World 11 realms

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Re: World 11 realms

Postby CaveHermit » Wed Mar 04, 2020 7:13 pm

I win world so idk what you all talk TBH ;) ;)
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby Ants » Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:01 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:Did your girlfriend sending my villager nudes for flax seeds feel like a win?

Did you guys finish making the trial video yet, btw?

MightySheep wrote:Lol no1 actually thinks Yggdrasil won. In fact if Loftar didnt release this timelapse very few people would remember they even exist this world.

The only lesson from this is that kingdom content still needs a lot of work. I mean whats it all for? so ppl can get more gilding song casts? cant really be surprised when the group that hide all world ends up being allowed to capture this much territory when nobody has any incentive to stop them.

I think if you could view territory % in game and did a big thing at the end of each world where a particular kingdom is declared winner and enters a "hall of fame" list. Even this meaningless rewards would make people try a lot harder and wed finally get the incentive to pvp with kingdom cairns.

I was thinking the same thing. I kinda like the statue idea Azrid brought up earlier, it would give people a bigger incentive to conquer land. As things are cairn work is pretty boring and not very rewarding late world.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby Apocoreo » Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:26 am

Fools, all of you.


Here stands the mighty realm of Loliconquest. Though it's leadership changed often, and it's founder is an unknown, unsung hero, it held the line against mighty empires that cared more about claiming swathes of empty forest than secure the future of their people. It held firm against the hoards of slathering barbarians, and for that I give it the win.

But no seriously, Ygg got the most territory through subterfuge and patience. Turtling is a common strategy. The competition isn't over until you can no longer compete, and player retention is a part of the game. Sometimes keeping players active and competitive is more harrowing then an enemy at the gate. Really thought AD would win by a landslide, very impressive Ygg.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby MightySheep » Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:43 am

What subterfuge? Everyone knew who and where they were but there was also no way to actually remove them from the game so it was almost inevitable that the last person who gives a damn will be the one with most territory. It could have just as easily been the Loliconquest kingdom that took the mid and west continents.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby Apocoreo » Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:17 pm

MightySheep wrote:It could have just as easily been the Loliconquest kingdom that took the mid and west continents.

How dare you. We are a nation of peace. Or at least, we were for the week I was king.
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby loleznub » Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:18 pm


Held that AD land from start to finish for the Hermit Coalition, not bad for a shitty hermit if I don't say so myself
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Re: World 11 realms

Postby DDDsDD999 » Fri Mar 06, 2020 6:58 pm

All these lesser realms desperately trying to post their "achievements" only makes Yggdrasil's seem more well deserved. Sad!
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