Current state of World 14

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Re: Current state of World 14

Postby Sevenless » Sun Oct 02, 2022 7:55 pm

yym331 wrote:There is no doubt that PVP in HnH is interesting, but impossible for small factions!
Now the question is: with a group of 4 can you enjoy PVP?

By the way, I have only killed weak players.

With friends that can give you access to handmedown equipment definitely. Sourcing your own gear of reasonable quality would be tough.
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Re: Current state of World 14

Postby Cayur » Mon Oct 03, 2022 12:00 am

Village size = fighter numbers :geek:

AD had like max 15 fighters or something at the beginning of the world. Now its like max 6 (usually 3-4), people quit to others games/irl stuff. The rest of the village is just random larpers and people who don't care about pvp. You guys keep saying that all those people give us a big industry boost, but like 80%+ of our industry is from Trollex grinding 24/7.

Ozzys group never really had numbers but I guess like max 6 as well?, the most they had was on the first meteor when everyone was equal and I'm pretty sure that was them gathering literally everyone they could, half their people were wearing shit bronze gear and got KO'd pretty quickly.

Snails group doesn't fight anybody, they raided ozzys group on like day 3 XD, they came to first meteor on snekkjas and just shot people with bows and slings but didn't partake in the fight at all. Other than that they basically don't exist.

I don't even know much about arcanum, they have like 6 fighters, but they're barely on, I think like 3 of them actively try to pvp.

And London Mandem has a primarily pvp village of players with like 14 people or more, who are actively on. You guys can consistently get like 14 people almost every day. You guys got lucky that almost all your fighters didn't quit

While every other group can get like 6 on (on a good day) you guys get double that almost every day.

Obviously, there was the odd fight here or there where there were equal numbers but, this was a really rare occurrence. But you guys counted this as us having enough people (this was literally AD spamming as much of the village to come as possible)

So we came to two options:
- Keep fighting 6v12-14 and eventually we quit because being outnumbered so hard every fight is such a massive disadvantage obviously, and then you guys eventually quit because nobody is fighting you anymore.
- Or ally with the other smaller groups so we could have equal numbers, keep pvping and not quit.

I feel like you guys are just crying now that you no longer x2 everybody else.

Tbh I think most groups expected 6-8 v 6-8 fights this world. And it's generally the number of fighters every other group has besides you. And would be way better. I guess we could've kept pvping just between the smaller groups and just ignored you all together.

Also the fight today which was 17v14 was pretty irregular, I doubt even with allying the other factions we'll have that much usually, probs generally going to be more even.
Andddd as soon as you guys are outnumbered by 3 people, like 2 of you get KO'd and 1 dies. :geek: While the whole time you shit on us and just told us to fight and stop being pussies when we were outnumbered x2 XD ... sbergenHnH
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Re: Current state of World 14

Postby Nightdawg » Mon Oct 03, 2022 12:25 am

Cayur wrote:snip

First of all, here's a better video smh:

Secondly, either 80% of your village got drafted into russia's military, or you guys are just bulshitting, cause you always have fighters, and it was never the same 15 people.
Inb4 trollex comes saying "but we all killed ourselves 20 times each to min-max stats", I'm talking about the same people we had memod, coming to different fights. Pretty sure only felix killed himself once or twice, and he was masked every time so I wasn't even counting him.

Anyway I didn't make this thread to cry, I made that video for fun or for the memes, if you will. I don't mind you guys having more than us. Your guys are the ones getting riled up by mightysheep and malding over it :ugeek:
Also, at the warflag fight you had more than us without bringing ozzy's group. Today it felt like it was more than 18, and I think you didn't even bring arcanum. Setting even bought Eden's account. We never went over 15 at any fight, I don't think we ever hit 15 players out in a fight (including naked alts).

Anyway you need to calm down and stop malding when mightysheep gets on your nerves, and actually enjoy the current state of world 14.


