This game is not fun any more

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Re: This game is not fun any more

Postby bitza » Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:29 pm

dageir wrote:I suggest botting becoming an integral part of the game.

another good point, as i've grown up i have too many real life concerns to where i can't dedicate the 8-12 hours a day it takes to stay competitive in this game. part of this is game mechanics but part of it is the community, it's highly competitive and exploitative. at this point i would totally be on board with a single-player "offline" version or even a private server with a dozen or so people that i know aren't shitheads but that's definitely not happening, so, oh well
Karede wrote: It takes a special kind of autism to play this game
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Re: This game is not fun any more

Postby Decadent » Sun Jun 20, 2021 1:23 am

My brother was watching me the other day and he said he would want this game if it was scaled up just a little bit more so that you could control multiple characters at once. It would be cool to set up a deposit box of some sort where you dump your foragable loot in a box and have your serfs grab that material and auto sort wherever you set up the deposit points at.

This game is almost great, it almost has the secret sauce. It just needs a little bit more development and moves in the right direction to be a very successful game.
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Re: This game is not fun any more

Postby terechgracz » Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:42 am

Yes, we should stop pretending that haven is mmorpg, it's autiatic ,
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Re: This game is not fun any more

Postby dafels » Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:03 am

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Re: This game is not fun any more

Postby Pills » Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:28 am

dageir wrote:I suggest botting becoming an integral part of the game.

Honestly this ^

The largest issue for me with this game in recent years is simply that i'm an adult now. I have real world responsibilities that prevent me from playing the 8-12 hours a day requirement that this game has just to get basic shit done on the daily.

Farming is the worst thing in this game, even if your farm is tiny, doing it every single day is fucking mind numbingly boring. Silk making is 5 billion clicks every single day every 8-16 hours. Cheese is twice a day checking racks and picking up and placing down over and over. The list goes on, tree planting, gardening, making curios etc etc etc.

Far too much in this game is actually just manual labour and boring af and there's really no way to make them "interesting" or "fun" in my opinion, so the game should just incorporate bots into the default client and just embrace the fact that most people hate monotonous tasks and don't want to have to spend several hours of every day of their lives doing them.

Also to the people complaining about bots in this thread: clearly you haven't reached the point in your life where your time is actually valuable to yourself to understand why so many people in this game use bots.
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Re: This game is not fun any more

Postby Zentetsuken » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:14 am

does other people botting make the game not fun for some people i dont get it
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Re: This game is not fun any more

Postby Kaios » Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:09 pm

Zentetsuken wrote:does other people botting make the game not fun for some people i dont get it

Besides it being indicative of mechanics that aren't fun to play or perform? It inflates the price of everything that isn't as easily bottable and overall has a large negative impact on the game's economy. The product that is output through effort a manual player puts in to their actions is devalued by virtue of there being someone who puts in less effort, via botting, and has a larger output. One could argue the manual player is not being efficient enough by not making use of botting or scripting, but eventually the game is going to end up playing itself if that is going to continue to be the case.
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Re: This game is not fun any more

Postby Zentetsuken » Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:26 pm

Kaios wrote:
Zentetsuken wrote:does other people botting make the game not fun for some people i dont get it

Besides it being indicative of mechanics that aren't fun to play or perform? It inflates the price of everything that isn't as easily bottable and overall has a large negative impact on the game's economy. The product that is output through effort a manual player puts in to their actions is devalued by virtue of there being someone who puts in less effort, via botting, and has a larger output. One could argue the manual player is not being efficient enough by not making use of botting or scripting, but eventually the game is going to end up playing itself if that is going to continue to be the case.

What mechanics specifically do you think are botted due to them being unfun to play of perform? What mechanics would you like to bot yourself?

What products do you think are undervalued do to other people botting them? Is there a specific market that you feel is offering small prices for something that you are spending manual labour creating?

As somebody who has genuinely never ran more than a clay digging script at any time over the last 5 years, I am having an incredibly hard time figuring out what specific details you are referring to with your vague blanket claims.

I enjoy farming and mining in their current implementation and I think you would be surprised by just how few people are running bots for these activities.

I don't feel that my efforts as a hermit or small-village player are devalued by bots because in my experience almost every market is specifically looking to buy things that would be very difficult to bot. I've had great success buying higher quality items with the fruits of my manual labours.

Finding the game to be boring is perfectly okay, finding that you no longer enjoy it as much as you used to is perfectly okay too.

What is really strange is lurking around in the community of a game you don't like at all and trying to make other people hate it as much as you do by making false claims and keeping negative conversations bumped to the top of subforums at all times.

Want to know a fun fact? I really don't like MOBAs. I tried a few and really just don't enjoy them, they are not fun for me at all.
Guess how many hours I have spent trying to push MOBA developers in to changing their game to better suit my needs? 0
Guess how many hours I have spent making negative posts and starting negative discussions about MOBAs in their respective communities? 0

As a fellow gamer who finds a lack of enjoyment in certain games, I highly recommend this strategy!!!
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Re: This game is not fun any more

Postby Kaios » Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:55 pm

lol I don't know why I even bother giving you the benefit of the doubt and respond to your posts seriously, I should know better by now
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Re: This game is not fun any more

Postby Pills » Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:03 pm

Zentetsuken wrote:I enjoy farming and mining in their current implementation and I think you would be surprised by just how few people are running bots for these activities.

If you genuinely enjoy farming in this game then fair play mate, but I sincerely do not understand how anybody can possibly enjoy farming in this game. Its so fucking boring and monotonous I think I would genuinely rather shit in my own hands and clap like a monkey smashing cymbals together than log in daily to manually do farming
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