Controversial: Allow us to use 2-3 chars at once (Summoning)

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Controversial: Allow us to use 2-3 chars at once (Summoning)

Postby Aceb » Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:21 pm

Requirements: Atleast 2 characters on the same account, 200k LP and 100 INT on each.

why: Most of player base use alts on second account, so lets make it so that anybody can use to some extend some helping hands. This is to help non-factions and others to enjoy the game more by being able to do more in less time so they can spend more time outside of base and feel like game is game instead of a chore. So they can use another character to perform time eating tasks like crafting in bulks or harvesting fields and etc.

How it works:
- You can summon another character from the same account to use.
- It can only be performed at p-claim or v-claim. Summoned heartling CAN'T leave the area. (or even tie it to visitor buff)
- Either by holding a specific button or clicking it once allow You to take actions as summoned character.
- You can summon a character only at their hearthfire.
- Summoned character can't begin a combat, it can be a target of one.
- Summoned character must be in rendering range to be able to control it but it won't stop actions already performed (harvesting a field).
- Idle summon logs out after 5 minutes at hearthfire.
- Can't summon outlaw.

How it looks:
- Under player avarat (top left corner), similar to party, will appear miniature of summoned character with their energy and stamina bar
- When in render range, access to inventory (but not equipment), all inventory accessed by other characters are visibly in different color.
- Block item transfer between different characters, keep it only by bandy to avoid teleporting stuff around.
- Chat should be divided into different colored tabs as well for each char.

I know for some it might be bad idea, for some perfect. Before You say "BUT HAVEN ISNT RTS!!1oneone1!one" tell me when it didnt' feel like RTS. People playing only casually are out of question. I feel like this would help to improve the game by not allowing You to abuse 3 chars outside of crafting and chores.

Ofc. this idea can be a lot of improved on, I just wanted to make a skeleton of one.
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Re: Controversial: Allow us to use 2-3 chars at once (Summon

Postby jumping1 » Sat Aug 29, 2020 12:29 am

But why?
Having two windows open isn't that hard; In fact, this just seems like a considerably worse version of this, the only apparent benefit being better fps if you have both rendering simultaneously (which I believe can be disabled).
I'm not quite seeing the benefit of this.
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Re: Controversial: Allow us to use 2-3 chars at once (Summon

Postby Aceb » Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:31 am

The offer here is to provide players to be able to use one account (instead of each new window = different account), allow them to benefit from it to certain degree but not on the same level, allowing also less time spend on watching hourglass and nothing more. Also for some FPS is really a big issue.
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Re: Controversial: Allow us to use 2-3 chars at once (Summon

Postby shubla » Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:59 am

So you are suggesting devs to use time on their game so they can lose income and also decrease sinks for sub tokens even though there is an inflation of them?
Bad suggestion I say. You can't use multiple chars efficiently anyway except if you bot!
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Re: Controversial: Allow us to use 2-3 chars at once (Summon

Postby ctopolon4 » Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:47 am

old clients and ardennes have ability to render few accounts at same window, here are open scripts for farming\cloth making\wood cut\chop\saw\baking\smelting. but if client crushes you need to relogin all accounts (better use separate windows). if you are weak at programming or dont wanna recompile\restart client every time, you could use Purus API and notepad for botting.
you dont have to use tokens or pay for accounts if not wanna speed up processes a bit.

P.S. i'll better ask make 2-3 villages per char visiting, because you must have alt.char window in each village and use party permissions to visit them by yours main character = pain in ass
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