Last world you guys still had more fighters than us. This world we have some newbies too, but I guess you had to bully your newbies into quitting or never joining any fights any more, so you could filter out anyone who's not the best from all 3 groups. lmao
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Re: Current state of World 14

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Mon Oct 03, 2022 12:39 am

Nightdawg wrote:Inb4 trollex comes saying "but we all killed ourselves 20 times each to min-max stats", I'm talking about the same people we had memod, coming to different fights. Pretty sure only felix killed himself once or twice, and he was masked every time so I wasn't even counting him.

my brother in christ your memos are fucked ok, basing this off of your shit memos is so bad when you consistently see us at fights having half your numbers. you have to be so willfully ignorant to say this shit LUL

Our total fighters are, Me, Felix, Cayur, Byaron, Sacraer, Vertixen, Pawcio, Benriya, Dalvin, Frost, Reshayko, Van, Polirs, we had some other people like Furick who quit in one week. Byaron, Sacraer, and Reshayko no longer play AT ALL, they do not login for anything and haven't for 1-2 weeks now. Frost has never really played, he plays like one day every 2 weeks. This leaves us with 9 people, however, they're split between many different time zones and have jobs and such. You have consistently seen us on fights with barely any numbers, we went to the last meteor with 3 people (felix, byaron and I, byaron quit after this). You can make shit arguments like "YOU HAVE A BIG VILLAGE AND WE HAVE SEEN U GUYS WITH MANY PEOPLE IN THE PAST" but what does it have to do with the fact that we consistently come to fights with under 6 people and you guys consistently bring over 10. You may only have 15 villagers or so according to you guys, however, these 15 are consistently coming to almost every fight so why does it matter xd
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Re: Current state of World 14

Postby Ozzy123 » Mon Oct 03, 2022 12:45 am

Nightdawg wrote:crying

epicbuds wrote:just got this game a bad review on my website and will post on every forum and game page i can think of to tell people to stay away from this site this game is a joke

viruseg wrote:Kill all new players for no reason. Polish scum came running and killed me with a crowd. Suck fuck fucks..
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Re: Current state of World 14

Postby loleznub » Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:26 am

Cayur wrote:Delusions

And now here we are with a mega alliance so that means no more fights for anyone!
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Re: Current state of World 14

Postby Cayur » Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:27 am

loleznub wrote:And now here we are with a mega alliance so that means no more fights for anyone!

Damn a mega alliance has the same amount of people as you, kinda crazy aha
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Re: Current state of World 14

Postby loleznub » Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:37 am

Cayur wrote:
Damn a mega alliance has the same amount of people as you, kinda crazy aha

I need what this guys on, it's some seriously strong stuff if you actually believe what you're saying, yikes! :lol:
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Re: Current state of World 14

Postby Nightdawg » Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:41 am

ChildhoodObesity wrote:
Nightdawg wrote:Inb4 trollex comes saying "but we all killed ourselves 20 times each to min-max stats", I'm talking about the same people we had memod, coming to different fights. Pretty sure only felix killed himself once or twice, and he was masked every time so I wasn't even counting him.

my brother in christ your memos are fucked ok, basing this off of your shit memos is so bad when you consistently see us at fights having half your numbers. you have to be so willfully ignorant to say this shit LUL

Our total fighters are, Me, Felix, Cayur, Byaron, Sacraer, Vertixen, Pawcio, Benriya, Dalvin, Frost, Reshayko, Van, Polirs, we had some other people like Furick who quit in one week. Byaron, Sacraer, and Reshayko no longer play AT ALL, they do not login for anything and haven't for 1-2 weeks now. Frost has never really played, he plays like one day every 2 weeks. This leaves us with 9 people, however, they're split between many different time zones and have jobs and such. You have consistently seen us on fights with barely any numbers, we went to the last meteor with 3 people (felix, byaron and I, byaron quit after this). You can make shit arguments like "YOU HAVE A BIG VILLAGE AND WE HAVE SEEN U GUYS WITH MANY PEOPLE IN THE PAST" but what does it have to do with the fact that we consistently come to fights with under 6 people and you guys consistently bring over 10. You may only have 15 villagers or so according to you guys, however, these 15 are consistently coming to almost every fight so why does it matter xd

