so THATS a beaver dam

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so THATS a beaver dam

Postby tetradigem » Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:15 am

found my first beaver dam the other day. of course i had no idea it WAS a beaver dam because it sure as hell didnt tell me, or look anything like one. i thought it was a decomposing sea serpents corpse or some shit,as it looks like some kind of giant worm corpse. as soon as i activate it im sitting in my boat inside the damned dam, and i immediately get gang banged by 10 or so beavers. who i find out are for some reason THE SIZE OF A GROWN FUCKING ADULT, and are capable of easily destroying said adult. why the hell were these even added? why does this "jorb" person not have any common sense when it comes to what an animal should be? there is no excuse for my grown adult character (as evident by my lugging entire trees around on my shoulder) to get instaglibbed by any number of beavers. can we just replace these damned nonsense enemies that are standard bugs and animals that have no reason to survive more than a kick to the head?
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Re: so THATS a beaver dam

Postby Adder1234 » Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:17 am

Welcome to Haven, mate.
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Re: so THATS a beaver dam

Postby wonder-ass » Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:34 am

git gud lmao.
see homo sexuality trending,. do not do that.
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Re: so THATS a beaver dam

Postby Agame » Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:43 am

I totally agree the threat level of things we know are not a threat from real life and common sense is way out of line in this game.
Mosquitos can hurt you for up to 10% of your health bar. Leeches are life-threatening, though all you have to do is grab and pull it out and throw it. Goose/swans are stronger than you and any bat can KO you in seconds when you are not a warrior in metal gear. Badgers and other things that in real die with a splash when confronted with a wooden shovel, here are serious fights even 1 on 1. Snakes chase you around the map and on certain terrains they run faster than you.
You do need heavy metal gear and 24 hours or so to beat a 10 kg sheep into submission.
Ants can also knock you out when you are a beginner. Not poison you, but simply knock you out (which can only be achieved by hitting your head hard, right? Pinches or hits to your legs can't KO anyone.)

So, if you are going to play this game, please forget these things are not threatening in real life. It's Jorb's and Lofthar's way of belittling you and making fun of you. It's their payment for a free game they worked years to make and improve.
Bear the shame, get stronger, get over it. We all did.

Late PS: In other games, there are killer rabbits, man. Killer rabbits. This game just has more of those and less honorable enemies, that's all.
Last edited by Agame on Thu Jan 31, 2019 2:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Vigilance wrote:just remove midgets, they suck ass and serve no function besides annoying people.

As a rule of thumb, everything that makes life easyer and less boring/grinding for players is a great idea. Everything that makes the game harder is crap coming from sadistic tendencies of Jorbtar helped by the few players with the same kind of disorders.
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Re: so THATS a beaver dam

Postby MagicManICT » Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:57 am

have you ever met a beaver in real life? had a buddy get his arm half gnawed off by one while noodling for catfish. Sucker was almost the size of a Labrador. I'm sure it weighed about as much or more because beavers tend to be on the heavy side for their size. (Same guy also almost got his arm twisted off by a catfish. The fish thought it had food and started that death roll thing to tear apart food. how he wasn't missing a finger or two to turtles... it's a complete surprise.)

but it looks like a beaver dam to me. They tend to be oddly shaped, sprawling. They're beavers. they just start putting sticks and wood in the water until it backs up and makes a pond.

Agame wrote: It's Jorb's and Lofthar's way of belittling you and making fun of you.

It's fun and it's fantasy. it's not supposed to be reality. it's good when things can follow some sense of logic, but it is a game of myth and legend as much as anything else. (Do note that I myself frequently use the "but realistically?" line a lot in C&I discussions. you can only depart from logic so much before it becomes absurd, and not fantasy.)
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Re: so THATS a beaver dam

Postby tetradigem » Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:06 pm

MagicManICT wrote:have you ever met a beaver in real life? had a buddy get his arm half gnawed off by one while noodling for catfish. Sucker was almost the size of a Labrador. I'm sure it weighed about as much or more because beavers tend to be on the heavy side for their size. (Same guy also almost got his arm twisted off by a catfish. The fish thought it had food and started that death roll thing to tear apart food. how he wasn't missing a finger or two to turtles... it's a complete surprise.)

but it looks like a beaver dam to me. They tend to be oddly shaped, sprawling. They're beavers. they just start putting sticks and wood in the water until it backs up and makes a pond.

Agame wrote: It's Jorb's and Lofthar's way of belittling you and making fun of you.

It's fun and it's fantasy. it's not supposed to be reality. it's good when things can follow some sense of logic, but it is a game of myth and legend as much as anything else. (Do note that I myself frequently use the "but realistically?" line a lot in C&I discussions. you can only depart from logic so much before it becomes absurd, and not fantasy.)

unless your buddy was a 12 year old, im not sure how he got his arm gnawed off by a MAYBE 40Lb 2 foot long rat that he could have killed by punching in the head once. as for it looking like a dam, maybe if it didnt have a texture that looks like raw flesh, and have what looks like rib bones coming up the entire length of it. if its supposed to be a dam it should be a mess of mud and small branches. youll never see giant logs coming up like that from a dam thats in use. it being "fun" is quite subjective. i personally dont find it fun for every single worthless animal (that im required to go out and hunt en masse to progress at all in any path in the game) to be more than capable of killing me in a 1v1 when im rocking weapons and armor (all of which break in like 20 seconds of combat. oh yay.). especially not when said things include shit like foxes and beavers. as for it being "fantasy" no. not at all. you dont just slap that label on whatever and call it a day. there is virtually nothing fantasy about this game. there is nothing to do with "myth" or "legend" either because there is no lore its a goddamned sandbox with no story, plot, history, or effort aside from hitting "go" on your generator.

literally none of those apply to this game. there are a handful of "magic" effects, but as far as ive seen they are nothing of the sort, more often just being something absurd.
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Re: so THATS a beaver dam

Postby Vassteel » Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:18 pm

You sound pretty sour on your return to HnH. maybe you should just go back to Fortnight or something if the game isn't currently to "your" liking anymore
jorb wrote:Stop shitposting.
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Re: so THATS a beaver dam

Postby 2d0x » Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:23 pm

tetradigem, but you are not annoyed by the ability to instantly teleport, holding a mammoth in your hands?
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Re: so THATS a beaver dam

Postby Agame » Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:28 pm

2d0x wrote:tetradigem, but you are not annoyed by the ability to instantly teleport, holding a mammoth in your hands?

Well, OK, that is fantasy.
But how do you balance the fact that a guy muscular enough to hold a mammoth can be mortally wounded or at least KOed by a 2 feet rat with a flat tail? Game needs balance, fantasy or no fantasy.
Vigilance wrote:just remove midgets, they suck ass and serve no function besides annoying people.

As a rule of thumb, everything that makes life easyer and less boring/grinding for players is a great idea. Everything that makes the game harder is crap coming from sadistic tendencies of Jorbtar helped by the few players with the same kind of disorders.
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Re: so THATS a beaver dam

Postby 2d0x » Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:30 pm

Agame wrote:
2d0x wrote:tetradigem, but you are not annoyed by the ability to instantly teleport, holding a mammoth in your hands?

Well, OK, that is fantasy.
But how do you balance the fact that a guy muscular enough to hold a mammoth can be mortally wounded or at least KOed by a 2 feet rat with a flat tail? Game needs balance, fantasy or no fantasy.

This is not the world in which I really live. I just accept the conventions of the game.
Last edited by 2d0x on Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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