In havens past, skills were at one time capped at 300, but people didn't like it.
The idea of stat caps were very unhaven like, and I agree with that. However this was good in some ways, you couldn't bot to 5000 strength and agility, and had no incentive to. Of course this doesn't mean I want that same stat cap system back. I don't.
While stats like that aren't a problem in itself, the ability to get there is not available to everyone. Big factions have people creating elaborate scripts, but they aren't keen on giving those away, and there's no reason they should. One solution would be adding smart scripting abilities into the standard client, which would allow even a hermit to have the ability to somewhat compete, however that would be time consuming, and a waste of development time. Botting isn't fun either.
The game currently feels unhaven like, and if you aren't botting with the best scripts, then you are always weaker than those that do. Sure, you could be a hapless hermit in the woods and be happy with that, but simply the fact you will never be able to change that fact is disheartening.
So here's one idea that could stay true to haven while allowing players to stay on a (sort of) even footing.
Continue to allow stats to be increaseable forever, however, no matter how high you go above 300 con/strength/agility/unarmed/mc, you won't actually gain more benefit once you are aggroed by a player, (but you can scale forever in pve. Con would be hard capped at 300 for pve and pvp). Equipment would be exempt from this, a 600 pvp stats limit could be potentially possible with good equipment, and it moves the goalposts from enormous cheese botting farms to botting quality. At least in regards to pvp only content.
I said (sort of), because players will still make botting farms, and instead of increasing one character to infinity, they'll make legions of throwaway characters with 300 mc/agi/str, etc. There isn't anything you can do about this, but at least a hermit has (some) fighting chance.
Isn't this more haven like?