So the agreement was to not be pussies and ally, to not have more than 10-15 fighters per village, and to not share industry with other factions. You guys have been coordinating with arcanum since the beginning of the world, when both of your groups had over 12-15 fighters each. You guys were also always miraculously showing up every time when we were ganking Whatever Bay. You guys always had very similar qualities, which were higher than ours, throughout the world so far.
Right now you guys somehow "only have 5 fighters each", but 2 of your groups manage to pull up with 20 people without even bringing arcanum, or bring more people than us at the warflag without even bringing polska crew. Today you fight us 20 vs 14, lol.
At the first meteor we had 11, you guys had like 15, ozzy's group came with 18. The moment you saw ozzy allied some scrubs, you guys were asking us to ally so we fight ozzy just cause he had 3 more people compared to your 15 decent fighters, but we refused. Ozzy was also crying in the middle of the fight about us "being allied", when we literally fought eachother more than his 18-man group fought any of us.

Today, at the start of this fight, we had equal numbers, but we kept hearing alarms so we decided to bail out when we kept hearing them, cause fighting against a brainless zerg spamming cleave is boring. I suppose we'll have to resort to guerilla ganks or some shit like that, we'll have to figure it out. I don't think we're gonna quit over this.
Just keep in mind you guys usually ran from us when we had equal numbers, and today we tried to fight until we heard the 8th new alarm.

You running away when we're 12 vs 10 is not the same as us running when we're 14 vs 20 btw.

The agreement wasn't to tell our people to no longer show to fights if the enemy only brings 4 people to a fight. If you come with 4 people to bash our roads and gank random foragers, of course we'll come out to fight you. I can't know how many you're hiding/not hiding. You can always run instead of complain about numbers for 3 hours in discord.
It's not my fault all 3 of your groups were fighting us on a regular basis to the extent of which you made all of our fighters keep playing, cause we had daily fights. I guess it's my fault your fighters quit. Ozzy's group was the only one that couldn't manage to get more than 8 fighters in his village this world, as if it's my fault he can't stay friends with people in this game to get more than 8 fighters when we clearly said 10-15 people in the agreement.
It's still funny how you all call us inexperienced retards and absolute scrubs on a daily basis, always trash talk for 3 hours after every fight, but the moment we win a fight and sheep does a lil trash talk too, all the excuses flow in, and we're always at fault somehow. In the end, you resorted to to this gay shit, while not making a mega-group was your idea in the first place. You could always just not give us daily fights if you considered we have too many fighters, but all of you always came to fight us, as if you were obsessed or something.

The only video of you guys ever fighting that I have seen was ozzy's, during the first 2 weeks. When snail's group tried to fight Arcanum, you showed up all of a sudden to help them. You (AD) had more fighters than us at the start of the world, I suppose they quit cause of the losses. The moment we had 1-2 more than you in a fight, it was our fault all of a sudden, yet we never allied anyone and we never brought more than what the agreement was. You could've just stopped giving us any fights if you considered we're doing something wrong, but I guess there was nobody else to fight, cause you wanted to ally Arcanum from the beginning.

Do you want us to not fight you any more at all? I don't understand what you want from us at this point. We have lower stats, a worse industry, overall more less experienced fighters, and just as much time as you do, if not less, cause we have jobs too. You're the ones always coming to fight us and never fighting eachother. I'm not gonna tell my friends to sit leashed inside of the village when you all always come to fight only us. You've been complaining about us having 2-3 more fighters than you all world, while we never broke any rule of the agreement. You agreed that if you ally, you're pussies, and now you did. You all allied just because mightysheep was trashtalking you guys, just like you did him. Trashtalking was never part of the agreement, and you guys always did more trashtalking than us so far anyway.

You just found a retarded reason to ally imo. I guess mightysheep really struck a nerve, and your egos got hurt.
Last edited by Nightdawg on Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Current state of World 14

Postby WowGain » Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:44 am

suiciding for stats is classless behavior carried out by actual bug eaters
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