SnuggleSnail wrote:Did your girlfriend sending my villager nudes for flax seeds feel like a win?
MightySheep wrote:Lol no1 actually thinks Yggdrasil won. In fact if Loftar didnt release this timelapse very few people would remember they even exist this world.
The only lesson from this is that kingdom content still needs a lot of work. I mean whats it all for? so ppl can get more gilding song casts? cant really be surprised when the group that hide all world ends up being allowed to capture this much territory when nobody has any incentive to stop them.
I think if you could view territory % in game and did a big thing at the end of each world where a particular kingdom is declared winner and enters a "hall of fame" list. Even this meaningless rewards would make people try a lot harder and wed finally get the incentive to pvp with kingdom cairns.
MightySheep wrote:It could have just as easily been the Loliconquest kingdom that took the mid and west continents.
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