, to give a native %quality increase to things woven using it? All of these resources would be ripe for trade because not everyone would have them all, and all of them would be useful to someone.

    C. Bridges.
    Trade can only really happen on a large-scale using roads and wagons. This is already on the to-do list so I'm not going to elaborate and I'll just take in a deep breath and start screaming words at jorbtar once they're out.

    Right now, there's no "Full-Circle" in the game. Things don't fuel eachother, there's nothing for villages to work towards once they've gotten a little of everything because there's never a need for diplomacy or trade. The only damage you could do to that now is to take something away - like jumping to violent conclusions and regionalizing silver and gold - or adding more to it, like more unique resources and building types. Otherwise, fightin' is the name of the game, independent dick-ass thiefs rule the wastelands because there's no incentive to rip off their heads or to come together as a group and range them to extinction, because 'I'm too busy mining right now to help him get his metal back.'
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Re: Pre-Announcement: Siege Changes

Postby Delamore » Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:39 pm

Duane wrote:
[*]Death needs to not be the end-all be-all to every problem.
Example 1: Someone steals from you.
Rather than a retaliatory strike being to kill, let it be to maim. Retributory Strikes or some unique type of wound designed to maim instead of kill. Lower their stats temporarily, so they can't counterattack, but halt their progress and hurt their day-to-day life. Inflicting one would disperse the relevant crimes. The systems are all in place - scents, wounds, nidbanes etc - are all an excellent framework for something more.

Currently it is so time consuming and takes a bunch of effort to be able to take revenge on any criminal or someone who has done your wrong and most of the time impossible.
So that when you are given the chance to take revenge you take all the revenge you're able to because you won't be able to again if you don't do it now, this is why villages get smashed into dust and every character killed. Not just as punishment for their crimes, but as a release for all the other cases where you were unable to do anything because siege/alts/vaults/outplayed/outstated
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Re: Pre-Announcement: Siege Changes

Postby Duane » Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:44 pm

Delamore wrote:but as a release for all the other cases where you were unable to do anything because siege/alts/vaults/outplayed/outstated

An alright system trounced by the ability to not participate in those systems. Exactly. Needs fixed. Shit's broke.
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Re: Pre-Announcement: Siege Changes

Postby Ysh » Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:47 pm

Duane wrote:
Ysh wrote:I think the game is close enough to permadeath at the present for you to be crying with this fit, no?

I'm defensive because everyone agrees that the current system is awful, but any solution offered is just "HEY BUT WHY CHANGE IT???" like I'm beating you up or something.
I feel like I'm beating my head on a brick wall and I'm sure the devs do too.

If everyone will agree with you, why are you defensive? I do not think anyone has even disagreed with you in this thread. You do not need to feel persecuted.

I think most people are agreeing with much of your words in this timecube style rant you did postings. I have seen these suggestions you make as solutions before too. You are not alone here.
Kaios wrote:Spice Girls are integral to understanding Ysh's thought process when communicating, duly noted.

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Re: Pre-Announcement: Siege Changes

Postby Duane » Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:02 pm

Ysh wrote:
Duane wrote:I'm defensive because everyone agrees that the current system is awful, but any solution offered is just "HEY BUT WHY CHANGE IT???"

If everyone will agree with you, why are you defensive?

Because you have responded to my posts maybe five times now, and literally all you ever say is 'Why are you so defensive?' You haven't even responded to my suggestions. Not once across any thread.
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Re: Pre-Announcement: Siege Changes

Postby Ysh » Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:06 pm

Duane wrote:
Ysh wrote:
Duane wrote:I'm defensive because everyone agrees that the current system is awful, but any solution offered is just "HEY BUT WHY CHANGE IT???"

If everyone will agree with you, why are you defensive?

Because you have responded to my posts maybe five times now, and literally all you ever say is 'Why are you so defensive?' You haven't even responded to my suggestions. Not once across any thread.

I am asking because I think you suffer for this. You do not need to be angry or feel attacked, this is not good for you and I am caring for my friend.

Also I did some responding to the suggesting, I think I say that people will not want death to be nerfed. I say that I agree with much of your timecube posting analysis. What more are you trying to know?
Kaios wrote:Spice Girls are integral to understanding Ysh's thought process when communicating, duly noted.

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Re: Pre-Announcement: Siege Changes

Postby Burinn » Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:49 pm

Duane wrote:
Ysh wrote:
Duane wrote:I'm defensive because everyone agrees that the current system is awful, but any solution offered is just "HEY BUT WHY CHANGE IT???"

If everyone will agree with you, why are you defensive?

Because you have responded to my posts maybe five times now, and literally all you ever say is 'Why are you so defensive?' You haven't even responded to my suggestions. Not once across any thread.

Hey now, no need to flame Ysh. Honestly I think Ysh is one of the most constructive posters on the forum half the time.
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