Ethically-Sourced Copy-Pasta Client.

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Ethically-Sourced Copy-Pasta Client.

Postby Astarisk » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:43 am

Due to the unethical behavior of Shubla, which can be viewed here viewtopic.php?f=49&t=70170

shubla wrote:Yes disabling it would be easy, but if it was possible to disable it, everyone will disable it. Kind of like those cookie notifications you know? Why would you press "yes", like ever? Even though not all cookies are bad. God forbid if it was disabled by default!

Opt out is to not use my client. Case closed.

This is your opt out. This version of the Purus Pasta Client is free of any and all information gathering!

Here is the commit (I know its not entirely clean, please no judgement). ... c38c47ea3c

The source code can be found at:

Updated Last: 5/24/2021
The download for the files can be found here. ...

The client is no longer ran through a launcher. It is now ran by using the run.bat file provided in the folder. If any questions occur in getting it to run I'll take a quick peek here, if there are any problems with crashing or ethical decisions please send them over to shubla at viewtopic.php?f=49&t=43840

If by popular demand the old APX or Verdan map system is wanted back in I'll be glad to add in during my free time.

Due to an increased interest in using a client that does not blindly send information I have seen an increase in questions on how to run this. I am going to put forward a quick FAQ of commonly ran into issues.

Help my map does not work when transferring over!
When I originally released this I was unaware that Shubla had changed the directory related to the maps. I have included in the download now a second bat file to run from. This bat file which I have named "run_with_puru_params" will set the client to correctly point towards your old map files. There is nothing wrong with using this bat and it should be the preferred one to load if you want your data to be there. You don't need to redownload the client to fix this just set the run.bat file to read as
start java -Xms1G -Xmx2G -Dsun.java2d.uiScale.enabled=false -Dhaven.resurl= -Dhaven.screenurl= -Dhaven.cachebase= -Dhaven.mapbase= -Dhaven.fullscreen=off -jar hafen.jar

Help Java isn't working! Help the client just straight crashes! Or any other immediate high level issues that prevents the client from running.
Due to an increased interest in using a client that does not blindly send information I have seen an increase in questions on how to run this. I am going to put forward a quick FAQ of commonly ran into issues.

First common issue I've seen is the lack of Java 11. This client was compiled to run with Java 11 and may not work on systems still using Java 8. You may see errors talking about how the client was compiled for a newer version. The fix to this problem is simple. Install Java 11.

To identify and diagnose this problem is simple. If you are on windows Load up Command Prompt. You can do this either by typing cmd in the Windows start search or by pressing the "Windows key" + R -> type cmd and then hit enter.
Type the following
java -version

You should see some text appear.

If you are told that java doesn't exist you will need to install Java11 and are free to skip to the next section.

Verifying the Java version
You will see a small block of text if this was successful.
openjdk version "11.0.2" 2019-01-15
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9, mixed mode)

Notice how it says 11 everywhere? That's the sign that Java11 is configured properly on your system. If it says Java 1.8 or Java 16 (The newest version of Java seems to have issues with the client.) Please install Java11.
If you have installed Java11 but it still says Java1.8 or any other version, your Environmental Variables may need to be set. You can search on Google or your platform of choice for how to do this. I'll post to one I believe covers it well enough. ... windows-10

To install Java11 you may visit the following URL
You will want to download the appropriate OS version of OpenJDK 11 (LTS) with HotSpot as the VM.

If you still have any issues related to the Java install you can reach in this post or hit me up in discord.
Last edited by Astarisk on Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:21 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Ethical Copy-Pasta Client.

Postby shubla » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:44 am

Collecting a map for the community is not unethical.
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Re: Ethical Copy-Pasta Client.

Postby mulamishne » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:46 am

shubla wrote:Collecting a map for the community is not unethical.

Opt out is to not use my client. Case closed.

Looks like OP is providing an opt out option!

Thank you!
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Re: Ethical Copy-Pasta Client.

Postby Astarisk » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:46 am

shubla wrote:Collecting a map for the community is not unethical.

Making information gathering as a FORCED feature with instead of an opt-in is entirely unethical. You must have never had to take an ethics course in university. I don't believe you even asked Alg for permission to use the front end code. That's also another ethical strike.
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Re: Ethical Copy-Pasta Client.

Postby loftar » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:49 am

shubla wrote:Collecting a map for the community is not unethical.

It may or may not be, but I do think you should at least be more up-front about it. If you want to claim that the opt-out is to not use your client, you should make it more clear in the thread that there may be reason to opt out.

I think there is a reasonable expectation that a network client program communicate only with the servers that it's obvious that it should communicate with. Noone objects to a browser that connects to the websites you tell it to connect to, but when it sends information to Google about the sites you connect to, that becomes more controversial. I know you have written about it in the thread, but it is hidden in a (hide) block and not really emphasized. If you're afraid that making it more clear will cause less people to use your client, you should probably make it an explicit opt-out option.
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Re: Ethical Copy-Pasta Client.

Postby shubla » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:52 am

Some players are glad to use food info, world maps, free custom clients etc. but are selfish assholes who instantly refuse to give anything back when asked? Even though the only reason not contributing back stubborness etc. as privacy of the user is taken good care of.

I ask everyone who considers to use this client to think if you use the aforementioned services. And remind you, that they do not appear out of nothingness.
OP of this thread and many others have their private clients, private maps. etc, and refuse to share their code with anyone else, not to lose their advantage.
One makes you think that maybe only reason why this project was released for example is to make sure that they fear to lose their advantage that they have grown way too used to during the past worlds which were dominated by those with access to these sites, clients and tools.

You are only shooting yourself to the leg, if you do not use public clients that collect this kind of data to be freely available to all players. So people get an equal go at the game.
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Re: Ethical Copy-Pasta Client.

Postby loftar » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:53 am

shubla wrote:when asked?

That, precisely, is really the core issue here, though, isn't it?
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Re: Ethical Copy-Pasta Client.

Postby mamotromico » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:55 am

shubla wrote:One makes you think that maybe only reason why this project was released for example is to make sure that they fear to lose their advantage that they have grown way too used to during the past worlds which were dominated by those with access to these sites, clients and tools.

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Re: Ethical Copy-Pasta Client.

Postby shubla » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:55 am

loftar wrote:
shubla wrote:when asked?

That, precisely, is really the core issue here, though, isn't it?

Well I ask, to use my client, you must give these things, which some seem to refuse to do.

If you're afraid that making it more clear will cause less people to use your client,

I'm not afraid about users of my client, but the food site and map site becoming shit because no one will contribute any data to them. Somebody who would enable the option likely doesn't care if its enabled by default
I'm not sure that I have a strong argument against sketch colors - Jorb, November 2019
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Re: Ethical Copy-Pasta Client.

Postby mulamishne » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:57 am

OP of this thread and many others have their private clients, private maps. etc, and refuse to share their code with anyone else, not to lose their advantage.

Alg and Rawrz work together a lot, and Alg consistently has put up and hosted the world map for years without asking for a dime (unlike someone haha). Having a private map would be 100% better but he continues to do so for the good of the community. This statement is straight up rude to someone who's code you have stolen.
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